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What is wrong with matchmaking?? Should team comp be accounted for?


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> @"JETWING.2759" said:

> May be the why some people goes afk :(

> Some players (if not bots) just throw themselves to insta killed, and again and again and...


Issue with the current system is if players on ur team are behaving as such translates to u urself are a bad player as far as that match goes, even if u performed well so u may as well just feed or afk'd as well.

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Solution: Separate Rewards from Ranked Que: split the Que into: 1) play for rewards(play for loot), 2) play for rank(play for glory). This is not ranked vs unranked, and before you think it is, you should play games where you have people state, in ranked, that they are just their for rewards/dailies, get what they want, then leave.


Provide meaningful feedback at the end of matches, this one is like...ancient; at the current state of the game, the opponents dancing on your corpse showing the 'statistics' of the match, is not very conducive to continuing. At least provide meaningful information so that people who do want to learn why they lost the match or what they could have done better at least have a chance too. Could be as simple as: hey, if you went to that empty point over there and stood there for 10 seconds your team might have gotten more points and the other team gotten less, but instead you committed suicide at mid 14 times the whole match vs a stacked team that was afking there.


Nothing comes for free, so we as the players wanting better matches must take the sacrifice and give up getting normal rewards for the sake of getting better matches with like minded people who actually want to play competitive spvp, and not just unranked with consequences for 4/5 others because I want my ascended gear/gold/dailies.


I would gladly wait longer for a quality match than a gamble for quality (and by quality i'm not asking for much here boyo, but completely new players outside of where they should be? hmm.) teammates, if I wanted to play a slot machine rng I would go somewhere else. I'm willing to give up rewards, and wait indefinitely in que, and have a split que of rewards and rank, that guarantees the right people are queuing where they are supposed to be, than the current baseline.


pvp is all I really play this game for, I'll uninstall again (came back after the big balance changes) if nothing really happens, which I don't expect it too. But congratulations on where you guys are going with living world. I just hate to see such a fun game mode and game play setup go to waste.

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Went on a 10+ losing streak to drop myself into G3. Picked up at a moderately busy time (1-2 min queues) later, and matchmaking proceeded to throw me into a fight against a duo ranked in the top 100. Next round, threw me on a team with people in G1-2. So the usual shitty spread of players. Last season I was playing with someone still in placement matches, and we got matched against someone in the top ten twice in a row. Obviously we are nowhere near his level, so why are we forced into such uneven matches? If there aren't enough people in/near your rank, matchmaking should not pull people from so far away. Just give us a message saying there aren't people near your rank in queue, so you gotta wait. Don't throw people in silver against top tens! Lower ranked players shouldn't be punished just because high tier players aren't online.


As far as team comp goes, you're free to change classes before the match starts. If you have crappy comp, get someone to switch.

If the matchmaking does ~optimize~ and set up teams with good comp, there's nothing to stop a member from switching a class to something that messes up comp. So I'm not sure how useful that would actually be.

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First of all, anet must REMOVE the anti-gold farm in pvp.

Anti gold farm is giving bad matchmaking to people who farming matches for the golds.


To anet : how can you call a mode "pvp ranked" if there is an antifarm that break matches and also bots in many games (G1-3).


Really I don't understand the strategy of this company. Frustrating people maybe ?

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> @"Kenny.4618" said:

> First of all, anet must REMOVE the anti-gold farm in pvp.

> Anti gold farm is giving bad matchmaking to people who farming matches for the golds.


> To anet : how can you call a mode "pvp ranked" if there is an antifarm that break matches and also bots in many games (G1-3).


> Really I don't understand the strategy of this company. Frustrating people maybe ?


What is anti-gold farm in pvp? I've never heard of that

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> @"darren.1064" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > foefire is the most snowbally map but also comp is important ofc

> > have 2-3 dmg and 2-3 node sustain, check your teams before match starts and see what it misses

> > low rated matches are kinda chaotic too


> Not everybody plays 3-5 classes. Some of us just specialize in one class. Some classes like engineer have a lot of versatility. Others like Thief have 0 versatility. I think it's unfair to ask people to switch professions mid game when they didn't ask for that specific comp. Instead the matchmaking system should put people into better games.


Should someone that can play 3-5 classes at a high level have a better rating than someone that can only play one?

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