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Why I don't go(very rare) tournaments. Why you don't go tournaments ?


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For my self I see problem what I can predict is random player leave after few lose or stay whit us. I can collect only 3 player, so take 2 pugs.

Other from guilds is non active, or want go only with gold/plat players ..

This is totally lottery that depend only what mental line random player have..

We still not kp, what can indicate what player is common leaver ..

Take 2 bots in team not possible .. very sad.


Any exp why you not go, or how you break silent and start go Tournament is welcome.

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These might help:


**Play alot of games during ranked season**


- This way you get to familiarize yourself with people close to your ranking, opening up for several duo partners down the line. Get as many as you can until you have enough to form a 5-player team.


**Find a guild/discord for people who are willing to help or teach sPvP**


- Just in the lobby there are recruiters whispering people all the time. Join 1v1 servers to meet better players and make it clear yoy want to learn, and they might be able to point you in the right direction. Tip: Don't rep a guild while in sPvP, it's a signal to recruiters that you are available.


**Build your reputation as a solid teammate**


- This means run a tried and tested conquest build, practice your rotations and do your best to climb in ranking. The higher ranked you are, the easier it will be to get players on board for a tournament because you will be a boon to them.


**Give some incentive**


- If you are forced to go with random teammates, chances are they won't be as invested as you. They might have completely different reasons for playing, and that needs to be respected. They are lending you their time, so naturally many get discouraged when it doesn't seem to pay off. If you give them a carrot the chances of them sticking around increases. In many ways this is similar to high lvl fractals or raids - make sure nobody is raging or lose interest.


**Use this forum**


- There is an entire thread here dedicated for people who want to join/find a static team they can play and improve with. Give them a shout, if it works it works if not you can part ways before next tournament. You can cherry pick based on roster needs and division of play even.


**Ensure good conduct**


- Making people respect you, avoiding trashtalking and playing fair goes a long way towards building your social network in the game. The more friends you get, the more possible partners you have for tournaments. Start your own guild where you can ask who wants to join, make a recruitment post here on the forums or start by tagging along other groups in order to get your name out there - it's up to you.


No matter what your motivations are, there's still quite a few of us enjoying the game and would love to help out :)

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

>On top of all the downtime waiting for matches to start.

It is easy can be solved, on waiting you can open map, do some dayli/hearts on selectedmap before start/ be on wvw/etc ..


> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> I'd start by answering what value is there in entering the tournament if you can't win it, vs. value you can get doing other things.

sometime you should not have any chance to win, and this is ok. You team have 3 silvers, vs 3 baron of arena. There is nothing magic that you lose.

Also all team in pool can't win in tournaments. 50% will lose.

Also I have idea motivate do some special day, or prime time, then push more people from guild join tournament. More people - more chance to win. But they to lazy to take my idea yet :)


> @"rng.1024" said:

>Tip: Don't rep a guild while in sPvP, it's a signal to recruiters that you are available.

bad tip. Vary many guilds have "must have represent". Change it - this is mean u can be kicked from guild. So

Tip: before don't rep a guild, check is yours guild don't have rule rep is "must be".

For example in my guild it is.


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Because AT's are an exclusive... Group-think. There's another more vulgar word for it that, but let's just go with group-think.


There's no real way to practice for them either. You can only get used to playing with one individual person at a time in Ranked, and Unranked isn't competitive so it's not really practice for something like AT's.


And the timing is inconvenient sometimes. Plus it can be difficult to find a full 5-man team in time before the AT starts, and it's even more difficult if you aren't above a certain rating threshold, or especially if you don't play Ranked at all. Again, exclusive.


You asked, and those are the main reasons why I hardly if ever touch them.


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