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Chrono, again


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So when can we expect chrono to be reverted, so that it doesn't feel like a clunky disaster?

I sure do miss raw shattering, and distortion,

And I also would really like it if the devs, or really anyone with power in the Gw2 development team said a single thing about the change as a whole, instead of plugging their ears and ignoring the various chrono players who were unbelievably upset with the change.

I know it's been months, but I still feel the need to yell,

And I'm sorry if this is a relatively passive aggressive post, but it's really just beyond frustrating that there's been no response, no communication. I want to be able to enjoy and play this class again, and I really just can't. It's extremely unfair.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty much this. I've been checking back again and again for almost a year now waiting for something to change. I really like this game, but what made it for me was Chrono. There's just nothing like it in the modern MMO genre. And it just isn't fun to play anymore. Almost feels like torture and each time I come back I hear how it's getting nerfed and gutted again and again like people just can't be bothered to learn to play against the class or someone on the Anet balance team has some kind of hate-bias for us and are abusing his/her position to undermine Chronos make their preferred class more favorable. Probably someone who plays Guardian in WvW and doesn't want to have two sets of gear given that a Guardian is better off as a healer or DPS. I remember raiding with a WvW guild that claimed to have experience and there were so many Guardians running toughness gear which made me as a boon chrono basically useless and we weren't making enough DPS. Anet's balance team also seems to favor Guardians quite a bit over other classes. I remember when they picked on Necro for a long time. Guess it's Chrono's turn.

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