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Please not this again

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I hate windows 10.

This is the second time this happens in about a month.

I got a warning to fix the drive, and when the scan completed, it stated it could not fix StrTrail.txt.


Every single time windows updates, this happens.


Please help me fix this.

I get the blue options screen that gives various options, including reset the computer.


I don't want to lose GW again.

Last time took over 2 hours to download and install the lot again.


Please help me.

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I would be way more concerned about losing any personal documents. 2 Hours is nothing these days.


Google says, you should actually look into the file StrTrail.txt to see, what the error is in detail. Are you sure it could not fix the file? Maybe it says, you should look into the file?

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> I would be way more concerned about losing any personal documents. 2 Hours is nothing these days.


> Google says, you should actually look into the file StrTrail.txt to see, what the error is in detail. Are you sure it could not fix the file? Maybe it says, you should look into the file?


Nope, because windows wont start up the desktop.

It's stuck in a loop of...

1 - Trying to fix disc, then,

2 - Goes straight into the blue screen with the options.


Edit: Shall I try to fix the start up or go straight to restore this pc option?

Edit 1.1 Never mind, none work.


Edit Edit:

Because my laptop was bought new but refurbished with windows 10, it was originally for Windows 7, as it it did show in the system information.

So as long as it has windows 10 on it, it will apparently keep having this same issue at every major update.

I just don't know.

It never happened the first 2-3 years, so why now?

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Life with windows.... I suggest keeping a backup in the future: have an external hard drive for storing all your important pieces, or big games which you just don't want to download again.


As for windows, hard to know how to help if apparently even reinstalling doesn't fix it. :(

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> Because my laptop was bought new but refurbished with windows 10, it was originally for Windows 7, as it it did show in the system information.

How about going back to windows 7? Or buying a new laptop designed fpr windows 10? It's always a risk to update the OS of an old computer more than once (windows 7 to 8 in this case, 8 to 10 in another), the hardware may be to old to work 100% reliably with it as the driver aren’t updated anymore to satisfy the requirements of new OS versions.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> > I would be way more concerned about losing any personal documents. 2 Hours is nothing these days.

> >

> > Google says, you should actually look into the file StrTrail.txt to see, what the error is in detail. Are you sure it could not fix the file? Maybe it says, you should look into the file?


> Nope, because windows wont start up the desktop.

> It's stuck in a loop of...

> 1 - Trying to fix disc, then,

> 2 - Goes straight into the blue screen with the options.


> Edit: Shall I try to fix the start up or go straight to restore this pc option?

> Edit 1.1 Never mind, none work.


> Edit Edit:

> Because my laptop was bought new but refurbished with windows 10, it was originally for Windows 7, as it it did show in the system information.

> So as long as it has windows 10 on it, it will apparently keep having this same issue at every major update.

> I just don't know.

> It never happened the first 2-3 years, so why now?


When I had this issue, it turned out that my disk drive had given up the ghost. Fixed once I installed a new hard drive.

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Laptops are loaded with custom poorly done drivers to enable all those soft keys like volume, brightness, back lights, etc. You should never upgrade the os on a laptop unless your certain the manufacturer actually made updated drivers that actually work.

I have not found a manufacture that actually supports there software 5 minutes after it's released.

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Thank you for being a kind soul @"Inculpatus cedo.9234"

But I've tried everything.

I've managed to fix it 3 or 4 times, but seems like this time is not having it.


I'll have to try to get a windows boot pen from somewhere and reinstall windows 10 yet again... or maybe I'll go for Windows 7; at least until I can afford a new computer... until then... with all this corona thing, almost everything is shut down, and finding a job is proving to be next to impossible.


Who knows when that's going to be possible.

I really appreciate you helping me though.

This is really important to me, as I not only have a special "attachment " to GW, but also because without entertainment, it's going to be awfully hard to beat boredom while in quarantine.

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