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Silmar Alech.4305

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Posts posted by Silmar Alech.4305

  1. My first try with a legendary weapon was The Predator about 1 year after release. Some friends got a legendary, so I felt I had to get one as well. As soon as I bought the precursor from the tp, I realized it will take ages with a measly 400 gold left and almost no material storage, so I sold it again (at a plus of 40 gold).


    My real weapon of desire was The Bifrost, although one of the most expensive weapons. In that time I started to learn how to trade in the trading post. I told my friends about how easy it is to spend less money by following the most simple rules, and to show them I ordered The Legend at a price one third below the lowest order. It was more a joke than a real try, but to my surprise one week later I had The Legend at a discount price.

    The rest was easy, I realized I secretly hoarded material the whole year and I just had to order some remaining quantities from the trading post for actually making The Bifrost.


    I also made The Flameseeker Prophecies and Bolt, together, since their precursors dropped within one month's timeframe.

    Ad Infinitum, between my fractal runs.

    Then The Minstrel, whose precursor dropped from the Mystic Forge. Total gold spent: 120 gold for runestones and recipes. Everything else was already in store. Fastest and cheapest legendary ever: from nothing to legendary in 3 days, where 3 days took the decision if I should sell the precursor or create the legendary.

    After that, I thought it would be nice if my Ele would carry The Incinerator, whose precursor I got from the trading post at the start of the falling precursor market this year. Funny enough, I don't use it, I think I don't even bound it to my account. The most difficult thing this time was the fifth gift of exploration for my account. The third world exploration turned out to be a real chore. The first two were somewhat entertaining, but the third turned out to be really boring.

  2. I don't remember LS2, but I share your feeling about HoT. You cannot see it any more, since it is forgotten with the old forum, but there were huge threads with people who expressed their dislike with HoT right from the release. You seem to have just gotten into HoT, so you might not yet have found out about what I consider the worst part of HoT: leveling the masteries, gates to content of various kinds and the feeling of being forced to some things. HoT was even worse at release and a bit changed some months after, but not substantially.


    Interestingly, Arenanet seem to have picked every single of my bitter complaints and changed mechanics to my liking in PoF. I enjoyed almost every part of PoF. I cannot complain about anything besides perhaps the Serpent's Ire meta event that I still wasn't able to do successfully.

    I don't think different people did PoF and HoT - it's only that for HoT, the designers designed with grind and player retention in mind (what backfired, in my opinion) while PoF was more designed for players just to have fun.

  3. It's difficult to describe - GW2 is probably the better game. More of everything, including detail and depth. Modern active play style, better graphics. But I enjoyed GW1 more. GW1 did less, but it did it right. Every bit I played (from a PvE point of view) was fun. GW2 has even more to offer for PvE, but it also contains so many things I despair of, things that spoil my fun. In essence, my overall experience for GW1 was better than my overall experience for GW2.

  4. I always saw the gambling mechanics within the gem shop as money grab, so I never ever bought even one single of these rng items (bl keys, dye package, etc.). It's a pity that the game relies on such unpleasant mechanics for its income. I cannot recommend the game to minors, because of this, and if I had a child, I would forbid it and consider it an adult-only game. It must not be that a game promotes gambling for minors.


    Equally unpleasant is the mechanics that makes you not only waste your money but waste your time: the daily tasks. One day, I realized that I wasted half an hour farming daily tasks: home instance, daily achievement, daily crafting, and so on. I realized that I postpone invitations from friends to go to some dungeon or events to first complete my dailies. I postponed fun for routine. Or the other way round: I went with some friends but weren't able to log off late in the evening before I completed my dailies.

    I stopped immediately doing the dailies as soon as I realized this and let it go. It must not be that the game takes control over me.


    It's a pity that the game is designed to take control over you: over your money, over your time. In fact, I should leave the game to not support this design as a matter of principle, but there is enough stuff to do even if you ignore the money and time grabs, so I'm still around. The quality of the game and the fun factor is greatly diminished because of such mechanics, but even with these annoyances GW2 is a good game, good enough to still play it.

  5. The prices were halved since I wrote that, so it's probably not "ridiculously expensive" any more, but still "too expensive".

    It happens that I did some Excel-calculating with the bag prices, and these 2 graphs are probably the most meaningful fallout from that:


    * The top graph shows the cost of one slot if you build your inventory from bags of a given bag type. Seen from a given inventory size, and if you buy additional bag slots with gold->gem.

    * The bottom graph shows the total cost of the total inventory for each bag type, if you buy additional bag slots with gold->gem.


    Prices are current as of this post - just pulled from the TP, used "highest order price" for the bag ingredients and calculated the fact that you re-use a lower tier bag to craft the next higher tier bag.



  6. Time commitment and group-aspect. You spend more time finding groups, waiting for groups to fill, preparing, and waiting in front of the boss for people to get ready than actually being in combat. This is true for pug and non-pug situations. The only situation where you don't have more wait time than combat time is when you have a fixed team where everyone finished training and everyone always shows up for every date, but to get there is ... too much time commitment!


    The second thing is not on the list: **training is not fun.** During training you have no success. For evening after evening, you only fail, retry, fail, retry. You get absolutely nothing for your time investment: neither a feeling of success, nor some loot. That's not fun. And as soon as you eventually succeed, you cannot continue training with the same boss, because the boss vanished for this team for the week.

  7. With some recent GW2 update with dpi scaling, higher resolution mouse pointers were included in gw2.dat. I extracted them and put a light halo effect around the cursor for better visibility. You can download my mouse pointer package for usage with [Yolomouse](https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/ "Yolomouse") from here (updated just a few minutes ago, in case you previously downloaded my package):




    Note that with Yolomouse, you can zoom the assigned mouse pointers, so you can tune the mouse pointer size exactly to your liking. Included in the package is my pointer set with a halo effect and a set with the original pointers.


    And also note that Yolomouse can be considered "safe to use", because it neither plays the game for you, nor gives you any advantage over other players while playing the game. It's a universal tool that can be used for any type of application.

  8. I also want to ignore one or the other person in a forum from time to time, because sometimes there are persons who don't write one single post where I feel I don't wasted my time by reading their post. They are not offensive, but they only write stuff I'm not interested in, only stuff that does not help any discussion, and only make me angry. They simply waste my time. To keep my mental sanity, I ignore those persons.


    If you use uBlock Origin, you are able to make posts invisible from specific persons in this forum. Use this rule to block posts from "Joe Test User.1234", for example:

    `guildwars2.com##ul.MessageList.DataList.Comments > li.Item:has(a[title^=Joe Test User.1234])`

    Change the account name accordingly. You can add as many rules with different names as you wish. It only removes follow-up posts, not threads and not thread opening posts, and it also don't mess with PMs. Works only with uBlock Origin; Adblock plus lacks the :has() function.

  9. For me, it's a constant up and down with the trust, or with whatever term is used to describe the satisfaction level I feel with the game and my expectations I feel will be satisfied with some upcoming release. At each release of new content, it drops significantly and slowly raises afterwards, when reworks of failed game mechanics were put into production.


    With a level between 0 (no trust) to 100 (total trust), it started for me at pre-release with the trust built from GW1 at 100. But it dropped shortly after release 2012 to about 50. With the first onetime events (Ancient Karka) it dropped to 20. It got better with the first LS1 instances but dropped to 0 with the Nightmare Tower, where I took a break from the game, as far as I remember.

    I returned shortly after and made the fractals my home, my trust raised back to about 50, where it stood for a long time. With the feature release 2014, it raised to 70 and it slowly raised to 80 shortly before the release of HoT. With the release of HoT, it went to 20 and remained there until the "HoT-fix" a few months later, which brought it to 30 and raising to 50 the year after that. LS3 was good, my trust constantly raised to perhaps 70 mid-2017, where it remained. The release of PoF was a total surprise, it delivered almost everything I complained about with HoT. Trust raised to 80 instead of a drop for the first time. No 100 though, since as soon as with the next update, all can be destroyed and back to 20-0. Nobody knows.

  10. After failing a few times, I stopped trying this event a month ago. I hoped to revisit in 1-2 months, when the community learnt how to do this event or in the update notes is something that tells me something has been done to let the event succeed more often. I need it once and never again. Unfortunately, neither has happened - it is as bad as at the first day: no established fan groups that are familiar with the event exists and the chances of failure got even worse (perceived failure rate: 100%).

  11. The item [intact Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Intact_Mosaic "Intact Mosaic") acts as inscription/insignia replacement if you convert ascended gear to grieving stats in the mystic forge. Exotic gear with grieving stats could be obtained from the [Primeval Steward](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primeval_Steward "Primeval Steward") in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings. It appears that it cannot be obtained with crafting.

  12. I did T4 the second time, and the group still wasn't able to beat the final boss. As soon as in the Balthazar phase one team member goes down, it is usually the end for all, because the avenger kills not only the downed member, but the added damage makes the remaining team crumble sooner or later. As soon as the second team member goes down, it is definitely the end. In my opinion, the new avengers as instability are too much in this fractal. It essentially makes the encounter fail as soon as one team member goes down in the final phase. You can as well make the mechanics explicit: instant fail and boss reset as soon as one member goes down in the Balthazar phase.


    Suggestion: the avenger is persistent as with the new instability, but vanishes if hit by a cc skill as with the old avengers.

    Or reload the singularity after each phase, so you have one downstate free per phase and not per whole fight.


    And another suggestion: move the phases. Make the most difficult phase (Balthasar) the first or second phase. It's very tedious to do all phases again and again only to train the Balthasar phase.

  13. I'm one of the "...hate the trash skips" people, but if you spend time on working on this fractal, I'm perfectly fine if you prioritize work on balancing the final boss encounter instead on the trash mob encounters ;)


    But if you plan future fractals, I'd like very much see less singular legendary boss encounters but rather encounters where you fight a larger amount of lesser mobs at the same time. The PoF story fights where you infiltrated the forged camp was cool, or the final story stages where you fight your way up to Balthazar.

  14. One key binding set per class or per character slot would be incredibly helpful. My problem is that the class mechanics keys F1..F5 are used as switches and utility skills used as skills for some classes and vice versa for other classes. My mind wants the switching keys as F1..F5 and the skill keys as 6..10 (or wherever I put them, I put them to R,T,G,B namely), and not mixed throughout the game.


    For engineer for example, I'd like to swap both key groups. The weapon sets I want on F1, F2... and the corresponding skills I want on 6, 7, ..

    I can remap my keyboard with the help of external tools, but this is clumsy and the biggest problem with that is that the remapping is not reflected ingame with the captions on the keys. So I don't use this workaround and effectively ceased playing the engineer.

  15. I don't go into raids, because the training is long, tedious and generally not fun. Wipe, retry, wipe, retry, wipe, retry, wipe, and in between even longer wait times to fill up the team than actual combat time as training pattern isn't fun, you know.


    Only doing and training current easy bosses is humiliating, especially if the team you are about to join also wants do difficult bosses. It also limits you to a few encounters, and that's boring. I didn't even know that there are additional easy bosses like escort. From where am I as a raid noob supposed to know which boss is considered easy and which boss not? You see, I don't dig up the internet for too many training resources - I'd rather like to spend my time in the game, not preparing outside for the game.


    With an easy mode, I assume training could be fun, because you are able to learn the mechanics ingame and are able to succeed the encounter at the same time.


    Once there is enough training, I suppose I could go looking for the real bosses. My way to T4 fractals was like this. But if you add a hard mode, that means each raid is even more difficult than now, and there would be the same barrier as before. Only on a higher level. The same elitist groups that do the current raids or cm raids, will do exclusively hard mode, and my noob training is probably in vain, since even more mechanics are implemented in hard mode to train and to overcome. Therefore I'd like to see an added easy mode suitable for training and the current mode unchanged.

  16. > @Chay.7852 said:

    > :( still not working - sry for spamming the thread.

    You don't embed the imgur link (https://imgur.com/dZqjGX4), you embed a direct link to the picture. You get a link suited to this forum in Imgur by choosing "Images" from the drop-down menu behind your account name in Imgur, choose the image you want to attach, and click on "copy" at the "Markdown link (reddit comments)". Paste this into a message here and add a ! (without space) as first character . The forum somehow needs a ! before the "[imgur]".

  17. Played GW1 for so long and thoroughly that it was enough for 50 HoM points for main and mule account and even sponsoring some more.

    I was somewhat late: I entered during the EOTN preview weekend.

    The story how I joined GW1 is funny. I was hooked to Oblivion at that time and never ever thought about playing an MMO. A friend pestered me with GW1, but I was fine with single player games. MMOs are addictive, it was said, so I passed them. Some evening, the friend called and asked if he could drop in for a few minutes. He has some computer problem. After entering, he put a colored paper box on my desk with "Nightfall" written over it and demanded: "You will now install this."

    Well, since then I was playing GW1 and later GW2.

  18. Not unreasonable post. Buying stuff in the shop supports the game, since the game price itself doesn't give enough revenue in comparison to the game development cost and ongoing development. This makes sense. But in its current incarnation, the shop looks dishonest. If I see a shop with items to buy, I assume the seller offers useful or nice stuff for a customer to buy. The seller put effort into his stuff and is eager to sell something of value to his customer. This is honest. But in the GW2 shop, there is stuff that took a minimum amount of work with a price half of the whole game itself. This is no effort for too much money. This is dishonest.


    Let me tell you this: If there were a button in the game labeled "click to consume 1000 gems to support the game" that consumes 1000 gems without giving anything back, I would probably click it, once in a while, because I definitely want to support the game. Click it, destroy 1000 gems I previously bought for this and get nothing in return. I would click it to support the game.


    On the other hand, I would never buy a skin for 1000 gems in the shop, because buying a nothing (compared to the whole game) for 12,50 Euro is a thing I simply couldn't do.


    I hope, this makes sense.

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