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Full Wupwup Rev


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The flexibility is nice, but the main problem with Celestial is that Revs lacks any ability to effectively hybridize, so a lot of the stats are essentially wasted. It certainly doesn't help that Celestial gear lacks Concentration, which Heralds could put to good use.


A critical component of making good use of Celestial gear is having a way to reach good DPS with a combination of power and condi stats. Most classes have some options that allow for this, but Rev simply doesn't because each of their legends and weapons are tied to a single role with virtually no hybridized options. IMO, this is a major design flaw and the single biggest example of how it is an unfinished/unpolished class. You could maybe run a Mallyx/Shiro or Kalla/Shiro build and be somewhat effective, but it'll put a big strain on you for minimal RoI.


To be honest with you, I think this would have been a better way to do Renegade. Instead of making it a pure condi spec, it should have been a combo power/condi spec, including the Shortbow skills.

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It'd work as Mallyx/Glint with like Mace/Axe, Sword/Shield for small skirmishes. It'd be almost like playing Sage/Leadership in sPvP, which is actually pretty effective.


The problem with hybrid builds like that in WvW though is they're only good for roaming/little fights/dueling... The second you join a big fight, not having an all-or-nothing build leaves you in the useless category, but I guess with Mallyx you could still just run around spamming Resistance, but I mean... Boring.


For PvE, it'd be fine for open world or playing with friends, but if you tried to bring that into a raid, people would quickly ask you for a gear link and kick you if they were running meters.

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I'm playing sword sword/ short bow wupwup Renegade and it's pretty beastly (a couple pieces of berserker gear to hit a bit harder). It just does everything well. Hits hard with the might stacking. Precision is great due to the trait. 212% crit ferocity damage. Noticeable heals for allies, great CC, and it's able to do some decent burn damage with citadel and soul crush. I don't do any high lvl raiding but I'm often a standout amongst the group when going after legendary minions in POF.

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I had a really long essay of a response written up detailing various possibilities in different situations etc. but since the topic is specifically about optimisation and I'm working with pre-PoF info I'm not sure it's entirely on point. The short version is, if I was optimising celestial revenant, what I'd be optimising around would be flexibility of being able to fill various different roles to a decent degree while making minimal changes. So a lot of the build would still be very fluid. I'd be changing stances around a lot for different situations, I'd have most of the available weapons in my inventory to complement the stances I was picking, I'd probably keep two trait lines fairly static for simplicity and swap out the 3rd accordingly. I'd pick a generically useful rune (durability or leadership were the ones that were always suggested for wvw anyway, unless the expansion changed that) for the armour.


It's a good way to go if you want to learn everything about the profession, but it's probably not the easiest way to go, and since it's not optimising around one specific role in one specific way pve raid people would be snooty at you. On the other hand they're snooty at everyone. =P

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> I've been toying with hybrid Condi mace/axe and healer using seraph/apotherary/shaman gear. The other option would be power healer with Harrier armor which may be better for.the boom duration.


> Has anyone built something like this, and if so, what are the results?


Harriers are viable, if dated. As you said, they can certainly lengthen the duration of booms, and their vertical take off and landing allows them to deploy into/from a variety of theatres.

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> @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > I've been toying with hybrid Condi mace/axe and healer using seraph/apotherary/shaman gear. The other option would be power healer with Harrier armor which may be better for.the boom duration.

> >

> > Has anyone built something like this, and if so, what are the results?


> Harriers are viable, if dated. As you said, they can certainly lengthen the duration of booms, and their vertical take off and landing allows them to deploy into/from a variety of theatres.


I got a good kek out of that. Thank you. xD

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> @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > I've been toying with hybrid Condi mace/axe and healer using seraph/apotherary/shaman gear. The other option would be power healer with Harrier armor which may be better for.the boom duration.

> >

> > Has anyone built something like this, and if so, what are the results?


> Harriers are viable, if dated. As you said, they can certainly lengthen the duration of booms, and their vertical take off and landing allows them to deploy into/from a variety of theatres.


Every time I see Harrier's in game, I immediately think of this:


![](https://uproxx.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/truelies02.jpg?quality=100&w=650 "")


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