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Mouse pointer disappears when clicked?

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Apologies first if this has already been brought up else where although I have searched & searched for an answer but alas to to avail :-(


Is it normal operation that whenever you press and hold down either the left or right mouse button the mouse pointer / cursor disappears ?


For as long as I can remember this has always been the case and as much as I use the in-built Win OS pressing Ctrl to sometimes relocate the pointer, its starting to be a real pain.


Whenever I'm in a large fight either in WvW or Open world PvE and I'm spamming that many skills constantly; I'm finding it more and more of a nightmare to see where my kitten mouse pointer in a hurry to use such things as laying marks on the correct spot on the ground (all the time I'm saying to myself where the kitten kitten did my mouse pointer go again) - The way I play I'm constantly pressing the RIGHT mouse button, always rotating the "Camera view" through 360 degrees. to see enemies in all directions, but ofc every time this happens I lose the mouse pointer, and it's getting to the point its becoming increasingly frustrating ;....;


Is this a bug or technical glitch at my end I wonder, or is there anyway to ensure the mouse pointer remains visible 100% of the time as that would solve all my problems !


Many thanks if anyone else has this problem, or have any issue with this or it is simply disabled by a simple click of a check-box in game which I cannot see!


Muchos gracias <3

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