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Was never really big on instanced based dungeons. Might give them a try, but a few questions.

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From what I read, dungeons in this game are split into 3 wings, and each run just needs to clear 1 of them. Is this right?


How long on average are dungeons? And how is the currency payout per run? Mostly thinking of giving them a go for some of the unique armor appearances, which is kinda my favorite thing in this game, gathering cool armor appearances. But if its insanely grindy and takes 10 or so runs to get one armor appearance i'll probably pass.


Also I read somewhere about 2 seperate modes, story and explore mode. What are the differences between them? Guessing story mode is just a tour of the dungeon following a set path.


I'm more then familiar with how dungeons work on a basic level, been playing WoW for years before moving here so I have a general feel for how they operate on a basic level.

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Dungeons are best looked at in two ways, story and explorable.


The story mode is to compliment the core personal story, so the interactions of the characters and the lore makes a bit more sence.


The exploarable paths where ment to be the original end game content of the game, the story of each path deals with what happened after the story mission. each path will award you 20 tokens with a bonus 80 tokens the first time you compleate it for the day. They also award a little bit of gold, the other thing is each time you complete 8 different paths you get 5g and 150 tokens of your choice.


There is a bit of a grind per armour set or rune set.

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> @"Davros.9823" said:

> Dungeons are best looked at in two ways, story and explorable.


> The story mode is to compliment the core personal story, so the interactions of the characters and the lore makes a bit more sence.


> The exploarable paths where ment to be the original end game content of the game, the story of each path deals with what happened after the story mission. each path will award you 20 tokens with a bonus 80 tokens the first time you compleate it for the day. They also award a little bit of gold, the other thing is each time you complete 8 different paths you get 5g and 150 tokens of your choice.


> There is a bit of a grind per armour set or rune set.


Sounds reasonable for me, as long as the dungeons don't last like a full hour or so with those currency rates I should be fine. And its not really that i'll be picking out entire armor sets. But more so picking individual pieces to suit the look i'm working on.


Also how do the split paths work? Is it a simple matter of the party voting over which route to take?

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Dungeon length does vary, some you can do story +3 paths in an hour or less, others could take up to twice as long for the same thing. But i find them enjoyable. They will take longer when you don't know what you are doing but that is the same for all content.

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The biggest thing to consider accessibility wise for dungeons is:


**are you going in with experienced players who know the dungeon, or are you going in with a group of new players?**


With the former, some paths take between 5-15 minutes, if players use skips and know what to do (use appropriate skills like reflects, blinds, stealth, etc). With the later it will take significantly longer.


The rewards for dungeons are decent and comparable to good open world farms for an experienced group, but require coordination and cooperation. As mentioned by Davros, the tokens gained per dungeon path done comes out to 100 tokens per day, with a bonus chest of 150 tokens for each 8 unique paths (as well as liquid gold, item drops, etc). Armor pieces costs between 180 tokens and 330 tokens, dependent on piece (here the Ascalon Armor vendor: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dungeon_Armor_and_Weapons/Ascalonian_Catacombs). So with 2-3 paths per day, you can expect 1 new armor piece per day on average.


> @"Linthenius.3704" said:

> Also how do the split paths work? Is it a simple matter of the party voting over which route to take?



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You spoke with npc and he/she gives you a choice. Something like which of these 3 do you want to help, which path do you want to use to get to the boss or which escape plan do you chose after you complete main objective.


Some paths are very fast, some paths can be fast if you have experianced party but can be way longer and some are just long.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The rewards for dungeons are decent and comparable to good open world farms for an experienced group, but require coordination and cooperation. As mentioned by Davros, the tokens gained per dungeon path done comes out to 100 tokens per day, with a bonus chest of 150 tokens for each 8 unique paths (as well as liquid gold, item drops, etc). Armor pieces costs between 180 tokens and 330 tokens, dependent on piece (here the Ascalon Armor vendor: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dungeon_Armor_and_Weapons/Ascalonian_Catacombs). So with 2-3 paths per day, you can expect 1 new armor piece per day on average.


Not really. you need an optimized speedrun group to be even comparable to farms and then an organized dragonfall is still twice as profitable. even fractal farm needs coordination and maybe even fractal god to beat that map.

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