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Please extend the daily achievment point limit

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For me the free 2 gold is more incentive to login and do the dailies than the AP, so eh

If there's anything that has a cap that needs something done about it it's luck, not daily AP. You still get something out of dailies, you get nothing from luck past the cap unless you want to hoard stacks of it for lunar new year. Constantly increasing the daily AP cap cheapens AP and discourages people that haven't reached the cap. If you want more AP, there are plenty of chieves for it.

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I feel like the game could benefit from a growing "repeatable" achievement cap. AP is a nice motivation for playing, but it shouldn't feel mandatory.


I feel like the AP cap could grow like, 500 points every 6 months, or some other value, in this way people who just started the game can "catch up" by playing every day if they wish, but people already at the cap would have an AP reward for doing dailies sometimes up to a point

(500 points every 6 months that would translate for 50 days of AP in 180, roughly 27%, so people who only play 2 days a week would be able to almost reach the cap).


However that would be a wasted opportunity if it wasn't connected to another initiative, let's say, to shine a light on old/overlooked open-world maps and content.

That's why so I feel like the best way to do that, on PvE, would be to focuse all PvE dailies on one map, just like the daily LWS3 and S4 achievements focuse the community on one of those maps every 6 days.


Also some additional incentive would be nice. Hard to think of what would it be, since the old daily rewards (mystic coin and laurels) were transitioned to log in rewards. Maybe a legendary precursor shard a day? Or something else, I don't know.

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> @"jokke.6239" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"jokke.6239" said:

> > > It's clearly not true to say that achievement points are meaningless, as so many say in this thread. Maybe to you, but there wouldn't be so many threads about this if it didn't have meaning to someone.

> > > You could make the argument that most thing in this game is "meaningless" .. It's just a game afterall, but if someone enjoy collecting achievement points, they have a meaning to that person.

> > > And this is coming from someone with just 13.5k points

> >

> > The majority that want the daily AP cap raised likely want the skins and don't care about their actual AP. Adding more daily AP just dilutes the system further.


> I wasn't even arguing that the daily cap had to be increased with that message, just that achievement points does have meaning to a lot of people.

> I think you're very wrong that everyone just do achievement points for the skins.


And I was countering this statement of yours. Practically every thread about people wanting to raise the daily AP cap has revolved around them wanting the skins. The last thread about this revolved around someone that didn't want to do sPvP or WvW and wanted the cap raised so that they could get the skins through PvE only. I believe their definition of PvE was also very narrow as well.


If players truly cared about the AP, then they can do the achievements that everyone else has done. Unless they're already at the point that it's just the LS1 achievements that are holding them back, I don't see this as an issue. It's become the constant trend that players want things, don't want to put in the effort, so try to find ways to make it easier for them.


I also want to clarify that I didn't say "everyone" (I used "the majority") and I used "likely" because I, along with everyone else, don't know the true numbers.


> And actually the experience % you get from achievements are kind of a big deal for gaining spirit shards faster. You could even argue that being much more meaningful than skins.

> But "meaningful" is subjective. It depends on the person.


I believe the amount of XP that someone with the top AP earns versus a player with no AP is like an additional 50%. While it is a slight advantage, it's not a really large one. There are also complaints that players have so many spirit shard that they don't have anything to spend them on even though they refuse to use the MF.


> Increasing a number on your screen is enough rewards for some people, and meaningful enough for them to want to increase the number, no matter how meaningless that type of progression is to some people.

> So yeah my points was that just because some people find them meaningless doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.



Then they can do all of the achievements that they haven't done yet. There's no need to dilute the system further from dailies.


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Well, I just hit the daily AP cap (funny that it includes monthlies from years and YEARS ago...) and lost the only reason to log into the game every day aside from when new content drops. I don't think that is what Anet's going for. I have enough gold, but daily AP are a nice slow crawl towards the next chest when basically the only achievements I'm missing are from game modes that I don't play. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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> @"kromi.7682" said:

> Well, I just hit the daily AP cap (funny that it includes monthlies from years and YEARS ago...) and lost the only reason to log into the game every day aside from when new content drops. I don't think that is what Anet's going for. I have enough gold, but daily AP are a nice slow crawl towards the next chest when basically the only achievements I'm missing are from game modes that I don't play. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't mean this as an insult or snarky remark. If you are only playing this game regularly for the daily AP you really need to start playing another game or at least try another game mode. At least in my opinion dailies are almost all super boring.


Anyway in my opinion dailies shouldn't even reward AP. The more daily AP we have in the game the less AP actually mean anything. Farming 4 nodes in Kryta or getting a vista is not an achievement. AP should be sparser and should be awarded for completing something, not grinding mindless stuff.

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