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Annoying things from pvp


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Heya! I open this thread to list a thing of annoying things happening from PvP, that should not even exist. Don't worry, it's not an other "nerf X" thread, more like "that's bad design".

I begin:


* **"No valid path to target"** on random locations

* **"Miss"/"Obstructed"**: an other map-related bug

* **Weakness**: big gambling condi. Is your skill going to hit for 8k or for 500 ? Let's flip a coin!

* **Stomps**: let's spend **three** seconds to either see your target getting rezzed, or your stab removed out of nowhere while doing so and getting cced to hell.

* **Rezzing abilities**: pushing the stomp/rez balance even further. Best part is when it happens out of nowhere (thanks ele/guard)

* **Unblockable CC**: as i'm already opposed to unblockable skills, that goes one step further. What is next step? Skills that will ignore invulnerabilities or barrier ?

* **Stucked in wall**: no need to explain

* **Getting hit at spawn** before the match start, so you can't change the build. Cuz making invulnerable spot is too hard!

* **That little delay between "out of stealth"** and "actually seeing the animation/the guy". Same goes for ports, sometimes.

* **AoE skills with no AoE indicators** (wink at Elixir Gun)

* **Interrupted CC skills that will keep ccing you** (wink at Temporal Rift)

* **Unlimited range skills** (wink at unrelenting assault/ray of judgment)

* **Messy PvP UI**: remove these tutorials windows we've seen billions of times and open the matchmaking window instead!

* Continuing with terrible UI: **build UI**. So many clicks to swap a build! Good thing it's unlimited storage. WAIT WHAT ?! Previous UI was waaaayyy better T_T

* **Titles as rewards**: Oh yeah! An other meaningless title that will replace the meaningless previous title, plaguing the game so much we dont know which title is the best!

* **+7/-23 games**: Cuz loosing 0-500 or 499-500 against newbies with newbies in your team is the same, you were supposed to carry this buddy!

* **Report button**: because toxicity and literal insults in chat are too hard to deal with :(


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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused


> I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again.


Some are coming out with pve now

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused

> >

> > I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again.


> Some are coming out with pve now


Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE?

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused

> > >

> > > I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again.

> >

> > Some are coming out with pve now


> Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE?


Idk it gives ppl something to actually do besides q ranked

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused

> > >

> > > I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again.

> >

> > Some are coming out with pve now


> Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE?


Final Fantasy is a pve focused game, one of the most succesful MMORPGs. People really love PvE (:

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused

> > > >

> > > > I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again.

> > >

> > > Some are coming out with pve now

> >

> > Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE?


> Final Fantasy is a pve focused game, one of the most succesful MMORPGs. People really love PvE (:


I just can’t understand the fun in fighting scripts.

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> I just can’t understand the fun in fighting scripts.

As someone who enjoys both raids and PvP. Think of it as kinda like back when you were a kid and in PE class and you did laps around obstacle courses. It's basically the same thing. It's the indirect competition and satisfaction of mastering the obstacles that are enjoyable. And in the case of specifically a game like FFXIV, it has ultimate raids that are actually challenging on a mechanical level unlike GW2, which has at best, CMs that are super easy and simplistic in comparison.

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I love this thread! I especially tilted when reading about attacking in the spawn. Soooo annoying.


More here:


„**Match starts**“ while you are writing in chat and 19387 other windows pop up. Then you click dismiss and are relieved...But only for a few seconds, cause the next window to choose the map will pop all over the center of your screen and can’t be dismissed. Amazing design.


**Top stats**... Where the average pvp player looks at after flaming his teammates all game long in chat and can feel good again. After spending minutes fighting against the prot holo on enemy-capped node he is proud of himself...he got top-damage! GJ man!


**Enemy team got dc**. It is a 4 vs 5. You win.. Who would have thought that? And you even get the FULL amount of ranking points for that match. Absolutely deserved....


You cast **Renewed Focus** but... kitten, you dodged even if you knew you shouldn’t while casting it. Now it went on full CD but you neither became invulnerable not your virtues got renewed :(


**Flesh wurm**, your last resort as condi nec when pressured. But there are obstacles you didn’t or couldn’t see...So instead of porting you at least a bit near its spot, it ports you literally one step. One kitten step.


„**YOUR BASE IS UNDER ATTACK**“ on a loop. I just always hope my team readies up fast when standing in spawn in foefire.


**Targeting Wars 2**. When you target an enemy to make him notice something like „peel for me“ , „you cap, I leave“ or „help rezzing“, but instead, he acts like you insulted him, stands still, decides to target you instead and flames in chat. I even had one in my games going afk after someone targeted him, with a lead of 150 points



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