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Posts posted by Omernon.9762

  1. > @"felix.2386" said:

    > sorry to bust your bubble but there's nothing creative about warrior lol.

    > warrior is so limited and so tunneled and forced, it's not unreal, in terms of creativity, warrior provides the least room for creativity, coming from a 2013 pvp war main who does esl


    > also shoutbreaker gonna be replaced real soon


    In terms of build creativity - maybe you are right, but when it comes to in-fight creativity there are few classes that do it better. As a warrior you have plenty of tools at your disposal - from incredible mobility to trap-disarming with your GS3, huge amount of blocks/evades, quick endurance regen, incredible bait potential, great pressure, fast weapon swaps, very good condi-clear etc.


    However the moment you stop that pressure, the moment you stop moving you are pretty much dead. This can be said about every class, but it is especially true for a warrior that relies a lot on kiting the enemy and tricking them. That's why it is important to slow down a little bit; just enough to put a thought into every move and skill that you use, instead of panic-button mashing that will get you killed faster than any other class. Once you learn first how to properly react to every situation all your reactions will become instantious after some time of practice and then... you will be soloing current 2v2 mini-season almost without breaking a sweat.


    > @"Drunkstain.5639" said:

    > Hey all, just returned back to GW2 after many, many, many years away. Friends got me to play again.


    > I am fully aware this is a learn to play issue as this is a high skill game. However, I am just getting trounced hard. I am following this currently:


    > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Warrior_-_Greataxe


    > Ive heard some people talking about healbreakers and being support, I have absolutely zero interest in that playstyle. I like the small fights you know 1v1 2v2 type fights. Im not interested in ranked to much I am to terrible lol. I just want to be able to better hold my own. Is this build still up to date? I see a lot of people recommending rampage, perhaps Im using it wrong but it hasnt seemed to great to me?


    > Any advice on build changes, or tips of the trade I would greatly appreciate! Thanks all


    I advise you to try this build: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Strength_Dagger


    It's simple, it has amazing survivability (especially with Demolisher's Amulet) and boon-strip potential with dagger is just amazing in PvP. Read the tips listed in that link and follow this pattern if outnumbered (it's just one of many combos, there are almost infinite ways you can do this):

    1. GS3 through enemies

    2. Give them a second to react and then dodge roll through them so that Reckless Impact can be triggered for some extra might and endurance gain from MMR trait.

    3. Hopefully you'll have enough Adrenaline to use Full Counter by now, depending on the situation you can wait a little for the enemies to use their more powerful abilits and CDs. Once FC hits targets and dazes them for a second, proceed with Hundred Blades or even auto-attacks to gain enough Adrenaline to use Arcing Slice.

    4. By this time you should've regained all your endurance back thanks to Might Makes Right and Building Momentum traits. If things look bad you can always swap to Shield and block incoming attacks or move away with GS5 or Bull's Charge (safer) so that you can heal up with Mending (always cast Mending outside of melee range).


    Just by following these few steps correctly (don't forget to move and kite constantly!) you can have almost unending evasion, while executing powerful attacks when the opportunity arises. Use "Shake it Off!" only when severly hindered by condis (or use it for stun-break) and prioritise Mending (when damaged) and weapon swapping for your general condi clear. Bull's Charge is both offensive and defensive skill as it gives you full evasion while charging and if you land a knockdown just follow it with Frenzy + Hundred Blades + Arcing Slice + GS3 - if your opponent is out of defensive CDs this will pretty much execute him on the spot.

    Dagger3 (Disrupting Stab) is great when followed by Shield Bash and F1 (Breaching Strike), especially when enemy has lots of boons on them. It's even better if you have an ally that can follow up on this and keep bursting him/her down while the enemy is dazed. Dagger2 and Dagger F1 (Breaching Strike) are great for mobility, especially when combined with GS5, GS3 and Bull's Charge. Very few classes are capable to keep up with you, so if you feel that you are in a serious danger you can easily run away.


    And there is many, many more combos just for this build alone that I could talk about for the whole night, but I don't have that much time. Go out there and practice. Try not to panic, learn enemy moves and learn how to properly react to them. After some time you will become a real menance on the battlefield :)


    BTW I've always found Svarnir and Chieftain bosses in Heart of the Mists very good for practicing basic moves with warrior.

  2. It looks like a good 40-60% of PvP playerbase plays guards nowadays (core and DHs). It's not like they've suddenly become more enjoyable to play through some kind of mechanics rework, which didn't happen btw, but clearly this is the case of them being incredible easy for the power that they have.


    Now, before some neanderthal here says it's l2p issue and that the higher you get the less of them you see, which is true, I must remind you that no game, either competetive or PvE, should be balanced around top 100 players and the way they play, because sooner or later we will end up with the entire PvP population shrinking to that number if this continues to be. This has to change, people are tired of seeing guards every match and those that aren't are most likely playing one themselves.


    Personally, as a warrior main, I do really good against them, but they are the only class that requires me this level of baiting and dancing around their traps that it is really annoying to fight against. I prefer to fight any other class, even those that I'm at severe disadvantage against, than burnguards and spirit burn DHs, because of the amount of precaution it takes to fight them. I wish it was just as easy as using "shake it off" in the right moment like some here say.

  3. > @"Zawn.9647" said:

    > > @"wevh.2903" said:

    > > This is ridiculous , lol has one competitive map xdd the point is switching the meta and playstyle


    > HAHAHAHA are you serious? what an argument

    > LoL is a moba, it has only one map because that's the game. 3 lanes, jungles and 2 bases, same as DotA.


    > World of Warcraft is a MMO just like GW2... still, WoW has capture the flag, conquest, king of the hill, arena, etc. lots of game modes :)




    WoW has 2 pvp modes - BGs and Arena (both having rated version). EoT.


    By you logic GW2 also has MobA-style PvP with 2 lanes, Domination-style PvP, large scale PvP (WvW), Capture the Flag PvP (the one unranked map where u are carrying white orb for extra points), castle defense and huge amount of PvP modes in festivals.


    Does all that matter? No? So does all the pvp modes in WoW - the only end-game, legit PvP there is Rated Arena and that knows every PvP player that is worth something. And trust me - all the rank 1 players would swap pillar hugging pvp for objective-based, 5-man PvP like the one in GW2, because it is impossible to balance WoW in it's current state, last-man standing game mode that is Rated Arena.

  4. > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > > > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > > > > > > I somewhat enjoy it, but this may be the main reason why GW2 is not my main MMORPG.

    > > > > > > > Animations take way too long. Playing a melee in GW2 feels like playing a caster in WoW: you have a cast bar for you melee spells.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > There are very few spells that are really instant cast. Only Thieves' "Steal" ability comes to mind.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > When playing this game, I always feels like I'm "lagging". Like, I'm pressing a button and nothing happens for a moment, and then the damage happens. It feels clunky.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > MMOs are probably a bad genre for you if this is the case.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Meh. WoW is much more dynamic imo. It's still an MMO. Even though they kind of ruined class design since Legion.

    > > > >

    > > > > WoW is not more dynamic. This is nonsense.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Meh.

    > > >

    > > > There's more waiting between spells in GW2, and there are fewer of them + their cooldown.

    > > > I find GW2 very slow paced.

    > >

    > > How do you find that in the video faster than GW2? That's like playing GW2 while having slow and chill applied on you at the same time.

    > > Judging by your posts I think your PC might be an issue if you play at 5 FPS it might make the game look slow compared to 120 FPS in WoW.


    > Look at the spellbar though. What you may not realize is that there are quite a few spells that are off-GCD, meaning he's often casting two at the same time.

    > And the baseline movement speed is faster in WoW than in GW2 imo.


    It’s not. Have you played BFA? Because that video is from MoP times where every player need Razer Tartarus and Razer Naga in order to play at least decent level in PvP.


    Now you can’t play as fast as this guy does with global cooldowns everywhere. I main Arms Warrior in WoW Retail. There are THREE offensive abilities and maybe 7 abilities that are utility/defensive, but most of them very situational. This means that in Raids I just spam 3 buttons and in PvP it’s not much more, because most defensive abilities have three minute cooldowns build into them, so once used are worthless to me. Compare that to GW2 where every ability has its use and there is no global cooldowns.


    To everyone that doesn’t know what global cooldown is - it’s a cooldown that is shared across all your abilities. Meaning that activating one ability will lock you from activating another one for 1.5 second or longer. On top of that, almost every single ability has its own cooldown, so you have cooldowns on top of cooldowns (no joke!). This affects even simplest of attacks, which makes PvP feel like watching a chess tournament.

  5. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > Because otherwise I'd go insane. Let me explain:


    > I am very sick. With what? Who knows. It seems like every 6 months I get a new diagnosis. What they're sitting on now is severe fibromyalgia, which is the IBS of pain disorders. Basically, nobody knows why I'm in pain and why my body is having random immune reactions to everything and why my brain is melting, so they shrug and call it fibro. Nothing treats it, and the combination of several other disorders has left me fully disabled. To be frank, I'm just waiting to die right now.


    > But I dread idle hands. I HAVE to be doing something. Problem is, I can't do anything and everything hurts. But playing GW2 gives me at least SOME sense of achievement, some sense of progress.


    WOW mate, you have much better reason to play this game than any of us. And sorry to hear that...


    While I’m not in some sort of paralyzed and in fact I’m a perfectly healthy person that could go and enjoy all that life has to offer, I’m still wasting my free time on this game, because I love MMORPGs and this one is in my opinion one of the best and most unique ones.


    Combat system is amazing and I don’t mind rather a poor endgame PvE content, because I’m a PvPer at heart. All I need is a good combat system and a place to fight. All my other PvE itches (raids, dungeons, world exploration, fun quests and good storyline) are easily trated with what this game has to offer.

  6. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


    > We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


    > I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


    > This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


    > Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



    > It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



    > Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


    Ok, so lets look at numbers so far. It took them approximately 2 months to release new map after Prologue. **Before that every LWS map had around 4-5 months break, so it is an improvement overall**, even if the new map is 15% smaller than what we were used to. Now that they have prepared most of the assets, we can expect new episode early next year. This means that in around 8 months in total (starting from September) we’re going to have expansion-level content added to the game, minus new specialization, but we’re also going to get WvW changes, PvP tournaments and we already had builds added. I’m very optimistic about this Saga if they keep the pace.


    Anyway, **people complaining about lack of content are not understanding that they’re actually getting more than they would if ANet was making expansion.** It takes at least two years for them to release one and now you can possibly get more in just one year. Also I prefer changes to the existing game modes over new specs that will break balance even more so and since we already have gliders and mounts - what else do you want?


    **These complaints remind me of taxes and how they’re perceived by the society.** Most people that pay them are not realizing that on average they’re spending over 50% of their income on taxes in most developed countries. Had they actually got a bill at the end of year without having before to pay taxes in small bits, then they would surely revolt seeing how goverement steals from them and gives in return laughable services. The same goes to GW2, but the other way around... You’re thinking it’s not enough, because you’re getting content in small pieces, but you don’t realize that in a year time you’re going to recive expansion-level content in total that normally would take them two years to release. It’s also free.

  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"Omernon.9762" said:

    > > > While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.

    > > >

    > > > Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

    > >

    > > Right, thats what annoys me so much, i absolutely agree, a warrior can beat a thief, BUT unless the thief isnt getting oneshot he will most likey just run and reset, rinse repeat until the warrior starts losing and then chase him down, because warrior is unlikely to outrun a thief.

    > >

    > >


    > The argument that a class beats another isn't even a good reason to consider changing something to begin with. What makes anyone think Anet hasn't designed it to work this way in the first place? The idea that a thief harasses players isn't some weird concept ... it's typical. You're right ... he will do that and I bet that since they have been doing that for 7 years now .. it's not just some coincidence either.


    Yes, there is no point balancing largely team-based game around 1vs1 scenarios as it will only do more harm than good. Besides, while warrior is doing rather poorly vs thieves and mesmers, he can comfortably solo most other classes and is very useful class to have in a group combat, which is a good trade off.


    Although one thing I hate about current meta is how condi-heavy it is. My issue with condi is how completely brain-dead source of damage it is. It burns through blocks and evades, it doesn’t require to keep constant contact with enemy (like power classes have to) and is designed for idiots that don’t know how to handle a proper fight. Just keep condis on and run circles around obstacles until your foe is dead. Rinse and repeat... no skill required.


  8. LOL


    Don’t ask for it, because if they do implement unblockable projectiles then LB will be nerfed across the board. With quickness, skill 2 on LB and demolisher’s amulet + quickness and sic ‘em I’m dealing 12-20k damage in 2 seconds with my custom SPvP build that brought me easily into high plat league.


    I would rather keep it that way. If they added unblockable projectiles, then that would be super OP and everyone would eventually figure out my build.


    BTW you want to trade most useless boon on SB (swiftness) for such powerful trait? And I thought that thief-mains are delusional...

  9. While both sides are right; good warrior absolutely can take down good DD and vice versa, then there is also no doubt that when you’re a warrior you have to land your shots perfectly and even then there is no guarantee that thief will not reset the fight.


    Personally I have most problems with condi DDs as time is always in their favor. Evade is the best type of defense in GW2 and while it’s active, you can’t do anything. So if you have any ping disadvantage over your opponent then the fight is over for you.

  10. My vote goes for YES, because the game I refer to is Guild Wars, not just any game. Otherwise you can consider my vote as NO.


    I’m too addicted to GW2 to stop playing it (and it’s been like this since Prophecies), but for the first time they really managed to get me annoyed and openly say to the screen “WOW! This is really bad...”.


    They’ve made EA look like a charity organization with this move. I’m the type of player that enjoys all types of content they serve us. It makes game way more interesting and less stale if you do a bit of everything.

    The problem that arose for me after this patch is that I haven’t benefited at all from it (unless I pay them, which I will, as always, but this time I will just convert gold to gems) and in some way it was a step back for me, because now I have to remember to switch builds for PvP and WvW (this is less of an issue, given infinite amount of time to notice that we are using wrong build).


    PvP is following different rules than other game modes, so I’m politely asking ANet to exclude PvP from this feature or maybe redesign how build changing is working for PvP - make it separate (builds from PvE don’t carry over to PvP); it would be nice PR move from ANet and would ease anger of many people here.


  11. I imagine the problem being related more with technical issues and arachnophobia was just an excuse. GW2 has a lot of invisible walls or textures without colliders. In many places you can break through textures and see how hollow some areas are. Then comes a question if a spider mount should be able to walk on every type of surface or even on thinner objects like trees, which would require special animations and positioning for all these legs etc.


    There would be so many issues with this mount if ANet just allowed it to climb anywhere and limiting it’s climb potential would only make this mount less attractive than the Springer that does pretty much the same job and its potential is not artificially limited by devs.



    They could always pick a salamander or gecko mount if they really felt that spider is too creepy.

  12. I have mixed feelings. It seems like a good idea for them to release new e-specs, but ANet tends to flip balance upside down every few months so much that your favorite spec today might become complete garbage tomorrow. Good example is staff ele, which was very powerful in the early days, but mostly in PvE. It traded that power for low mobility and lowest health pool across all available professions. To me that seemed very fair and instanced encounters could always be made more reliant on mobility and quick reflex, if they wanted to counter this build somehow.

    ANet went with a giant nerf instead, one that made Meteor Shower weaker than most AoE abilities in game and one that made Lava Font weaker than Lesser Lava Font that you cast when downed, which is ridiculous. After years of complains ANet did nothing to fix staff elementalist, which now requires more boons than any other class and still does less damage unless some special conditions are met. Even warrior’s axe whirlwind is way more powerful and so is ranger’s whirlwind, both of which don’t have lengthy casting times, one also allows unhindered movement and the other one reflects projectiles.


    At this point I don’t believe in ANet’s ability to balance the game across all game modes. That chaos will only increase in size if they add new e-specs or classes. Also have in mind possibility that you might not like the new e-spec for your class, but it still may ruin your current build that you enjoy playing either by incoming nerf or making it less viable option.

  13. You can get the map completion without doing JP. There is only one small part that requires you to jump accurately to get to the cave section where the Vista is, but it is piss easy. Also you don’t need torch to get through the webs - if you position yourself correctly near the edges you will be able to walk through them after being pushed back once or twice.

  14. I wonder what people mean by saying “dead SPvP”. Dead SPvP is now in Guild Wars 1, as every mode, including RA is completely empty. Meanwhile Mists are full of people in GW2, queues for in Ranked take around 2 minutes, often less (even in CSGO people need to wait for around 5 mins to start a match) and Unranked is almost instant. I’m playing on EU server, which has more competitive players and guilds, maybe that is why my experience is so different to others.

  15. I've noticed this issue few days (maybe a week) ago after one of the updates. Player is no longer 'glued" to the sadde, and instead his position shifts when riding a mount on slopes. This issue most commonly had been observed on a raptor. I believe the best way to reproduce this issue is to mount a raptor on a slopped terrain - it works 3/5 times for me.


    Here is video:

    Pay attention to how character moves on the saddle.



    **Sorry, only now I've noticed there's already big mount thread.**

  16. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > > @"Omernon.9762" said:

    > > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.

    > >

    > > I suggest you start using f.lux then. It might help. Not only it’s healthier for your eyes on day to day PC use, but warm colors also change intensivity of the flashes, because the bright, white light is by far the most damaging one.


    > I use f.lux, but it doesn't affect GW2 unless I play in windowed mode (which I don't want to do for a number of reasons). Presumably GW2 Hook can be set up to have a similar, but more carefully controlled, effect - although as I understand it, it can have a negative effect on FPS.


    In Windowed Fullscreen it should work too (in my case it does), unless you don’t want borderless as well.


    Of course it won’t resolve the issue completely, but warmer colors should help a little.


  17. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.


    I suggest you start using f.lux then. It might help. Not only it’s healthier for your eyes on day to day PC use, but warm colors also change intensivity of the flashes, because the bright, white light is by far the most damaging one.

  18. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > I wrote this as a comment to already to another thread...after writing i realized how important it is for me to just say it, to the PVE population in general. i read through a few other threads that seem to touch on this, but not really getting the full picture and the extent to which how bad this problem has/is and will be for gw2.


    > **The Problem**

    > This game is too self-sufficient, and there is a lack of community interaction.


    > **Go right now to any PVE zone.**

    > How many people are engaging and talking with each other? I've been sitting in Queensdale/Shaemoor for a good 30 minutes now and not a SINGLE person in either Map Chat or Say

    > chat has said anything...This is supposed to be the HUMAN starter zone.


    > **So what is the deal?**

    > Why is everyone so quiet? The maps are full they have people in them...but nobody is talking. Why does this bother me so much? It's because there's no reason for people to talk to each other...there's absolutely no mechanisms in place to encourage player to player interaction.


    > 1) **Questing**

    > Questing is so braindead simple in these zones, that there is no need for anyone to go out and find groups of people. And when there are groupings of people, like near bosses, the bosses are so braindead simple to beat, that you can just auto-attack them and they will eventually die. There's no need to discuss tactics, strategies, or trouble shoot problems, or solve puzzles...


    > 2) **Crafting...**

    > where do i start with this absolute monstrosity of a system. Crafting is too self contained and self sufficient. If you want to make something with crafting, you need the materials to craft that something, which you must either farm or purchase from the T.P. The only interaction you have is with an autonomous spreadsheet. There is no OTHER players involved in this transaction... Even worse if the material you are looking for is exclusive to a certain profession, so lets say you are a Tailor, and you need to get a material that is exclusive item to Leather-working, to craft something in the Tailor proffession. Then you need to not only be a tailor but you now need to learn leatherworking. HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE AND WHY IS NOBODY UPSET BY THIS? It's the dumbest thing i've ever encountered and it doesn't seem to bother anyone...Everyone says "Oh just learn all 8 proffessions and you'll be good" but no...this is not good. This is me punching buttons into a keyboard and crunching numbers endlessly at a crafting station by myself. This is not interactive or fun in anyway.


    > 3) **Lack of PvP interaction in PVE**

    > This is actually a "hot topic of debate." and a back and forth battle between PVE'ers and PVP'ers. What people don't realize is that dueling zones are actually really important to building communities and serve as a critical mechanism that introduces newer players into content that they would have otherwise been clueless about.

    > The main argument against this is that PVE'ers will be "ganked" while doing PVE activities...but this is simply a misguided view on what dueling areas actually are. Dueling areas are specific zones within a town, in which duels can only happen when two players agree to fight one another.

    > **These area's serve as a location in which players are drawn toward... much like how the concentration of player population in Lions arch are around the Banker, or the Black Lion Auction NPC.** These are places where players congregate. Dueling areas are such places, but rather than everyone crowding by an npc to watch a spreadsheet and punch numbers...players gather to watch other players fight each other. One does not need to go far to actually SEE this interaction in action. Visiting a duel server you will see players congregating in small circles to watch other duelists duel each other. People talking, chatting and having fun while 2 people try to best one another. PEople who have never been to a duel server simply don't understand how refreshing a duel server is, and people who want dueling areas in PVE want to spread this sense of community to others. PVP as we all know is DYING and yes, there are PVPer's who still want to play and have fun too.


    > Anyway, these are just three examples in which the game lacks any sort of community interaction. This lack of interaction has handicapped gw2 since launch, and it has continued to weaken guild wars 2, in all areas both PVE and PVP, to the point to where we see it today...

    > Truth is, the game is currently in a crisis...a tipping point...we are not sure if we will even see the end of the GW2 storyline...we don't know the future of Spvp or WvW....people are quiting left and right and anet is getting roasted by every single commentor on the forums. All these things are just side effects...side effects to one singular tumor of issues that deal with the basic fundamental mechanics of the game....lack of community interaction and too much self sufficiency.


    Sounds like classic World of Warcraft is just the game for you.


    Guild Wars 2 had been created this way on purpose. It didn’t wanted to be Yet Another WoW-Clone and all of the “problems” you’ve mentioned had been here since the very beginning. I’m really surprised you just now came to criticize it, when the game was like this since beta and many still enjoy the way the game was made. The thing is... there are people who don’t like Open World PvP. And those that do, can enjoy duels in WvW or sPvP (there is big arena in the mists or even dedicated custom maps in the lobby section).


    Just yesterday I’ve joined a random talk in DR, that turned into costume brawl, then into musician parade and at the end into fight in PvP arena in the Mists. Every time I go to Queensdale crossroads near the Inn in Shaemoor there are people doing some fun shit together and messing around (and so is DR plaza by the fountain - a hotspot for social activities). It really is not that hard to socialize with other players in this game. Maybe start with talking to people...?


    One more thing about group play. It’s fun as long as you can find people. This was an issue back in Vanilla WoW - early on it was easy to do group quests, with all people leveling at the same time, but year later after the release (not to mention during TBC and WotLK era) you usually had to ask higher level players to clear this content for you and there was nothing fun about this - no challenge, no fun.


    I like how maps are thriving with activity in GW and how you can affect the world regardless if you’re alone or in the group, through completion of events. I also prefer Core Tyria events over map-wide meta events introduced and practiced since the release of HoT, because there was more small-scale chain events that were dynamically changing situation around the map (some settlements were falling, in other spots there was player-lead invasion etc.).


    Anyway, the list of problems you’ve made would have had more sense on WoW’s forums, because this is what that game was before it turned into dungeon/raid queue simulator that it is now. GW2 on the other hand was always focused more on single player experience with cool & flashy combat, lack of trinity etc. You can’t have holy trinity with how arcadish the combat is and without trinity you can’t really have truely immersive group play. I, for one, am glad that Guild Wars 2 is what it is.


  19. Shouldn’t Aurene by now more powerful than both Primordrus and Jormag? She now has Kralks, Zhaitan’s, Balthazar, Joko and Mordremoths powers. She can’t die and magic does not twists her mind, as Kralkatorik said in the Descent episode. Don’t know about Bubbles, but it seems that we no longer need to confront dragons directly anymore thanks to her power.


    That being said I know from other games that everything can be justified if the writing is good enough. So if they want to make Jormag even more powerful then they are going to do it.

  20. Nah. All you really need is a charismatic Streamer, because that kind of person can make absolutely any game entertaining to watch. The problem is that the community is not willing to watch GW streams not because the game is bad, but because we prefer to play the game ourselves. Most of Asmongolds viewers are former WoW players and he has more people watching his streams than there are people playing World of Warcraft, that’s how dead this game is. Yet it is fun to watch him farming rare mounts not because of game mechanics, but because of his personality.

  21. If they had any plans for future expansion, then they are most likely working on it as we speak. It might not be lighting speed effort, more like creating assets or some initial locations so that they can occupy some of their employees that are not needed anywhere else. In any case, we should know a bit more about their plans half way through Season 5 when some controlled leaks will start to happen.


    I’m also more inclined to believe that new expansion will take place in Cantha or some similarly vast and unexplored place and Living World Season 5 will take us further into the north (either further into Charr Homelands or into Far Shiverpeaks (or both at the same time)). I’m also inclined to think there is one more possibility - underworld where dwarves and Asura fought Primordus. ANet proved multiple times that they can design underground locations pretty well.

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