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Changing the Super Adventure Weapons.

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I've been a huge fan of the Super Adventure Festival since the very first year it came out, however one thing kept bothering me. The weapons weren't color unified (I'll explain in a bit.) The main two cases of this are shown in the super Great sword (Red gems and golden metal) and the 1h sword (Red gems and blue metal). Contrast this with the rest of the set which has silver metal, blue gems, and a red handle (for the most part, bow and shield excluded).


When designing an outfit most people when creating a theme aim to have a unified weapon set, this can't be done with the current weapons if you use sword or Great sword. Similar to how Arenanet had changed the lunar new year weapons they should also change the sword and Great sword skins for the original (blue) set.


If you see the images I have attached you can see that turning the metal silver, handle red, and gems blue would allow for the Super weapons to finally have a central color theme similar to that of the other super weapon sets (green,red,etc) https://imgur.com/a/4HLJK4j (this was just a quick hue change using photo editing software)


I know that any change would be unlikely, but there's no harm in trying.

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Why not use legendary skins instead? I mean everyone is showing off their legendaries these days and that seems to be the only thing that counts instead of individual and character fitting looks, sadly...

But, however I never noticed the orange gemstones of the weapons. Coloring them blue would be a nice idea then.

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