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Massive Lag Spikes, Massive ping , disconnects ...

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> @"Deynger.4931" said:

> Fortunately for you guys you just get lag spikes me the game keeps crashing to character select screen or desktop screen after a few minutes playing


Crashes suck but "fortunately"? The lag spikes and the high ping are so insane that I can't play at all at times. Hours or minutes depends on how fast the serves seem to calm down again, idk what is happening there but this shit is much more than just the "usual" lags like tequatl has for the past few months or even over year by this point. This happens random aswell. Its not like "ok then dont play at X o'clock when most people play" nah, its in the morning, sometimes at night but mostly over the day from 12 pm to 10 pm. Sorry Anet, I love gw 2 and I am not a hater towards what you do/did with the game (besides jumping puzzles) but this shit needs to be fixed or not even your xpac can save the game from slowly killing itself. I've been reading about this for months now and it seems to get bigger everytime... please fix it...

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Started having massive lag spikes, and just game freezing or booting me out, can't log back in, about a week ago. Not just in metas but also main cities. Random hits. Happened 4 times already today. Making game play pretty difficult. :/

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about a week ago, i started having massive ping, like 4000 at night (i'm in GMT +7 so it gonna be 2 or 3pm server time??)

But now the lag hit me at random moments, early morning, afternoon, evening, late night. Other things like movies, youtube, video call etc. work perfectly fine

At first i thought is about the quarantine so many people stay home and cause the internet problem but now seem that the cause is the server? because the Speedtest seems normal to me


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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Also noticing random ping spikes not limited to metas. They climb and peak around 3K+ and hover there for minutes before falling back to normal, if at all. Perhaps extra burden on servers with more people stuck at home?


i have the issue even in cities or normal non-meta contents, but yeah when it comes to meta the ping just gone wild

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The increasing spikes is likely due to the fact that due to the coronavirus, a lot of people are not able to work. So a lot more people are playing GW2 and this is causing some stress on the servers. If this is indeed the cause, Anet is unlikely to be able to do much about it since most of them are most likely confined to their homes and won't have access to the servers to do anything about it. Even if they outsource the servers, the problems are still likely the same.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Skill/ability lag (not gfx lag) in full map metas, world bosses, wvw, etc. renders the game virtually unplayable at times. The pandemic situation has probably exacerbated it, but it's been an issue for at least a year. Has there been any official acknowledgement? Any possibility of it being addressed? Is it an engine issue? Budget? Something else? All of the above? Some developer feedback would be welcome.

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> @"Bunkwheat.2763" said:

> Skill/ability lag (not gfx lag) in full map metas, world bosses, wvw, etc. renders the game virtually unplayable at times. The pandemic situation has probably exacerbated it, but it's been an issue for at least a year. Has there been any official acknowledgement? Any possibility of it being addressed? Is it an engine issue? Budget? Something else? All of the above? Some developer feedback would be welcome.


They can't fix anything if the issue is with the players' setups or between the players and the servers.

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@"Ayrilana.1396", while I agree to an extent with your statement about a player's setup, my experience with this GW2 lag is not pleasant. It affects both WvW (some servers are worse than others) and PvE with high ping times and skill lags (this has gotten worse since March 2020). If you want to investigate the problem just do a trace route to the server you are experience the lag with (do a /ip within GW2 to get the IP address). In every case, when I do a trace route, the problems are within AWS. AWS is dropping packets, as some of my ICMP, TCP, and UDP traces have over 80% packet loss *within* AWS. I wish ANet would look at their Service Level Agreement with Amazon, and figure this stuff out, as AWS is not providing the service that is needed.

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Individual setups mostly affect things like framerate. Of course, you can have high ping if you're located far from the nearest servers or your ISP isn't up to par.


But this game has been plagued by server-side animation and skill lag for over a year. Think Tequatl, Ley Line Anomaly, and Triple Trouble at reset/post-reset. The waves at Tequatl are never in sync. It's why you have to jump before it looks like they'll hit you. It's why all you can use at LLA is your auto-attack. It's why anyone who's done roles at TT can tell you how tough lag makes their job. These are universal issues that affect everyone across all setups, even those playing on super computers with full fiber connections and no issues in other games.


AWS has proven marginal at best. The current increase in players and internet use in general due to the pandemic is probably only exacerbating things.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Individual setups mostly affect things like framerate. Of course, you can have high ping if you're located far from the nearest servers or your ISP isn't up to par.


> But this game has been plagued by server-side animation and skill lag for over a year. Think Tequatl, Ley Line Anomaly, and Triple Trouble at reset/post-reset. The waves at Tequatl are never in sync. It's why you have to jump before it looks like they'll hit you. It's why all you can use at LLA is your auto-attack. It's why anyone who's done roles at TT can tell you how tough lag makes their job. These are universal issues that affect everyone across all setups, even those playing on super computers with full fiber connections and no issues in other games.


> AWS has proven marginal at best. The current increase in players and internet use in general due to the pandemic is probably only exacerbating things.


I have never experienced skill lag when doing those events you listed or in WvW when on my current PC. On my older PC, I do get skill lag occasionally. Skill lag being when you try to use a skill, it either doesn't do anything or flashes and then eventually goes off. Despite being an older PC, it's also connected to the wifi one floor above whereas my newer PC is directly connected to the modem/router. If I can test both systems at the same time, doing the same thing, and one of them experiences skill lag while the other doesn't, certainly individuals setups can be a possible cause.


> @"Morden Kain.3489" said:

> @"Ayrilana.1396", while I agree to an extent with your statement about a player's setup, my experience with this GW2 lag is not pleasant. It affects both WvW (some servers are worse than others) and PvE with high ping times and skill lags (this has gotten worse since March 2020). If you want to investigate the problem just do a trace route to the server you are experience the lag with (do a /ip within GW2 to get the IP address). In every case, when I do a trace route, the problems are within AWS. AWS is dropping packets, as some of my ICMP, TCP, and UDP traces have over 80% packet loss *within* AWS. I wish ANet would look at their Service Level Agreement with Amazon, and figure this stuff out, as AWS is not providing the service that is needed.


I've regularly been testing my connection and haven't observed what you have. If the issue was with the servers, wouldn't if affect everyone? If only a segment of players are affected then perhaps it';s actually somewhere between them and the servers.


As for it having recently gotten worse, this is because everyone is at home using the internet. Networks are being overloaded. There's really nothing Anet can do about this unless they, as a gaming company, can miraculously develop a vaccine for COVID.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Individual setups mostly affect things like framerate. Of course, you can have high ping if you're located far from the nearest servers or your ISP isn't up to par.

> >

> > But this game has been plagued by server-side animation and skill lag for over a year. Think Tequatl, Ley Line Anomaly, and Triple Trouble at reset/post-reset. The waves at Tequatl are never in sync. It's why you have to jump before it looks like they'll hit you. It's why all you can use at LLA is your auto-attack. It's why anyone who's done roles at TT can tell you how tough lag makes their job. These are universal issues that affect everyone across all setups, even those playing on super computers with full fiber connections and no issues in other games.

> >

> > AWS has proven marginal at best. The current increase in players and internet use in general due to the pandemic is probably only exacerbating things.


> I have never experienced skill lag when doing those events you listed or in WvW when on my current PC.


At reset/post reset? I.e., the ones beginning a couple hours from now? On capped maps? I find this rather unlikely, but if you somehow have no issues at these slots, on full maps, I'd love to know what your secret is.


> If I can test both systems at the same time, doing the same thing, and one of them experiences skill lag while the other doesn't, certainly individuals setups can be a possible cause.


Have you done this?

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > Individual setups mostly affect things like framerate. Of course, you can have high ping if you're located far from the nearest servers or your ISP isn't up to par.

> > >

> > > But this game has been plagued by server-side animation and skill lag for over a year. Think Tequatl, Ley Line Anomaly, and Triple Trouble at reset/post-reset. The waves at Tequatl are never in sync. It's why you have to jump before it looks like they'll hit you. It's why all you can use at LLA is your auto-attack. It's why anyone who's done roles at TT can tell you how tough lag makes their job. These are universal issues that affect everyone across all setups, even those playing on super computers with full fiber connections and no issues in other games.

> > >

> > > AWS has proven marginal at best. The current increase in players and internet use in general due to the pandemic is probably only exacerbating things.

> >

> > I have never experienced skill lag when doing those events you listed or in WvW when on my current PC.


> At reset/post reset? I.e., the ones beginning a couple hours from now? On capped maps? I find this rather unlikely, but if you somehow have no issues at these slots, on full maps, I'd love to know what your secret is.


After reset and on the weekends. It really doesn't matter. Unless you conduct a poll that everyone participates in, you cannot really conclude that what you experience is what everyone else experiences. Also keep in mind that if you're NA, and you're using the time around daily reset as your basis, this is also the time that most people in who work day shift get home. Networks tend to see a surge during this time.


People blame the servers because they feel that it got worse after the switch. What they fail to account for is that the path your computer takes to the servers likely changed as well and somewhere along that path there is an issue.


> > If I can test both systems at the same time, doing the same thing, and one of them experiences skill lag while the other doesn't, certainly individuals setups can be a possible cause.


> Have you done this?


I had said I did so yes.

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The backbone that everyone in the Pacific NW uses is Level 3 Networks, owned by CenturyLink. Now, in my particular case, I got north to Seattle, then to CenturyLink HQ in Kansas City. Apparently, the entry point for AWS is there for the servers I have hit in the past (otherwise no clue why this is). The TCP trace route shows good connection until I hit the Edge-19 routers that CenturyLink likes to use (this adds 50ms to my pings). After that, I bounce to one more router in CenturyLinks network, then to AWS. Once inside AWS, I start seeing packet drops. See the following image from 9 Apr 2020 (and is still a problem today, as it has not changed much). The trace route was done a total of 10 times, with 3 pings to each hop.


![Visual Trace Rt 2020/04/09](https://i.imgur.com/mFm630P.png"")


For the above, in game I was experiencing 2-4k ms ping times within WvW. My normal pings are between 80-120ms no matter the zone or the number of people, so this is not my system being bogged down by graphics. Before you ask, here are my system specs:


CPU: Ryzen 7 gen 1

GPU: nVidia 2070 8GB



Net speed: 60Mbps down, 5Mbps up with QoS enabled at 90% of up and down speeds


EDIT: I was incorrect on the number of pings, I have corrected it to the proper number from 10. This means each hop was ping-ed a total of 30 times. My bad.

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