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Posts posted by XenesisII.1540

  1. > @CrimeMaker.8612 said:

    > PoF just came out and there was new guild hall arena introduced. The biggest problem with Guilded Hallow or Lost prespice was that the arena area is too small for GvGs and the balance in guild hall is based on PvE balance (PvE retal being super strong). The new guild hall that was introduced has the same issue the arena feels too small.


    > https://strawpoll.com/83k8khzy


    Did they really go two years of hearing us complain about how small the arena is (which has always been laughable given the huge size and space of the old guild halls), and make the same kitten mistake again?



    Kitten Anet why you gotta always do things the hard way.


  2. > @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

    > Change it to WvW and not WvWvW...would require new maps obviously.


    Not really, just have 2 borderlands with the 2 south spawn active, and the home spawn inactive, garrison will become the "smc" of the borderlands. EBG would have the missing side as neutral structures until capture, red would be a good candidate since they have the only keep that can hit smc. One less map to use and map caps per side can be raised. But wvw instead of wvwvw would probably lead to a steamroll of one side and them taking the week off, as it does for most other 2 sided games.

  3. If you take away cleaves you start to punish melee, then they would have no reason to push into groups anymore. I'd argue having those red rings under your feet should already be teaching you to be a better player, you should be paying attention to your surroundings, and you should be constantly moving in battle.


    I'm not sure how you expect to punish people for an aoe not being well casted, could you explain? Most aoes are normally on long cooldowns already, and a lot are also ground targeting, so if you don't use it appropriately you are punished by having to wait out the cooldown, and mis-targeting it also punishes you by maybe not being able to take advantage of that opportunity to punish your enemy.



  4. > @Mirta.5029 said:

    > vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

    > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


    > So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


    Pfft better reason not to get it is they haven't even finished HoT, where's the rest of the legendaries lol.

  5. So let's get this straight.... you're in here to complain that your server won it's way into T1? but really you wanted them to win and stay in T4 to farm it?


    As for the rest of the post... lol.


    They don't need glicko to determine where your server starts with new links, that's already done with ranks with 1u1d.

    I guess it's hard to imagine with a new link of 3 servers that population could have increased, coverage could be better, transfers could have happened.

    We've had our fun bashing glicko in the past, but seriously dude, you're a little behind the times now.

  6. https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-August-8-2017-3


    > **Siege Balance:**

    > **Ballista:**

    > Ballista’s damage to siege has been increased.

    > Ballista’s 4th skill has been replaced with an antiair bolt that shoots people out of the air and immobilizes them.

    > **Catapult:**

    > Catapults’ boulder shots now deal damage based on their charge level. The longer the catapult is charged, the more damage it deals.


  7. 1. Boons

    2. Cleanse/healing

    3. Aoe damage


    Surprised not many rangers have realized this, but dragonhunters are essentially what a ranger should have been. They have better bow skills, better traps, better utilities, no pet to deal with. I played my ranger/druid full time for about 6 months last year, I never once cared about being in a squad to play, there were times I had my own group running. I had fun on it, but to be perfectly honest when I switch to my dragonhunter, it was just so much better at doing the same things while having a lot more options for group play.


    > @Kaiser.9873 said:

    > I honestly think that ANet designed Rangers, Thieves, and to a lesser extent Engineers to not be a part of a zerg squad. Perhaps not consciously, but they are definitely far better suited from a design standpoint to run as a havoc, solo, or small group player. Players of these professions should perhaps embrace these rolls rather than try to shoehorn themselves into a roll their class doesn't excel at. Back when zergs were all running pick you saw quite a few Rangers and Thieves, but lately you don't see them in the main zerg squads nearly as often.



    It's because they were designed for higher single target damage as their role which is why they have less group skills, something many fail to see to this day and they choose to blame other players and not accept what their class was designed to do. They were not designed for specific groups sizes, I doubt the developers even had that in mind, they designed the classes with a role in mind, how they fit into groups of whatever size was going to be up to the players to figure out.


    A couple things have changed since HoT so that a pick team isn't really required anymore, when the boon sharing ball zerg became a thing, your back line basically became the mid line with tempest and reaper. Did anet really have group sizes in mind and how it would affect group comps when they pushed the squishy back line to be more covered in mid line? doubt it.


    P.S the only group sizes they would have considered is 10 man raids, which is probably why the druid was born, before that there wasn't even a need to think about sizes, just bring your top dps to whatever.


  8. How's that even toxic?

    He gave you an honest answer.


    /opens toxic barrel

    If every damn ranger is going to run the forums and complain then please take it to general or your class forums, and ask Anet to fix your class and stop bothering other players with your class problems and throwing commanders under the bus, we've been over this a dozen times in the last couple months. Some classes are useful for some areas of the game some are not, it's the same whether it's raiding spvp or wvw. You don't have to be in the squad especially as a long range class, if you can't function without a squad then look on improving your gameplay, doesn't matter if you're new, you will need to survive in wvw on your own as well, find a guild and learn the ropes.

    /empties toxic barrel

  9. Don't think I've played a game that relied so heavily on boons and conditions, and even then those things were limited to classes. Anet went full in with this boon vs condition war for HoT when they revamped the traits and increased condition damage and stacks. I guess they though with the increase in damage across the board especially from conditions, that boon sharing and resistance would be the stop gate for it. They had also took out stats and merged traits, so I guess boons were also there to make up for that. Boon sharing and auto procing boons then became the new meta in fighting off all damage with high up times for regen protection and resistance, and more reliance on corruption. Once boon sharing took a slight nerf, we were left with corruption still obliterating groups to the point that had to get some changes.


    But now they've gone even further into this by designing scourge around more corruption and spellbreakers to help wipe boons, so guess what the response to that will be? boon buffs in the future. They've totally went off course from original GW2 combat design, the system has become a bloated boons vs condition war, the only thing to fix that would be to go back into the traits and fix them so that they don't spit out so many auto boons, which I don't think anet will want to do anytime soon.


    Even WoW revamped their combat and took out most of their group buffs eventually.


  10. > @Dadnir.5038 said:

    > If we take a step back, it globally change nothing for the scourge except that it's less potent where he was very potent and even less relevant where he was irrelevant. The point is more that the spec was letting some PvE player see some hope for PvE. A hope to see something else than the cruel reality where the necromancer is discriminated when they want to play some high end content. It was a fake hope sure but they wanted to at least have a go at it. And these change just crushed those hopes. All those "if this is done to core then..." and those "It might be possible to..." or "futur content will surely..." were crushed with these changes.


    > You got a necromancer PvE community that is incredibly frustrated, something that's been boiling for 5 long years and you show it a spec of hope for a few day then remove it just at the moment they expect to see it becoming real. How can you not understand that it was bound to explode and produce more than 8 page of complaint?


    > The only worth of the necromancer have been in WvW zerging, no necromancer that is a WvWer only can feel this. And it's understandable, in zerg, necromancer rarely were discriminated. But WvW is not the only gamemode. WvW is a gamemode that was highly competitve at some point and lost a lot of it's appeal over the years.


    > PvE on another hand is a content where a great deal of the necromancer community lie. All those players that do not like to fight against other players (be it due to ethic or simply by lack of ability or time) and prefer to fight against mechanisms in PvE and discover new horizons. Those players hope that one day they would be seen as helpfull, maybe not needed, but at least, welcome in the gamemode where they play. Scourge wasn't an answer to that but it had tools that felt like it was worth trying. With the reduced dps induced by these changes, the already thin possibility just crumbled. What you read on this thread is just what 5 years of bitterness can produce.


    That's a problem of anet designing necromancers around corruption which is much more useful for pvp, and then taking them fully down that path with scourge, which again isn't very useful for pve but useful for pvp. You can blame anet for that direction in class designs not wvw players. Raids and pve is really just a dps check, which anet seems reluctant to help necros with.


    P.S Necromancer is my main, I love the class, but I was fully expecting them to nerf scourge. Pretty much the only new spec I was interested in, and why I didn't bother buying the expansion.


  11. > @Aktium.9506 said:

    > It's so nice when irrelevant game modes like WvW where balance doesn't matter to begin with impacts actual game modes like PvP and Raids



    Spvp has it's own balance system.

    Raids are against npcs which can be easily tuned to players, so balance there is actually irrelevant.

    For wvw it's pvp using pve balance, which obviously means it should be balanced with use against players in wvw.

    But I'm sure each and every wvw player would tell you they would prefer if wvw had it's own balance system like spvp, and let pve have their broken balance system.



  12. Wvw is an open join mode designed to hold large groups 24/7, there's always going to be an imbalance other than the first hour of reset. The only way you're ever going to get around that is by having smaller map caps, or controlled using instances like spvp to fill out the numbers, but even then it will still exist in some way. The system was also fully built around point scoring, which means there are players who will always want to be in the best situation for scoring, that means being on the biggest and best coverage server. It also means it created 2v1 for the wrong reasons, the 2 strongest beating on the weakest for points when it should be the other way around.


    Does anyone think BG would be as it is today if there wasn't a scoring system to motivate them to stack? All those free transfers did do quite a bit of damage to the system as well back then, although it could be put to good use these days to repopulate the lower servers, if anet could control it properly.


  13. And then you might end up with watered down classes that can do everything and maybe even replace even more classes. That's the whole reason to have roles is to have players rely on other classes to cover their weaknesses. The problem here is anet have made a couple classes completely useless or overshadowed in some situations or too good that you always need them in groups, like again why bring a druid when a tempest will do the same job and add more value to a group with aura and boon sharing.


    Boons are also party first, and obviously there's limited space for those classes that need it first. Is that ranger pewpewing in the back line going to need it as much as your front and mid liners? obviously not. The other problem is the limit they have on certain boons like stability which means you always need a guardian, resistance which have booted warriors completely out of groups in favor of revenants, tempest which can fill in healing cleanses boon sharing and even mid line aoe damage, reapers for aoe and corruption, that's pretty much 2-4 spots in a group of 5 always reserved. They've gone the route of heavy aoe boon and condition combat that they've further pushed some classes into the meta making them hard to replace, and leaving certain classes behind in the dust.


    This isn't a problem of commanders, players who lead will always want the best and efficient builds to make up their comps if possible. If a player wants to play the outliner class or build then it's up to them to convince others that it's worth bringing them on that build, show others it's worth and not sit around crying you can't get into a zerg to get boons to carry you. The game design has played a huge factor in creating the meta, you can blame the players all you want, but in the end it still comes down to class design and where they fit in each aspect of roaming, havocing, zerging, raiding. Know your role, accept it's limitations, and try to improve and enjoy it's positives.


  14. Combat is garbage. Another night of condition spam and bombs all over the place in wvw.

    OP builds only get looked at if it affects pve, there doesn't need to be a restriction to damage or cc skills for pve because you're fighting npcs so who cares.

    So don't even bother waiting on balancing because it will never happen.

    Can't wait for the next round of elite specs to screw up combat even more.


  15. Everything looks too big, the post width is too big, the icons are too big.

    I really hate it when a signature section of a post ends up being bigger than the actual post, and that's going to happen a lot with these icons.

    There needs to be better separators between posts like the red band of the dev post, like grey background and white account names?.

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