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Your entitlement to my LFG requirements

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

> If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.


> As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

> We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

> "Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

> And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

> Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

> The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.


For some it is fun and for some it is not fun to carry. At the end you finished the strike and you learned one commander something that will maybe make him a better player and commander.

Now this is completely up to you and your enjoyment and there is nothing wrong with it. But if people like you, able to carry half of the squad, welcomed everyone it would be definitely better for the community and it would help new players. While having LI requirements just discourages new players to even try.


In the end strikes are easy and even more important very fast. If a public group can get it done, it gets a bit comical when people ask for requirements from the pinnacle of PVE difficulty.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

> > If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.


> But they didn't, and in fact it was a very speedy clear, and we got along pretty well.

> You can throw in a lot of hypotheticals that support your position, but that's not what happened.


> > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > There was a reason for guardin. The fact that you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there


> But they clearly didn't need one, because we did just fine without one. Also, they already had 2 guardians on their team. I did check their party composition before I joined.


> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Ever thought they might have wanted that dps guardian for one of their utilites like 10 man stability from stand your ground?


> They already had 2 guardians in their party, we didn't lose anything.



Before you say that this was not the case with YOUR group, yes I acknowledge that. But here are some possibilites for why someone would look specificly for a DPS guardian:


1. They want a full guardian group for memes or lols or just funsies

2. Like mentioned above, they would want some utility from the guardian (or if they already have guardians, they could want a dh for a skip and rest of their guardians are firebrands)

3. They want dh burst for one reason or another


It is not really up to you to decide why someone would specificly want a dps guardian in their party - you should respect their LFG message. If they were cool with your response, that is fine, but that does not mean all other groups will feel the same way, and does not make your behaviour less rude.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

> > If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.

> >

> > As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

> > We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

> > "Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

> > And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

> > Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

> > The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.


> For some it is fun and for some it is not fun to carry. At the end you finished the strike and you learned one commander something that will maybe make him a better player and commander.

> Now this is completely up to you and your enjoyment and there is nothing wrong with it. But if people like you, able to carry half of the squad, welcomed everyone it would be definitely better for the community and it would help new players. While having LI requirements just discourages new players to even try.


> In the end strikes are easy and even more important very fast. If a public group can get it done, it gets a bit comical when people ask for requirements from the pinnacle of PVE difficulty.


Well. It would be good for comunity but not me. I know that. But I play games to have fun. Not to create comunity. To be fair, most of the people I meet in real life are completely boring and not interesting. I do not want to interact with them more then I have to. Yes, I have good friends both in game and outside. I am always happy to explain anything in details. I dont strictly follow my requirements. If someone joins and is POLITE and COMUNICATES, TRY THEIR BEST and WANT TO IMPROVE then I will always welcome them. Those are the people I like. And to be fair, I found most of them in raids and nowhere else.

But those that cry that someone is keeping them away from content, those that lies about their experiance and those that think their enjoyment is more important then mine I despise. I take this behavior as personal insult and I treat those as such. If those things happens they are out without a word since I dont want to waste time more then they already wasted it.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

> > If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.

> >

> > As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

> > We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

> > "Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

> > And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

> > Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

> > The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.


> For some it is fun and for some it is not fun to carry. At the end you finished the strike and you learned one commander something that will maybe make him a better player and commander.

> Now this is completely up to you and your enjoyment and there is nothing wrong with it. But if people like you, able to carry half of the squad, welcomed everyone it would be definitely better for the community and it would help new players. While having LI requirements just discourages new players to even try.


> In the end strikes are easy and even more important very fast. If a public group can get it done, it gets a bit comical when people ask for requirements from the pinnacle of PVE difficulty.


I honestly don't think it would be better for the community. It would make people drop out slowly as the get in groups which can't kill it

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> I honestly don't think it would be better for the community. It would make people drop out slowly as the get in groups which can't kill it


That is one thing I wouldnt worry. I do all the strikes in free for all groups almost daily and I dont remmember the last time it completely failed. Yes sometimes it is a mess. Woj rarely you need 2 or 3 tries. But complete fail? Very rarely, cant remember last time.

Boneskinner maybe could be an issue because now not many free groups do it.



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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > I honestly don't think it would be better for the community. It would make people drop out slowly as the get in groups which can't kill it


> That is one thing I wouldnt worry. I do all the strikes in free for all groups almost daily and I dont remmember the last time it completely failed. Yes sometimes it is a mess. Woj rarely you need 2 or 3 tries. But complete fail? Very rarely, cant remember last time.

> Boneskinner maybe could be an issue because now not many free groups do it.




Let's give a raidexample because its based on a person I know.


He raids with a static on monday. And he joins random groups during the week for fun and to help them clear. If no requirements where allowed he would just not raid.


I'm expecting a similar situation to happen with strikes in the hypothetical.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > I honestly don't think it would be better for the community. It would make people drop out slowly as the get in groups which can't kill it


> That is one thing I wouldnt worry. I do all the strikes in free for all groups almost daily and I dont remmember the last time it completely failed. Yes sometimes it is a mess. Woj rarely you need 2 or 3 tries. But complete fail? Very rarely, cant remember last time.

That's because most of the players that couldn't clear it in no-req groups just stopped trying it already, and of the remaining ones you usually get only a few, so they still can be carried by the rest. Most of the people you see in no-req groups nowadays are people that could get admitted in the groups with requirements as well.


Notice, that if the proportions were a bit different, you would see more groups with requirements, less groups without, and the succes rate of no-req groups would be lower.


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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > I honestly don't think it would be better for the community. It would make people drop out slowly as the get in groups which can't kill it


> That is one thing I wouldnt worry. I do all the strikes in free for all groups almost daily and I dont remmember the last time it completely failed. Yes sometimes it is a mess. Woj rarely you need 2 or 3 tries. But complete fail? Very rarely, cant remember last time.

> Boneskinner maybe could be an issue because now not many free groups do it.




And theirs actually a facet that I haven't mentioned. Namely that toxicity would increase by the simple reason that we will get more groups with misaligned interests

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I see alot of people joining our strikes and raids with meeting our requirements. Either they are a dps when we need a healer or they are inexp when we require exp. It's really annoying but at least the new people have an excuse. We explain what the lfg lingo means and how to go about starting out in raids. They thank us and take their leave. The random dps looking to fill a heal / support slot is ridiculous. If you do not meet the requirements you will get kicked. Simple enough.



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