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In Game Chat not working

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> @"Lyoko Is Great.6879" said:

> it is all chat from other players, even map chat


Can you see any messages from combat (you need to activate combat from chat filter and sub section to see your damage from incoming or outgoing as an example). This should be independent of all other setting that are related to player to player conversation as game produce that information when you are in combat (as a log). You can also enable NPC filtering and should then see conversation from NPCs that you can hear (banter) standing around you in cities, hearts or at main WP places. Those places where it is meant that player are to be caught up in some kind of event chain or something like that. NPCs conversation is marked in green name tag in chat.


If everything suggestion in earlier post doesn't work, then your only option is submit a ticket to Support, but be ready for it to take some time before they can respond.



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