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Horrible frequent lag, loading screen hangs & disconnects outside US...?

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Anyone else getting this the past few days? No doubt courtesy of corona, may she be damned forever!

(and no, it ain't my inet - all other online apps & games are generally fine from Aus to US & other parts of the world - even these forums are laggy AF from down under *sigh*)

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Over the past six months I've hopped to the EU servers and back to the NA ones in the hopes of the connectivity problems clearing up. Right now I get fewer four digit ping spikes. But do I get disconnected every time I use a jackal portal. If there's more than ten players doing an event, same.


AFAIK Amazon's servers are usually prime targets for online attacks. I'm willing to bet Anet knows it's affecting a number of players but they can't do anything.

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Since the US went to a lot of telecommuting, there has been lot of lag. WvW has gotten intolerable. When I did a trace route using ICMP, UDP and TCP, AWS was dropping a lot of UDP & TCP packets at the following internal AWS IPs: (33% packet loss), (93.33% packet loss), (80% packet loss), (86.67% packet loss), (40% packet loss), (80% packet loss). The mapping was all over the place within AWS, as Amazon was trying to route the traffic around the problem.


This is most certainly a problem within AWS, as all the above IP addresses belong to Amazon. ANet, if you have your eyes on these forums, you will want to communicate with Amazon about their crap internal network.


EDIT: I was tracing to, the IP given for WvW.

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