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Posts posted by Fractured.3928

  1. > @Azoqu.8917 said:

    > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

    > > > @Fractured.3928 said:

    > > > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

    > > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > > > I don't see the problem.

    > > > > > For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

    > > > > > They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.

    > > >

    > > > Found the toxic person that was being talked about in the quoted post.

    > >

    > > Yup.


    > Well he's not wrong. If you have a group of friends that enjoy your company and are willing to group with you through content, then that's great. If you're PUGing, everyone should be expected to carry their own weight and not holding the majority of the group back. Yes players from both sides need to get better at reading LFG messages, good players joining casual runs should not complain about DPS and should provide tips when appropriate, while casual players should not be joining groups looking for "exp" or "speed run" and complaining that they got kicked for doing bad DPS and being called out for it.


    > As for the topic on hand, here are a few issues (not best or worst, but good and bad):

    > Good - Raids and creating a combat system that rewards good play and not just good gear. 100cm is also equally amazing.

    > Bad - Allowing Legendaries to be able to be bought by credit cards (at least they fixed this somewhat by making you have to do some stuff, though still too much money associated with them).


    You're right, I won't deny that. But to go on a forums and basically make the assumption that anyone not for DPS meters is just an auto attack leech, is toxic, and doesn't help any argument.

  2. > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > I don't see the problem.

    > > For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

    > > They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?


    > Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.


    Found the toxic person that was being talked about in the quoted post.

  3. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > @Amityel.5324 said:

    > > gl with that in pvp........only one heal you would be dead all the time ;-)


    > GL with that anywhere, not just PvP.


    > Revenant heals heal for about half what other professions heal for and have longer cooldowns precisely because of the assumption that we have two heals total from two legends.


    Is it half? Feels like less most the time. I'm bad though haha.

  4. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Rhanoa.3960 said:

    > > Worst: Not Regulating the use of DPS Meters!

    > > Best: Still being able to play the way I want to.


    > Is it me or it seems contradictory?

    > You are glad that you can play the way you want, but you don't want that others play the way they want by using dpsM.


    Not that I care. But his point is, is others try to force people to play according to the dps meter. Not according to the way they want. And quite often content will be locked to you unless you play a very specific way.

  5. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @Fractured.3928 said:

    > > Braham was actually a pretty neat character, and he was kitten for a bit with his mother dying and all that. Then he just turned into a whiney mess.

    > >

    > > I'm actually fairly certain they are going to turn Braham into a bad guy either this expansion, or next expansion. And either we will save him, or he turn to the light at the last moment and sacrifice himself to save the world! Or some silly cliche. /Icanseethefuture


    > Killing Eir was totally unecessary and brought on nothing positive in terms of character/plot development at all.* If it is just going to lead Braham into becoming Trahearne 2.0 like that, I'll be genuinely mad at the writers of Anet. Srsly.






    > *Except the memorial service in Hoelbrak. That was genuinely touching and I loved it.


    I like that they killed Eir. I liked Eir too. She was my favorite besides Necromancer Caithe (What the hell happened to that anyways?). However, killing Eir isn't just individual character plot. To me, it means that they are willing to kill such an important character, that any other character could die.


    I never thought they would kill Eir. But now that they have, I'm convinced they could kill anyone.



    >! I'm legit still worried that Marjory is going to die (I haven't finished the story, unsure if she does or not.). All because Eir died.

  6. > @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

    > New player experience and the content guide is their biggest failure imo.


    > Its where freedom got streamlined for the sake of players who are unable to explore. Achievements tied to events and big flashy messahes across the screen instead of elegance and detail.


    > I sometimes feel they ditched their strong unique MMO points because they were impractal to develop or needed such a new way of thinking that the developers themselves couldnt handle it. (Which in a way means that it might have been for the better)


    I think the new player experience is actually really great. But I do feel they should emphasize just exploring. Just head in the direct that seems the most interesting!


    That, and I really think you should get a story mission right away that sends you into the world. Give you that little push. After that, let them explore for a few missions.

  7. That clock tower jumping puzzle, greatest thing ever added. Unsure if it was nerfed (Don't think so?), but I remember the raaaaaaaaaaaage when it first came out.


    It took me probably 50+ tries to beat it, but man, did it feel glorious as I raised my sweaty hands in the air in triumph.

  8. Braham was actually a pretty neat character, and he was badass for a bit with his mother dying and all that. Then he just turned into a whiney mess.


    I'm actually fairly certain they are going to turn Braham into a bad guy either this expansion, or next expansion. And either we will save him, or he turn to the light at the last moment and sacrifice himself to save the world! Or some silly cliche. /Icanseethefuture

  9. Sylvari was okay. But I'm picking them as the best for 2 reasons.


    1. For every race, the voice actors progressively got better, I'm sure we all can clearly see how bad they were, and how good they ended up getting at the end of vanilla, and especially into HOTS. But the male Sylvari really has a unique voice, with some solid emotion in it. I really appreciate the effort put into it.


    2. Heart of Thorns....I never, ever, expected ANET to really put the player through what the Sylvari deal with. They went above and beyond with Mordrem whispering to you randomly, and even messing up your vision in the stories. It REALLY made me feel like I was playing a game surrounding my character, instead of just another player among millions.

  10. Best

    - The intensity of the HoT maps. They were super unique, and something I've never seen in an MMO, let alone a video game in general. I loved it, especially with the gliding. Tangled Depths can DIAF though.



    - The fact we haven't gotten any good PVE siege maps. I want an entire map where the enemy takes your bases, and we take theirs. We've gotten "okay" ones. But I'd like to see something on the scale of WvW, with massive sieges, and fun scripted events, and such things as that. Not just defending some small camp from the most annoying mobs known to mankind. I want to see awesome siege weapons on both sides, and armies marching across the map, etc.

  11. > @Cynn.1659 said:

    > If no changes are made, condi renegade will be quite overpowered. During stress test managed to do almost 14k dps to a champ mob with 0 buffs on me, with no perfected rotation and having to avoid attacks all the time. With raid buffs i expect it to be in 35-37k range.


    35-37k is hardly overpowered, it wouldn't even be the top of the chart currently, since several Tempest builds hit 40k. And who knows how high certain builds will get with the new elite specs.


    35k would put us in the top tier with several other classes.


  12. > @Joxer.6024 said:

    > "But I mean, yeah, it's still a sub 30k benchmark so it's whatever"


    > I lol'd....... ;) That's fine dps and more people need to realize it. the real argument is that we don't bring much else, but hopefully that's gonna change!!


    Its actually over 30k if you're actually good, which puts us right in the middle. No complaints about being in the middle, but it is a horrifically boring rotation. Press 3 buttons on cooldown essentially, woohooooo. That, and as you said, doesn't bring much else to the table.


    @"Arkaile.5604" What a good argument, 10/10, you swayed me. Seriously though, no one has brought up proof that Revenant is a fantastic superb, and super fun class to play in serious environments. Boring AF rotations, with middle of the road DPS, and doesn't bring much else to the table.

  13. I'm mixed on this.


    I want to dislike map specific currency. But really, you can get everything that isn't cosmetic via another means. Map specific currency is just opening up another route for you to get ascended gear, or whatever you're looking at.


    And as long as the cosmetic items, like minis and such are specifically tied to the map's theme, I think it's good. Should fight for that mini in its environment!



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