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Everything posted by devanea.2041

  1. Besides the locations for the next patch. I'm not even slightly excited about this. Icebrood Saga has been amazing narratively with good villains. They are not doing the story they started justice. What I find most frustrating is that it feels like Icebrood Saga has been pushed into wrapping up quickly for the expac more for the sake of 'getting it over with'. And in doing so it makes it seem like they see their players as ignorant. "Grind these mob bash instances for an entire week for terrible rewards, look how exciting it is!" DRMs are not fun. I play living world for the story. I love gw2 but this is so utterly disappointing.
  2. My biggest issue is that it's not remotely on par to the content of Icebrood Saga prior. This is suppose to be an epic finale and instead it's probably some of the worst LS content I've experienced in my 5 years of playing this game. I get that it's free content and that they are working on the expansion, however, don't hype up this new story with a big announcement and then when it's time to bring the story to an end, whirl wind it in a rushed fashion to get it over with but hype it up and drag literally ONE episode out into four parts like that is something incredibly exciting to do. Because if the rest of Champions is going to be like what we just got, Icebrood Saga is going to be ruined. I feel like the player base is being looked at like we're all foolish enough to cling to this epic drawn out episode so they can hide the fact that they aren't going to give a story that started out STRONG the ending it truly deserves. If we deal with Primordus in what really comes down to ONE episode I'm going to be really upset. The dialogue was the best part of what they gave us, the dialogue is the only thing I appreciated and made doing the missions worthwhile. The story progression and character interaction is the main reason I do the LS content. I did not enjoy the response missions besides that. In all honesty I was trying to push through them to see what came next and then literally -nothing- came next. That was what I found, for me to be the most upsetting. And we were forced to do the response missions, forced to repeat this content like it's some grand -thing- for literally nothing. A pointless timer that literally served no purpose other than mislead people. I love Guild Wars 2 but this was disappointing.
  3. The part that bothers me is the sudden -final- episode being drawn out with weak and limited story and the hype over grindy content that you are forced to do. And with content that doesn't do the earlier episodes justice. They have brought in Primordus for what we can assume to be... one episode? Broken up, sure, but one episode nonetheless. I personally have loved Icebrood Saga. Bound by Blood was one the best ls ever released in this game imo. So I hope this epic finale does it justice. With how this is being revealed and delivered, I'm sadly not confident. And I know 2020 has not been an easy year and I know they are working hard on EoD. They have committed to Icebrood Saga as this big epic story. I hope they follow through with that.
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