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Keep getting disconnected during story instance code 7:11:3:191:101

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Just started happening today - I keep getting disconnected with error code 7:11:3:191:101, but only when I'm in the story instance for lvl 70 (Forging the Pact). I can go do anything else for hours without a problem but once I enter the instance I'll get randomly disconnected at any point during it when watching a cutscene.


Obviously, because I haven't finished it I need to restart it from the beginning again (I've now "done" it 15 times!!) which is becoming a pain as I can't progress the story as a result. No issues with internet connection (wired, fibre, no issues with any other internet based services today) and as I've said - if I stay out of the instance I have no issues what-so-ever.


Any help please?

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Well, happened again on a different character - same instance and pratically at same moments (cutscenes when talking to Trahearne after rescuing second Asura team, or when about to take on the "boss" of the instance). Tapping movement keys didn't work this time. Have already repaired game client, removed appdata files, tried all three connection commands for ports, router has all ports open that are required. I'm going to submit case in game then I guess just perserve with it until I can get through. :(

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I was disconnected during Darkrime Delves, right at the end, after the final cinematic. There was no checkpoint, so I had to redo the whole mission.


When this sort of thing happens to me, it's _always_ happening after a cinematic, and it is always resolved upon replaying the content right away (upon the second playthrough, it never happens).


I have not had this issue in a long time, today was the first time in probably six (?) months. I also experienced frequent 2-second freezes on the Bjora Marches map today.

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I've had this issue since coming back about 6 months ago. I don't know how many times I've had to re-do story instances, and it's frustrating. I put in a ticket and they gave me a few options to try, but I'm still having the issue. I rarely get disconnected from the game, outside of story instances.

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Always story instances for me too. I have a ticket open but they've come back with (what seems to be canned text as it doesn't actually mention my issue specifically more about rubber-banding in open world) about it being an ISP issue with dropped packets and nothing they can do which I find a bit of a let down as I have tried it on two completely separate internet connections with two different ISP's (same issue on both) and used VPN's to four different countries in the EU (with same issue). However, I have found something interesting - I grabbed a few IP's whenever I went into story instances and on the ones I had the issue on the IP was for Seattle, USA. I'm in the UK on a European world - when in Open World I get IP's for Frankfurt Germany (as expected) all the time where as story instances are 50/50 between Germany and USA. Going to mention this to them and see what I get back (it may be by design, it may not, who knows?).

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This just happened to me at the very end of Darkrime Delves, it was supposed to load the ending cinematic instead it disconnected me and upon reloading the game it put me back at the beginning of Forged Steel.

I just came back after years and rarely got disconnected in the past but on these new servers the last week I've been disconnected a dozen times already.


edit : leaving Forged Steel and using the scrying pool brought me back to Darkrime Delves, had to do the ending again but this time it worked.

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A couple weeks ago a friend of mine was having the same issue with specific instances. He was going all the way through the story but at the end he was being disconnected during the final cutscenes and therefore, not being able to progress on his story. I thought it was weird that it was bugged like that so I went to do the story with him to see if I would get disconnected as well. Surprisingly, he did get disconnected during the cutscene while I didn't. I figured that maybe the disconnects had something to do with add-ons that he was using that I wasn't.

I only use arcdps. He uses other add-ons through that add-on updater, such as Radial.


I told him to try the following:

1. Make a new folder on your hard drive, but not inside the current GW2 folder. Ex.: "C:\GW2COPY"

2. Copy the "gw2.dat" file and the "gw2-64.exe" to that new folder

3. Run the game again so it generates the bin64 folder again with the default files

4. Log in and do the story


It may sound simple but it did work. He got through the story nice and dandy.

Remember that the add-ons are allowed by ArenaNet but they are not made by them, so it may bug with certain things on the game. After he did that he installed his add-ons again and moved on : )


I hope it works for whoever has this issue.

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Just an update for anyone reading this - my ticket with support has been closed off stating they can't do anything until my ISP fixes the packet loss issue. My ISP have not found any packet loss between their systems and Amazon AWS (though WinMTR that support asked me to uses indicates major packet loss between Amazon's UK and US servers when I did have disconnections).


Interestingly I have only had one instance of this happening since the last patch update.


I've also noted (though testing on 3 different characters now) that it only seems to start happening after chapter 6/7 of the personal story. Chapters 1-5, no issues, Chapter 6 - 1 instance of the issue on 3 characters, Chapter 7 and above - I've lost count the number of story instances I've had issue on across the characters (though getting better on character 3 - 1 issue so far and just hit 80)!


No add-ons installed at all, already rebuilt game files (fresh install), cleared temp cache (which seemed to help in some cases), disabled all background processes, etc.


On plus side, ISP is sending me a shiny new router in case my old one is at fault (don't believe it is - only had connection issues with GW2).


I guess this will just be a put-up with it, or leave the game situation.

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