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Third Elite Spec "Lucid"


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I'm a new player, so any feedback or any ideas that could be added to this would be great! (So if someone thought of this first then GREAT MINDS YK)


My Idea for the next Mesmer elite specialization would be Lucid. Mesmers use clones and phantasms to trick their enemies, but what instead if they used their powers to conjure the dreams and terrors of foes and and allies to hide themselves, receive boons, and dish out conditions. Lucids can cycle within the dreams states to conjure either daydreams and nightmares, and once they go through a full cycle they can become lucid gaining the advantages of both. This spec can either be support (healer/buffer) or DPS, and their weapon of choice is the Longbow. (Even though im new I learned a little abt Kanaxai and him destroying a players mind with nightmares? Sounds like it could tie into the lore? DREAM ASSASSIN?)


Lucids prefer to keep their distance and destroy the minds of their foe while keeping themselves out of harm. They have this cool longbow skill on their 5 called siege, Idk if would be a toggle or a long casting but continue shooting arrows far similar to siege in dragon nest? (my favorite skill in any game dont judge me)




Now Let me Explain the dreamstates. Daydreams (DD), Nightmares (NM), and Lucid


Daydreams: Are pleasant, lets your mind wander into a safe calming places, being in this dreamstate gives boons, and can heal yourself and allies. You can lucidity from healing allies while in this state


Nightmares: THE HORROR, your enemies would rather die than have to deal with the horrors, and die they will, this dreamstate specializes in dealing dmg. You gain lucidity from doing dmg in this state


Lucid: You're now in complete of your dream and everyone elses, you can both buff yourself (and alies if focusing on support) and deal dmg. You gain lucid status buy filling the bar for either healing or dealing dmg. Or instead gain bonus supp (like boon duration/ buff or healing potency) if you were in DD before going into lucid, or DMG if u were in NM before lucid.


F1- Shatter: Shatter clones, (neutral)

F2- Shatter but enter Daydream

F3- Shatter but enter Nightmare

F4- Shatter invul (neutral)

F5- Lucid


All I got so far, obviously this would have to be balanced and I didn't explain too much wanted to keep it vague so you can dream abt it. Okay puns aside this is just something I made up and thought it would be cool. Would like inputs or ideas of like trade offs or skill ideas. Sorry that this was so incoherent.

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Personally, I think that the next mesmer elite spec should have a bruiser playstyle.


When I look at all the existing elite specs, then they can roughly get seperated into 3 different archetypes: dps, bruiser, and support. Every class currently has 2 of these 3 playstyles provided by their elite specs, the third elite spec should fill the missing one.


Mesmer specifically has access to a support elite spec (chronomancer) and dps elite spec (mirage). Bruiser is the missing playstyle, something that makes the mesmer dealing good (**not** great) damage while also withstanding a punch and being able to tank for their team.


Your thematic with daydreams and nightmares I think can work, making nightmares deal some damage over time and daydreams making them tankier. Considering how supportive the chronomancer already is, I think this new elite spec should be more selfish. Enable them to tank damage themselves, but not spread boons, heals and other supportive effects on their allies.

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