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Mad Queen Malafide.7512

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Posts posted by Mad Queen Malafide.7512

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > No there isn't. If you demand the right to freedom to make groups how you want, that right must be extended to everybody, within the framework set by Arenanet (aka not offensive, no harassment, etc.). You don't get to cherry pick who's LFG demands are valid and who's are not. Your right extends to not joining that group, which I approve of you making use of, and that is IT.


    I'm not making any such demand at all. I made no demands what so ever.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Spare me the righteous "but my LFG was inclusive". To that all I can say is:

    > _The road to Hell is paved with good intentions_.

    > - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_road_to_hell_is_paved_with_good_intentions


    Wow! By that reasoning you could dismiss every kind act as being a bad thing.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > No, imagine someone had joined your group and started being toxic? You would have had every right to remove that person. You have that right because you clearly stated what you were looking for and he was not fitting. I would have been right there with you and said: yes, that was absolutely not okay. That person should have never joined, you were in every right to remove them.


    > The same extends to everyone else. If they made clearly what they are looking for, for which I have yet to see a good argument against, they have every right to remove players who do not fit that criteria.


    The argument is not about if they have '_the right_' to make any LFG they want. The argument is if they '_should_' make these rediculously high requirements for content that does not require it. And I think they shouldn't.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > I shall refer you to my previous comment about the road to Hell. The irony of it all being you not even realizing what the statement you made was.


    You are not improving your tone good sir. Not one bit.



  2. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Simple, this thread is about players actively disagreeing with how someone setup their LFG.


    Specifically, with how they exclude people with very absurd requirements. Don't leave that out. There is a difference between positivity and welcoming all manner of people, and the exact opposite. They are not the same, obviously.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > You just now gave an example how you made your own LFG, and had a great experience with it. You should be the first to support and agree that players should have every right to make the LFGs how THEY want. If then similar minded players join, there will never be issues.


    So because I gave an example of a positive way to make a LFG, I should there for approve of every kind of LFG, including the really exclusive and unpleasant ones?


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Ah so the trigger word is inclusive. Sounds more to me like: "everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as its mine".


    Well this reply of yours is all manners of unpleasant isn't it?

    Something tells me that you're not really interested in polite discussion.



  3. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Now imagine if people started to tell you that you have no right to make "newb friendly fractal group, all welcome" groups? How would that impact your enjoyment of the game?


    I'm not sure what the point is that you are trying to make.


    It wouldn't affect me, first of all. But second, that wouldn't happen, because I'm being inclusive. I haven't seen anyone in the game being against being inclusive. So where are you going with this?



  4. A few days ago I put up a lfg for a "_newb friendly fractal group, all welcome_". The result was surprising. I got mostly people who had never done Fractals at all, but wanted to learn. I told them that no one would get upset if they made a mistake, and that I would explain every fractal. They could bring whatever build they felt comfortable with, but I did advise them to bring condition removal and a stun breaker. Everyone listened very well to my instructions and it was a fast run. I have rarely had a random group that did so well. They were all very friendly nice people, and they were also really good players on top of that. We cleared each fractal smooth and quickly, which has not been my experience with any other random group. Also, they stuck around for 10 fractals in a row!


    I think we need to be more inclusive, not exclusive.

  5. I kind of enjoy this fractal, but it is one of those fractals where pugs often start dropping like flies (T3 and T4). The combination of instabilities and conditions, wrecks havoc on players with insufficient defense. And the huge number of things to dodge, punishes dodge spamming. You have to be strategic when you dodge and when you walk.


    The fight gets a lot easier when you focus a bit on the additional enemies that spawn, and clear them before focusing on the boss. It is also important to coordinate people to get on top of that green circle when it appears. Also, players have to avoid getting blown off the ship every time. I've encountered numerous players at fractal difficulties T3 and T4, who still didn't get the basic mechanics. Those are the kinds of players who really should be practicing this fractal at a lower difficulty first.

  6. It is note worthy to mention that in GW1 we see Charr inhabit any of the original core professions. We see:


    **Warrior:** Charr Warrior / Charr Axe Fiend / Charr Blade Storm / Charr Scout / Ember Bearer / Charr Skullcrusher / Charr Tracker / Charr Shadowblade / Elite Charr Guard / Charr Blademaster / Charr Axemaster

    **Ranger:** Charr Hunter / Charr Stalker / Charr Sentry / Charr Demolisher / Charr Scout / Charr Seeker / Charr Warden / Elite Charr Guard

    **Monk:** Charr Shaman / Charr Martyr / Charr Overseer / Charr Mender / Charr Prophet

    **Necromancer:** Charr Ashen Claw / Charr Ash Walker / Charr Ash Caller / Charr Ash Storm / Charr Ash Thief / Charr Defiler / Charr Hexreaper

    **Mesmer:** Charr Chaot / Charr Mind Spark / Charr Mind Lord / Charr Dominator

    **Elementalist:** Charr Fire Caller / Charr Flame Wielder / Flame Keeper / Charr Wardkeeper / Charr Flame Lord /Charr Sootreigner / Charr Firereigner /Charr Flameshielder

    **Ritualist:** Charr Ash Bearer / Charr Avenger


    No common Charr **assassins**, apart from bosses. There are also a few rare dual profession Charr in GW1. Warriors, rangers, monks, necromancers and elementalists seem the most represented in GW1 among the Charr.




  7. > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > :P why choose survivability over damage, when you can just do the mechs correctly in berserker gear and do more damage > faster kills > everyone are more likely to survive.


    In a perfect world, everyone would be doing the mechs correctly in zerker gear, and we all would have max dps. In reality, a lot of zerkers fall early in the fight, and then need to be revived by their party members (which can then get more people downed). Most pugs will have people in it that don't know the mechanics that well, but DO run a build they found on a website, which then gets them killed. For Grenth's sake, just bring some survivability. Even if its just one defensive skill.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > So no, your assumption that being adequate is in any where near "best of the best levels" is incorrect. No one is looking for that in public groups.


    What I was saying, is that when people ask for LI for a strike mission, they are asking for raid level experience, for something that is not close to that level of difficulty. You don't need people with raid experience to do Shiverpeak Pass. It's a boss that can be killed by just pressing 1 and not dodging any attacks.


    For Whisper of Jormag or Boneskinner it makes a little bit more sense. But even then, it would make more sense to ask for people who have done those missions before.



  9. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > But, frankly, aren't fractal already farmed? I can do a t4 runs and earn a ton of gold. Anything is aimed to become a farm if there is an interest and a way to make gold. That's why lake doric, silverwastes, palawadan, auric bassin, fractal t4 and so on... exists.


    There's a difference between playing content over and over that rewards you (farming), and playing a level that is really not a level at all. Just a pile of mobs in one room, intended to grind over and over (loot farm). If people don't bother to make an actual fractal, then what's the point?


    > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > OR EASIER, you make the foes looting 0 loot. Case solved. You can do anything like a fractal, but zero loot from foes. And maybe a not that awesome chest at fractal completion, as I said before just for the fun, you can design everything like a real fractal, but no rewards.


    But then there's really no point in playing the fractal, or replaying it. I think there needs to be some reward.


    > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > OR HARDER, you create limitations like, the fractal needs to be at least 5 min long and you have chrono to beta test, you have to put 3 champions, but they should be spaced with given distance, loot already set based on similar enemies, doable only once a day.


    I think you're right. For this concept to work, there would need to be some strict rules in place. But checking how long the fractal takes to complete is difficult.


    > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Free or for some gold like the custom arena token in pvp. Let's say 50g to make one? As a comparison, karma retribution 3 is 15g + 10000 vm. Custom arena token pvp is 200g and then 2g each additional day, definitely too much. You know, after you can have bundles like unlock enemies, specific assets each for 5-10g, great way to put it, accessible.


    One of the things I really dislike about making your own guildhall, are the huge costs. Making your own fractal should be free.



  10. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

    > > People asking for LI requirements for Strike Missions are being stupid. This isn't a raid.


    > And? You mean they dont know that it isnt raid? How is that relevant to asking for Li? I think it is quite smart when your goal is to play with someone who played decent amout of raids.


    It's like asking for the army to resolve a domestic dispute.


    You are raising a super high bar and asking for the best of the best, to do content that is really not all that difficult at all. So all you are really doing is excluding players.

  11. Some of my best experiences in strike missions and fractals, have been with off-meta groups that were doing the content for the first time, with a build they felt comfortable with. And yet, I have just as often been in groups pretending to be experienced, running meta builds, and being on the floor through out most of the fight.


    As I tried to tell these players: Your dps is 0 if you're on the floor, plus you also lower the dps of your party members, who constantly have to revive you.

    No one cares about your meta berserker build with its super high dps, if you can't keep yourself on your feet. No fingerpointing, or yelling for an extra healer to carry you, will make up for just being bad. Strike Mission do not require optimized builds or even super high dps. But you should at least be able to stay alive.

  12. There are a lot of players with a very closed mindset. The type of players that only run meta builds, and often do not know how to stay alive with them, or how the builds are supposed to work. I've tried to convince some of them to make their own builds and learn how to create a proper build of their own, but it is wasted effort.


    There are a lot of custom builds out there that are not meta, but could very well out perform current meta builds. I can't even count the number of times I've seen players drop like flies, while I was the last person standing. So many people that just run berserker builds, and then die almost instantly.

  13. I have honestly no idea if the boss is meant to remain stationary now. But if it is intentional, there's not much to this fight. Just a long drawn out dps fest. I wish the fight was a bit better. Not a whole lot, but just a bit more to make it not boring. The Fractal itself is annoying enough as it is.

  14. Recently I joined a T3 group full of players who had clearly not done every T1 fractal. I think it's not unreasonable of me to expect that people who advertise as a T3 group, should know the basics of the T1 and T2 fractals. If you can't even find your way to the boss in the Thaumanova Reactor fractal, then what are you doing? It's even on your map! Its right there!.... ugh... this is just embarassing. Why are you even playing T3? Just do the other ones first.

  15. It is one of the few Strike Missions that requires a bit more coordination. Players need to learn the mechanics and when to dodge. I like that there is a strike mission that is somewhere in between casual and raid level difficulty. But yeah, if you join a random group, most of the time players will be down on the ground.

  16. I know this is a minor gripe, but I really dislike the Aquatic Ruins Fractal. Specifically the boss fight. I know that you're supposed to lure the boss into the electrified cages, but this mechanic just doesn't work. It takes too long to pull the boss to any of the cages to make this strategy worthwhile, and usually by the time the boss gets there, the cage is no longer electrified and another is on the other side of the arena. So every group that does this fractal just uses DPS on the boss and ignores the electrified cage mechanic entirely.


    Two minor changes could easily fix this. First of all, don't cycle the cage until the boss has hit one. Just keep the same cage electrified, and only after luring the boss into it, should a different cage activate. Secondly, make the boss chase a player more actively, and put an aggro marker on the player so we know who it is chasing. This would also make the boss a little more of a challenge. Right now it just spins a lot in place, not doing much of anything.


    Optionally, the boss could even have a new phase where luring it into the electrified cages, is required to make it vulnerable. But this is provided that the cage mechanics overall are improved first.

  17. Path of Fire on the whole is a far better experience, and not just because it is my favorite region from GW1. Tangled Depths pretty much made me hate exploring Heart of Thorns. Vertical exploration is one of the most frustrating things in any of the maps. It just doesn't work with GW2's map system. It didn't help that one of the story chapters kept stalling on me, forcing me to restart it, and find the entrance several times. And every time you think you are on top of that big green marker, it turns out to be on a different floor, and I found myself screaming at my screen and in guildchat (much to the amusement of the guild). It made me hate progressing the HoT storyline, and to this day I haven't completed many of the maps.

  18. I'm known as a pretty dedicated roleplayer, but I'm not in favor of this idea. It is an MMO, and one of the things that means, is having to put up with other people who enjoy the game in a different way from yourself. Not everyone is going to roleplay, and thats fine. Some people will try to be disruptive to your enthusiastic roleplaying, and that's also fine. If you don't want players interupting your roleplay, just find a location that is less populated. There are plenty.


    I like being able to explore the world and occasionally stumble on some fellow roleplayers. I also like that none-roleplayers can join in if they want to. That is how we get more people into roleplaying.

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