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Give all aoe the CoR treatment


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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Just like the update to CoR requiring Los with your target to land aoe damage, they should make this change to all aoe skills so it's safe to stand on walls during sieges.

> >

> > Solved all the problems in wvw, gimme gold star please.


> how exactly is this gonna solve the problems of permastealth thieves?

> Sorry, you fail, no star for you.


If permastealth thieves are a problem for you, I am not sure I am the one who failed.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Do this and suddenly you end up in a pirate ship soulbeast meta with a high number of deadeyes too lol.

> Rev hammer's design was too good in WvW due to its lack of skill visibility and insane AoE ratios on low cooldowns at range, and too crappy everywhere else.


> They really should make it the opposite of longbow ranger and make it stronger in melee and weaker at range so people play the class with a bit of risk and aren't downing people in large numbers from range.


> P.S. CoR follows the same rules as thief shortbow does now. Only pure ground-targeted AoE's or skills which do not follow a trajectory from the player first can attack through the gate with characters clickable in the gaps, and most skills aren't worth using for that, either. It's not specific to CoR; it's that CoR was a broken ranged weapon to begin with.


Have you played ranger in a zerg setting? If not I recommend going glass and trying to down any zerg from range. Really you're limited to killing people who stray from the pack of their support.


Most of your projectiles get reflected and the ones that don't get eaten by barrier. I feel that you were touched by a Rangers longbow when you decided to run away from the safety of daddy commander to tunnel vision a random staff ele and got blown up.


Soulbeast and deadeye meta would mean removing scrapper/firebrand/tempest.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Do this and suddenly you end up in a pirate ship soulbeast meta with a high number of deadeyes too lol.

> > Rev hammer's design was too good in WvW due to its lack of skill visibility and insane AoE ratios on low cooldowns at range, and too crappy everywhere else.

> >

> > They really should make it the opposite of longbow ranger and make it stronger in melee and weaker at range so people play the class with a bit of risk and aren't downing people in large numbers from range.

> >

> > P.S. CoR follows the same rules as thief shortbow does now. Only pure ground-targeted AoE's or skills which do not follow a trajectory from the player first can attack through the gate with characters clickable in the gaps, and most skills aren't worth using for that, either. It's not specific to CoR; it's that CoR was a broken ranged weapon to begin with.


> Have you played ranger in a zerg setting? If not I recommend going glass and trying to down any zerg from range. Really you're limited to killing people who stray from the pack of their support.


> Most of your projectiles get reflected and the ones that don't get eaten by barrier. I feel that you were touched by a Rangers longbow when you decided to run away from the safety of daddy commander to tunnel vision a random staff ele and got blown up.


> Soulbeast and deadeye meta would mean removing scrapper/firebrand/tempest.


I do and have as far back as 2012 playing GS evasion and longbow for sieges and cannon killing.


I misread OP and subsequently misinterpreted their actual idea; thought they meant nerfing all AoE's (including melee ones) in general like they did CoR, not just LoS restrictions to ranged ones. Nerfs to AoE's as a whole promotes pirate shipping and burst builds since then the aoe frontline can't kill anything, and you can probably figure out my logic thereafter.


I still can't support the OP's idea, though, albeit for other reasons entirely. Without GTAoE's, camping siege safely becomes way too effective and basically makes it impossible to attack anything. As it is, even T2 structures in tier 1 are being held only by a few players at a time with how potent siege is.


If they fix siege, maybe, but that's a much bigger issue. Given OP's insane bias for CoR through past posts over multiple years, I think it's that they're trying to nerf everything else to keep rev as the most relevant ranged class in blobs than for altruistic reasons to promote healthier gameplay as a whole.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Strider.7849" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > Do this and suddenly you end up in a pirate ship soulbeast meta with a high number of deadeyes too lol.

> > > Rev hammer's design was too good in WvW due to its lack of skill visibility and insane AoE ratios on low cooldowns at range, and too crappy everywhere else.

> > >

> > > They really should make it the opposite of longbow ranger and make it stronger in melee and weaker at range so people play the class with a bit of risk and aren't downing people in large numbers from range.

> > >

> > > P.S. CoR follows the same rules as thief shortbow does now. Only pure ground-targeted AoE's or skills which do not follow a trajectory from the player first can attack through the gate with characters clickable in the gaps, and most skills aren't worth using for that, either. It's not specific to CoR; it's that CoR was a broken ranged weapon to begin with.

> >

> > Have you played ranger in a zerg setting? If not I recommend going glass and trying to down any zerg from range. Really you're limited to killing people who stray from the pack of their support.

> >

> > Most of your projectiles get reflected and the ones that don't get eaten by barrier. I feel that you were touched by a Rangers longbow when you decided to run away from the safety of daddy commander to tunnel vision a random staff ele and got blown up.

> >

> > Soulbeast and deadeye meta would mean removing scrapper/firebrand/tempest.

>**Given OP's insane bias for CoR through past posts over multiple years**, I think it's that they're trying to nerf everything else to keep rev as the most relevant ranged class in blobs than for altruistic reasons to promote healthier gameplay as a whole.


You say "insane bias" when I was recommending CoR get an increased cooldown and energy cost and also nerfing riposting shadows to cut down on a hammer revs back pedalling. All the garbage monkeys were screeching for damage nerfs and I knew that was pointless so long as CoR can do more than 5k damage. When you got people complaining that after the update thieves can still do 5k damage its pretty telling what people really want, more facetank.


The only people biased about CoR are the ones that run around with 2.5k armor and complain when a glass cannon hits them with a skill, who's sole purpose is to deal damage, for 10-15k once every 30 seconds but come to the forums and swear that hammer revs are dumping 15-20k cor every 4 seconds. Right now **former** hammer revs just wish there was a zerg viable glass cannon build for them to play but we better nerf lolLavafont again says anet... So now they meme lolBurnguard until people who like to stand and facetank aoe complain hard enough against that.


But yeah, topic...

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They just need to adjust AoEs on necros.

Other professions either don't have many AoEs to play with, the AoEs themselves aren't all that stellar or the builds required to use those AoEs die when you look in their general direction.

Heck, in recent weeks I've died to burn guards more than I've died to staff elementalists or hammer revs. Those spinny swords and other guardian small AoEs get buried under all of the clutter and the burning gets covered up by other conditions.


~ Kovu

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