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New Mount Skins??

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> > @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> > I believe you can dye them as well... anyone have a screenshot of this?


> They have 4 dye channels. Body, stripe (ie the bones effect), the aura and the eyes


So they can't be bothered to give the original skins more then 1 dye channel but they do give these gem store mount skins 4 dye channels. I could say I'm surprised but I'd be lying cuz it was so obvious that they did this to make future gem store mount skin more appealing but it does piss me off that I could possibly have had 4 dye channels on the original skins. I'm sorry for being a negative nancy and I get that they need to make money but this really annoys me.

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