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PvP @ Night


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Hey all


After a yearlong break I set myself the challenge to reach lvl 100 pvp rank. Before I always used to hover from Plat1-plat3.


Now cause of work I have no other option than to play at night. But here comes the problem...

_Bots Bots Bots... all mesmers... every game._

The team with less bots wins.... Im gold 1 atm and cannot for the life of me climb (200 games in)(after this many games you can spot the bot before you even start).


Im at the point of giving up this gamemode (and since I only play pvp, the game in total)

Ive even tought about just rank farming in a custom game to reach it...


Please.. any advice?

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Not much u can do as anet mistakenly put the rewards in ranked when they should have placed em In unranked. I'm in gold 3 and even when I'm close to crossing into plat I still get player that ull see leave a empty node there on even before it's full capped, wont run bell or any of the maps bonuses and basically feed the other team. It's hard to get mad cuz their doing there best and match making failed them and u cuz low population. But there are also a lot of bots as well which is unfortunately not gonna change anytime soon. Sometimes seems like anet leaves them cuz helps the matchmaker deal with such a low population.

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There are a few things that can be done:

- **Find a good duo partner** that also plays at night. This will give you more control over bad games, and double your carry potential.

- **If the queue time exceeds 5 minutes, re-enter the queue**. This prevents the matchmaker from deviating vastly past your rank to find you a game. Chances are players that were in a match will now be available.

- You can increase your rank even in **Unranked**

- **Play something that helps you climb** in lower tiers (condi rev, mirage, holo, dragonhunter, weaver etc) since they won't be able to rotate around/or kill you.


Best of luck ^^

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Thanks for all the replies.


I went with a premade today. But second game there were 5 bots in game, I could only notice 3.. According to him, reports don't do anything since they were around for at least a year.

Im taking a break from this game, might be back for expansion :)


Take care and thx again for all the help.

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