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Australian in need of guidance!

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Hi All,

I've had this game for around 5 years and started on a EU server with a friend in the EU - he ended up never really playing so I've been on a Seafarers Rest since then and haven't experienced much of the game for lack of finding people that do things in my time zones. Any advice which (non full) server has a good amount of Australians or any advice would be appreciated, as I would like to experience the game a bit more than just levelling up characters.


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For PVE, servers don't matter, so what you probably might want to look for is a guild in your timezone, I think there is a sub forum or possibly reddit for recruiting etc. For WvW only server matters, if that is what you are looking for. If it is indeed WvW, you can look at wvwstats.com and generally check the activity of servers in both na/eu for their timezones (there's a timezone section in there somewhere but I can't remember which link on the site, shouldn't be hard to find).

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PvE uses megaservers so for PvE purposes swapping from one EU server to another will have no effect.


What might have an effect is swapping from EU to NA. However I have no idea if it would be better or worse.


Maybe there are some australian guilds you could join to get into contact with more people in your timezone to do stuff with.

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Thanks for your response. There's not really any Aussies on the server I'm on. Like I said, I'm pretty much a total noob and not really sure how anything works, so at the risk of sounding really silly, can you get in touch with guilds from other servers and, if so, how do you go about it?

Sorry, as I said, I'm a noob at all this!

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As the previous replies have indicated, it doesn't matter which EU server you are on, outside of WvW. The only division in the community is between European and North American servers. In open world you will encounter players from all the other servers in your region. If there are any Australian players on any EU servers (which seems likely) then you can do everything (except WvW) with them without switching server.

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Thanks, how do I find these people though? I want to be able to experience doing some Fractals etc but struggle to find anyone in my timezone on the EU server I'm on. I'd like to join a guild that I can do things with, hence why I would like to know if there's any servers with a good population from Oceania because there is none where I am.

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I can suggest a couple of approaches.

Go to a major hub (Lion's Arch, Divinity's Reach) at the time you usually play and use map chap to connect with other players online at that time. NB They will not necessarily be fellow Australians - they may be shift workers or night owls in Europe - but if they usually play in that timeslot that shouldn't matter.

The other tool to familiarise yourself with is Looking for Group. Press Y and select the second tab. There are multiple categories for different activities, see if there are people doing fractals etc that are looking for others to join them. Or start your own group by advertising there.

I am sometimes on at odd times, feel free to ping me in game if you see me online.

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Thank you, I will try that. It's all a bit dead at this time of night though. I guess I just wanted a guild to be apart of as I feel I don't get anything done in the game on this server (Albeit, I'd need a patient one as I said, I've really done nothing in game for the lack of having people to learn with) and that doesn't appear to be something I can find on this server. I would happily move in order to find more people playing in my timezone, but we'll see I guess. I'm at the point of just quitting the game tbh.

Thank you for your kind offer also :)

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> @"Lucy.6529" said:

> Thanks, how do I find these people though? I want to be able to experience doing some Fractals etc but struggle to find anyone in my timezone on the EU server I'm on. I'd like to join a guild that I can do things with, hence why I would like to know if there's any servers with a good population from Oceania because there is none where I am.


Your server does not matter at all except in WvW. In PvE every server in that region plays together.


Think it like this:

-There is only one server in EU and one in US.

-Your homeserver is only the name of your WvW-team.


Only thing that would have an effect to the population is changing to whole other region, in your case from EU to US. There probably is more Oceania players playing on US-world.

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As an OCE player who has tried both EU and NA, I highly suggest moving to NA if EU doesn't suit you. Not only are they active at a different time of the day, they also have 100 less ping than EU servers (not that it matters, since you'll still probably be dealing with 200-300 ping anyway).


Honestly though, there are Australian/New Zealand players on all servers I've played on. For best results, just log in to wvw during the afternoon - chances are players will either be OCE or European night owls.

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https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild may be helpful.

Here's a Guild whose leader lives in Australia: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37324/wardens-of-destiny-na-casual-social-pve-centric/p1


Also, there are no 'Servers' in PvE. Only Regions: EU or NA.



Good luck.

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> @"Lucy.6529" said:

> and that doesn't appear to be something I can find on this server.


Without wanting to sound rude, but since this has been pointed out multiple times by now:


**There are no servers in pve.**


The server you pick has NO bearing on PVE whatsoever. It's purely for WvW purposes. The only difference is between US and EU servers because those are separate from each other (meaning US and EU players can not play together) and obviously the difference in prime time player numbers. Within those area groups though, there is no distinction as to which server you are on for pve. There is one huge mega-server for US, and one huge mega-server for EU.


As was suggested, the best approach is to advertise in main hub cities (Lion's Arch, Divinities Reach, etc.) during prime hours that you play in hopes of connecting with someone playing within a similar timezone.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Lucy.6529" said:

> > and that doesn't appear to be something I can find on this server.


> Without wanting to sound rude, but since this has been pointed out multiple times by now:


> **There are no servers in pve.**


> The server you pick has NO bearing on PVE whatsoever. It's purely for WvW purposes. The only difference is between US and EU servers because those are separate from each other (meaning US and EU players can not play together) and obviously the difference in prime time player numbers. Within those area groups though, there is no distinction as to which server you are on for pve. There is one huge mega-server for US, and one huge mega-server for EU.


> As was suggested, the best approach is to advertise in main hub cities (Lion's Arch, Divinities Reach, etc.) during prime hours that you play in hopes of connecting with someone playing within a similar timezone.


I think it can still play a role in which megaserver instance you get put into, but it's a pretty minor effect that you probably won't notice (it generally tries to put you into a megaserver instance with people you're likely to know, and I think it takes WvW server into account for that). If you're seeing empty maps, though, this probably isn't a major consideration.


My experience as an Australian playing on NA is that there's usually at least some people around, although for things where you need a lot of people, you may want to try on weekends and/or when there's a relevant daily if playing US primetime isn't practical.

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