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Everything posted by Greg.7086

  1. @"Arheundel.6451" In my humble opinion I'm 99% certain Anet will not give us any info at all until either very, very near or the day before release day, for the same old reason in MMO Life: " In case they fail to deliver what they say they will and then get burnt hard by the Community for not delivering it ". I've kind of adopted the approach with Anet now that I will just enjoy the game here and now, and play it as it is. If and when something big, and game-chaning happens then great, but I'm certainly not going to get my hopes up for it or get sucked into any hype for EoD: Only sets you up for disappointment if things don't meet your expectations. I'm not a big fan of the IceBrood Saga story-telling ( solo-esque stuff ), would way prefer some big over-haul / update on Group play game-modes: WvW, sPvP, Raids or re-work of current Dungeons with boosted bosses & rewards ( DRM's are just awful: Recycled terrible content ): But sadly i cannot see Anet investing resources in WvW & sPvP as I don't think in general the players in these game modes bring in much revenue for them.
  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95722/suggestion-personnal-library-in-the-priorys-special-collections](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95722/suggestion-personnal-library-in-the-priorys-special-collections) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94154/feature-request-library](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94154/feature-request-library) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53243/storage-for-books-and-relics](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53243/storage-for-books-and-relics) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1196834/#Comment_1196834](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1196834/#Comment_1196834) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36632/suggestion-add-bookshelf-to-home-instance](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36632/suggestion-add-bookshelf-to-home-instance) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32197/could-we-please-have-a-cabinet-for-tonics-and-a-bookshelf-for-books](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32197/could-we-please-have-a-cabinet-for-tonics-and-a-bookshelf-for-books) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18635/bookshelves-in-home-instance-suggestion-for-new-home-instance-location](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18635/bookshelves-in-home-instance-suggestion-for-new-home-instance-location) > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10357/suggestion-libraries](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10357/suggestion-libraries) > Oh @"kharmin.7683" this made me laugh after a spate of your posts signposting OP's repeatedly to use Search function. You may well be a casual player, but on forum you are definitely "Kharmin MVP". Perhaps if a "forum alert" pinged up before anyone posted to use >> Search function << prior to posting might solve this scenario that appears to happen infinito, or even a program that recognised keywords in an OP Title or post and signposted to other threads already on topic.
  3. > @"Mortifera.6138" said: > A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins? Good question of which you'll probably get lots of different answers, as some ppl really don't care about AP, and others farm it relgiously to be "Top of the AP Tree" ! Personally I was never one to farm AP, just like many players accrued AP over the passage of time through dailies and indirectly doing collections, crafting, WvW, Raids etc. The skins I really dislike: Zenith skins for me some of the most awful skins in the game, never used them. I'm not fussed with the Radiant or Hellfire skins either. The biggest reason for me to gain more AP is the progression of your Account Bonuses ( At the bottom of Hero panel, as for years I never knew where these were until some kind soul told me to scroll down and then it made more sense to gain AP: Gold find, karma gain, XP gain, Magic Find: Okay so you only get small increments at your incremental AP chests, but they stack up over the years). The free Gold/Gems/Laurels are a really nice bonus too.
  4. > @"Ruppo.5273" said: > Zinn's prize student is an achievement required for first collection of Astralaria legendary quest, which is completed by buying 12 books from an npc in Rata novus. > The problem is you can only buy ONE of them PER DAY. What's the point of the stupid timegate for something as irrelevant as BUYING AN ITEM FROM a kitten vendor, while it already requires TONS of mats, hours in WvW, and 50+ timegated daily crafts. I get the crafts, but the kitten books, seriously? > > So anet said that making collections for 2nd batch of legendaries is too time consuming, so they opted for the "mystic curio" variant instead, so you don't have to do the achis. But with this methods, people got the new legandaries on DAY ONE of the release. So where's the logic behind a legendary being gated for 12 days FOR A kitten BOOK, while others can be crafted in the first day? > > Fix this god awful kitten I just completed that 12 gate time-gate myself: Was same as you a little peeved at first as had no clue about it, and putting a simple time-gate over 12 days to log a character and buy 1 item from NPC I couldn't understand why this function makes anything MORE Legendary but like the Wayfarer's Henge time-gate, and all other time-gate collections I fairly certain Anet do this for a particular reason, just the same as all the other clever little subliminal log-in reasons there are. I think its just a ploy to drag something out to keep players logging in more, to keep them coming back etc. etc. like " kitten I don't have much time today to play, but i MUST login for Daily XYZ reasons else I'm going to miss out". It's like the 1st Rule of MMO Business: Keep players playing over a longer period as possible, attract as many new players as possible, retain curent player-base as much as possible, keep them challenged, keep them addicted to all the Daily/Weekly stuff we all do = More Gemstore Purchases. Personally as much as i was a bit agrieved with it, it's been the same for every other player that has done Astralaria, and that's the way i think its going to stay. Look at this way, its seconds to log-in a toon parked at that NPC, log-out, and just gives you another 12 days of sorting all the other stuff needed: T6, Clovers, etc etc. Don't give up on it, just chip away at it, and you'll get there in the end :wink:
  5. Time to grab a cold beer out the fridge :smile:
  6. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Naxos.2503" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > I don't believe that Anet wants to give players the ability to turn off other players' effects. I believe a good portion of their gem store sales are supported by Fashion Wars. They need these effects to be visible to encourage purchases. Just my opinion. > > > > While the statement is true, I think it could readily be applied to infusions, as they are not store sold items, or is there one sold that I'm not aware of ? > > > Perhaps, but my point is that I don't believe that Anet would be willing to offer an option to turn off just infusions. Seems like a lot of work for them with little to no reward. Agree here, I think it would be very low-down Anet's priority list unfortunately or fortunately however people feel about the infusion effects. I personally really like all the different effects and like seeing the different infusion stacking effects and combinations thereof, that players experiment with to try to see which looks most aesthetically pleasing: Ofc some ppl feel the need to go for maximum brightness >> .....I learnt the other night on my T4+REC Fractal run: Just don't have a team-mate with 8 x Phospholuminscent infusions in your group!!! R.I.P my eyes
  7. The ability to use Aviator's Memory Box in WvW and sPvP.
  8. > @"Emberfoot.6847" said: > Hey, I was wondering if we have had any word from ANet on whether we will ever get a slot cap increase. I have been at cap since PoF launched, have mapped every single character, and want to do more. Thing is, my alt acct sucks because it doesn't have all the QoL purchases and skins unlocked. Any ideas if/when we will be able to? Thanks :) Well I take my hat off to you ! You've done 100% Core Tyria maps 71 times?! Jeez i struggle like hell with map completion on just a mere few characters, as I find it such a lonesome, tedious chore, but hey-ho have to grind it out for GoE for them shiny Legendaries! But I don't think I've much patience left with completing another 303 Renowned Hearts, everything else is a walk-in-the-park, but those Hearts torture my soul. I guess you could make another account, and do another 71 times? Again big gratz with your achievement.
  9. > @"Mortifera.6138" said: > So DRMs are continuing in the new Champions episode... am I the only one who doesn’t like them? I want eSports (Strikes and Raids), not another mini-game. Sigh. Not a fan of the DRM's either: Ran the first 3, well 2.5 actually, last patch day and to be honest I just see them as " Recycled filler content implemented on a shoe-string budget": Old maps upcycled or downcylced idk with old mobs, no exciting mechanics well as exciting as watching "paint-dry": The 3rd DRM with my group we were so utterly bored with it we quit it there and then, so the longevity of the last exciting episode lasted less than 30-40 mins for us and have we never returned since. DRM's would probably more acceptable in starter maps as an entry level instance prior to Strikes. My 5 year old niece likes them though. Personally I feel Devs are devoting all their time to 3rd Xpac, Legendary Armoury, Alliances? *perhaps by 2025*, Steam release already on the "back-burner" but likely to be relaunched some time in 2021 and that's about all they can manage at present with the resources they have. These new Saga/Chapters/Episodes to me are just " budget filler content inbetween the Festivals" to keep players bemused thinking they are getting frequent updates still, but really there is no actual filler in them. I actually look forward far more to our Annual Festivals and the servers seem a lot busier player wise during Festivals than any of this *Recycled old content*. Roll on Lunar New Year & Season Adventure Box.
  10. > @"Rob.7624" said: > Hey folks, > I've been out of the game for about 6 odd years after some serious burn out - I used to play a bit of WvW and was marginally well known on these forums before they appear to have been updated! > Can anyone give me a brief summary of whats changed in the last 6 years, other than all my old anet friends leaving! > Thank folks :) ![](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/en/uploads/forum_attachment/file/131224/Bird_Song_Day_2013.jpg "") > Warm welcome back to Gw2 :-) My advice to such requests for returning players is simplest to jump in game, join an active friendly guild or even better still a few guilds advertising they do combination of Fractals/Raids/WvW/Open World Meta's etc. don't be afraid to jump on discord or teamspeak, ask questions: The vast majority of players I find in a helpful guild will be more than happy to help and answer questions: You'll soon pick up on stuff. Then it's really upto you want you want to do: i) Catch up on storyline & achievements, ii) Catch up on Masteries, iii) Participate in Open World Pve, iii) Raids, iv) Fractals, v) WvW, sPvP, vi) Choose a nice Legendary or Collection you would like and go for it, vii) Unlock mounts etc. etc. Also best thing about Gw2 imo is horizontal progression so am sure you can just jump into competitive game-modes sPvP, WvW with items you have and compete with the best of them if that's your cup of tea. Enjoy coming back to play :-)
  11. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > I disagree with this idea that there are too many weapon skins in the game, ^^ lmao I guess you must be playing a different version of Gw2 to the rest of us then. It's not an idea, it's a fact >>> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapon_sets But don't worry you can rest assured Anet will design & implement many, many more new skins in 2021 as obviously it's at the top of their revenue list !
  12. > @"Ajji.6031" said: > I spent the past couple weeks in Tyria and HoT crafting Astralaria. While I was there I found out I could farm Bladed armor to select exotics, LS3 maps for Ascended trinkets and Obsidian shards. > > I started looking at Exordium next and saw that I could craft that in PoF. I thought about playing in PoF and LS4, but wasn’t sure what I could get there that I can’t get in HoT. > > I’m familiar with HoT now, I know all the Meta events...and there seem to be more people doing the meta than in PoF. > > I already got griffon and skyscale out of PoF and the second to last mastery for all the ground mounts (maxed skyscale and griffon). I’m not sure what PoF even has over HoT, if anything. > > Is there any reason for me to play in PoF or does HoT give me everything I could possibly want? Embrace the LAG.
  13. > @"Threather.9354" said: > Replace desert with 3rd alpine map. ^^ Omg not this! We don't need even more Alpine maps in game ! I'd personally prefer it they change one of the copy-cat Alpine maps to something like: Dragonfall, Drizzlewood or even Grothmar, or a Volcanic map (quadrant of Dragonfall, Mount Maelstrom Volcanic area etc. ) Desert map does have its flaws, many points you state i agree with but the terrain is more interesting than the mundaneness of the Alpine Maps which i find very boring in their design. But this is all nothing but PIPE-DREAMS...... .....lets be realistic here this is Anet we're talking about, and am sure on forum over the years there has been many ideas for new maps but the probable chances of Anet actually putting any resources into this: Between Extremely Slim ( < 0.00001% ) and None.
  14. > @"Zee.1294" said: > Well then.....Finally after 8 years Anet outdone it self ! Who ever design this skins needs a Christmas bonus...ok ...Well done Anet!! +1 to that. In all honesty we are completely flooded with so many skins in the game, I almost think we have too many, and too many similar ones especially all the "bluey-white" skins that we definitely don't need anymore of these. Just when you think the market is saturated with an abundance of such, and there is little left in the designers imagination box to bring us something completely new and refreshing. First they launch the Dark Matter skins which I think were pretty good, but I couldn't see them being overly compatible with many players characters "themed looks" but then some Anet Dev blows the whole "We've too many skins already in the game: Enough with any more skins plz mantra" out of the water and gives us something compeletly different with the Shimmering Aurora Weapons of which you can see their popularity by the sale-point prices in TP circa 80-85 Gold, when for new Skins their usually around the 50-60 G mark. Was lucky enough to have a spare BL Claims Ticket in bank and bought the GS and its totally awesome.
  15. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > Less expensive, not cheap. But thanks for your perspective. It makes me feel better that I still can't afford it... I would honestly glady gift you mine free of charge if i could !!!! Since I haven't used it after 1 hour of crafting it, I've so many decent shoulder skins that I lose at the expense of the aurora and for me the skins heavily outweigh no shoulder skin + a few snowflakes by 100%. Save your gold for something better !
  16. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > Judging by how they rated the cost of making the frost infusion since it can be crafted, we know the devs are out of touch in what an infusion should be valued and how hard it should be to make them. I fear that if they did let us convert the unlocks into infusions it would be detrimental. Yea agree, but as OP says maybe "infusion" was the wrong choice, but I fully support otherwise what OP is saying >>> Perhaps requesting Winter's Presence as an infusion was not the best way to word this thread. I would just like the option to display the aura AND still have shoulder armor. I worked on Winter's Presence over the course of several years but still sunk a bit of gold into it. FWIW, I decided to stick with the scarf instead of the aura in the end. Kind of disappointing. I'm not personally bothered whether its an infusion or in an "aurora wardrobe" anything at all imo that lets you do the following: Simultaneously have a Shoulder Skin of your choice + have the Snowflake Aurora effect ( Not one or the other ). Exact same for Nightfury Currently with the system we have: You sacrifice having a visible shoulder skin for having the Aurora effect of Winter's Prescence or Nightfury OR you sacrifice the Aurora effect over the shoulder skin. It's a bit flawed if you ask me. Some races like Charr look down right hideous without some big, bold shoulder skin.
  17. > @"tampss.2540" said: > Hello, > > So far I have bought 66 BLC Keys and used them. > Drops are not so good as for 66 keys I have only 3 uncommon drops(no griffon fluff or cape dropped...) - is it kind of joke or the rates have been lowered somehow? > Seems like a big scam for me. 1) No the rates are not lowered, this is just normal. Uncommon means "Uncommon" so 3 Uncommon drops from 66 keys I would say is just average "RNG" 2) Sure you will hear/see a player that spams in Map Chat that from 1 x Key they got the Cape or Fluffy Griffon, but so what ? : That's RNG. What you don't see in map chat is all the masses of players that get the ordinary average RNG loot as they don't broadcast it. 3) RNG is simply RNG: You take a Gamble, in that I would advise anyone to "only gamble what you can afford to lose", Ofc you might have some miracle RNG luck but the odds are stacked against you and chances are you won't have luck. 4) My Personal Advice for: Plush Griffon: i) Do your weekly keys runs for free key, ii) Do your map completions over for chance of key, i.e. in-game free key, but if that's not worked or you can't be bothered, straight up purchase it for 1600 Gems from Gemstore. The cost for 25 BLC keys is 2,100 Gems and there is absolutely no guarantee you will get the mount skin, nor the cape, or even any drop past Common. 5) My Personal Advice for cape: i) Be patient! - Eventually it will come on NPC 60 Black Lion Statues in a few months and far more economical to buy it then. Again save all your keys dropped free in-game, keep doing those weekly key runs, save from map completions. Use the keys ( I save them specifically for either when i) You get extra Black Lion statues as a guaranteed drop and/or when the weapon skins are on their first rotation in BLC ( so rarer, more costly to save them to sell outside of BLC rotation) Save your statues in bank. 6) I definitely wouldn't advise any player to spend IRL Money specifically to buy BLC keys from Gemstore as this only encourages Anet to keep offering them. It's not a co-incidence that Anet advertises on their Gemstore Home Page under "Featured Items" >>> Black Lion Keys when they change the BLC rotation ! Don't get sucked into this marketing tactic to lure you to splash out your cash on keys and then complain afterwards when you don't get something good. Loot box mechanics are designed with Anet as the sole financial winners ! Better to >>> Don't purchase the keys, don't encourage their practice. OR if you're fine with buying them, accept beforehand that you may very well end up with uesless junk, and nothing else but a hole in your pocket. 7) Patience is the KEY - In future if something glitzy, shiny comes out in BLC try the above methods, bide your time, be patient, and it will save you in the long run in both gems, gold, and frustration. Good luck for future shinies!
  18. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > @"Greg.7086" said: > > > @"SaltAndLight.4652" said: > They can't lock an unlocked skin. Once unlocked, that is it. Well I know, I was being sarcastic. Still would like my 672 Gold back though.
  19. > @"SaltAndLight.4652" said: > It would be really excellent to be able to use the Shoulder Scarf skin AND Winter's Presence at the same time. However, since they are both shoulder skins, that is not possible. > > It would be nice to see Winter's Presence available as an infusion. > > Thank you! So totally agree. Literally just crafted Winter's Prescene this evening for my Frosty themed Charr but am slightly gutted. I was using the Requiem Armour Skin as always loved this Heavy Set: Problem is now I've got the Winter's Prescence I've got the snowflake effect but at the sacrifice of losing an awesome shoulder skin, and Charr without decent shoulder armour looks simply awful. ....so I've reluctantly stuck with the Winter's Presence shoulders mainly due to the cost I've paid out, but find myself that despite the snowflake effect already wanting to resort back constantly to the Requiem Shoulders. I also had to ditch the Requiem Gloves skin, as just looks even more ridiculous with massive gloves, and skinny ( no skin ) shoulders. Surely this has been flagged up multiple times in the past ? @ Anet: If you can't transfer the effect to an infusion, pretty please can I have my gold back for crafting it, and you can re-lock the skin on my account as though it was still unlocked for me!!! > EDIT: Well after just ~ 1 hour of crafting Winter's Prescence I can't stand not having any shoulder armour, so ditched the skin and gone back to Requiem Shoulders , and further switched gloves back too. So basically I've just flushed 672 Gold down the toilet !!! - Would never have made it at all if I'd known how bad Charr would look with no shoulder skin :expressionless:
  20. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can *literally* get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies. > > Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary, *please do tell me* how I accomplish this without doing any PvE. > > **Please do**. > > I am eagerly awaiting your response. Totally on point. Gift of Battle actively earned is ~ 4 hours with boosters / ~ 8 hours without boosters ( Passively: Potions of WvW Rewards its a walk in the park ) I wonder if WvW players *enjoy* 3-4 day of solid mind-numbing PvE map completion to get Gift of Exploration ? Personally, I hate it, its utter boredom incarnate, but I that's the requirement of Legendary Crafting so I just knuckle down and get on with it: And yes seen a ton of toxic map chat in Pve, so no real argument here. PRO TIPS: WvW Gift of Battle. Do the Easy ones EVERY DAY: i) Caravan Disruptor, ii) Master of Momuments, iii) Camp Capturer, v) Veteran Creature Slayer, vi) Land-Claimer:, vii) Big Spender. These are all extremely easy, can be done in minutes. BIG SPENDER is a no-brainer, you don't even have to enter WvW to get it, can get from the War-Room in Guild Hall, literally the game is giving you free WvW Reward Track progress for ZERO effort. >>>>>>>> **_Where can I get the equivalent potion to advance my 100% Map complete ? _** <<<<<<
  21. > @"Qori.9671" said: > I dunno they seem like they might be a better fit somewhere at a lower level. Like something you do before dungeons , to get your feet wet. But they cant expect people who have obviously done pretty much everything else in game to get you to this point to be thrilled about running them everyday. ^^ This is right on point. Most of my veteran in-game buddies would also strongly agree here. DRM's are in our opinion starter friendly, low-level casual PvE game content. If you are seasoned player like a majority of players regularly doing Raids, Fractals, WvW or even casual PvE open world meta stuff, the DRM's offer no real challenge or lasting appeal. The funny part @"Qori.9671" I teamed up with my buddies on patch day and we could hardly bare to run the 3 new DRM's just ONCE: The idea of running them everyday: "A Big fluffy kitten to that"
  22. My idea for future location for DRM's is the Far Left Icon on your Desktop: Recycle Bin.
  23. Only curious at OP if this was meant as a serious post or troll post lol I'm all very new, engaging, challenging rewarding content. Drizzlewood Coast was by far the best release of the whole Icebrood Saga, but I have to say this latest release was absolutely awful in my humble opinion. The DRM's nothing short of dreadful, recycled Core Tyria maps, throw in some out-dated Destroyer mobs, pitifully boring, no real challenge, I did 2 of the 3 of them and quit half way through the 3rd as I was so utterly bored and went straight back into WvW for some actual fun. DRM's probably took a couple of Dev's few hours work to code them, just recycled garbage I'm sorry to say. I'm pleased for those that enjoy them but they're definitely not for me.
  24. Same as everyone else here, was expecting today as well. I guess now its January 2021 we'll get the next update: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/ ^^ Perhaps clever game design by Anet: Maybe their plan is to "disguise": ONE x Chapter/Story/Saga/Update/Epsiode worth of NEW CONTENT into 4 different sections ( Truce, Power, Balance, Judgement), with the assmuption that they can say and/or make players think they are getting 4 different full updates! In my humble opinion, it seems they are just drip feeding us 25% worth of New Content on each of the 4 releases ( if you can call what we have had so far exciting new content ? ) over a staggering 7 MONTH PERIOD !!! - Chuck a few "ready-made" festivals inbetween and its a cheap, easy role out of content from here until May 2021
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