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Invoker - Legendary Mursaat Stance (concept)


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Invoker adds a more traditionally magical flavour to the Revenant, and a race of mistwalking spellcasters seems like the perfect fit. Also, it's another villain we get to channel (please Anet, not a third hero elite spec in a row). Fitting for a channeler of the Unseen Ones, the spec also grants access to stealth.



As to who the Mursaat legend would be specifically, I'm not sure yet. Lazarus, of course, is the obvious choice, but the fact that you could theoretically channel Lazarus when fighting against Lazarus himself could be a dealbreaker. The other option is [Optimus Caliph](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Optimus_Caliph), who seems to have been an authority figure among the Mursaat.


**Profession Mechanic**

F2 Jade Construct: You summon a jade construct depending on your current weapon; a melee Jade Armor when you have a ranged weapon, or a ranged Jade Bow when you have a melee weapon.

* Flips to "Attack my Target". Functions similar to the ranger F2.


F3 Only becomes active when you have an active jade construct. You command your construct to deliver an attack:

* Jade Armor: Deals damage and knocks back foes in an area around the construct.

* Jade Bow: Shoot a barrage of arrows in a targeted area, applying bleeding and cripple.



Main-hand scepter as a ranged weapon with an emphasis on zone control.

Skill 1: A standard projectile, but when it hits a foe, it creates a rift at their location. The rift explodes after a short delay, dealing area damage.

Skill 2: Summon a fireblast from the mists that strikes a targeted area dealing damage and applying chill and blind. (Blast Finisher). Stores 2 charges.

Skill 3: Create a circle for a few seconds that deals damage every second. Foes that cross the perimeter are inflicted with torment. (Dark Field)




Similar to Engineer's AED. Lazarus could revive by storing his essence into vessels, so Invoker borrows that same trick to cheat death.


Utilities. The utilities are ground-targeted abilities based on the weapons and tools utilised by the Mursaat.

- Spectral Agony: After a short delay, you deliver an attack in the targeted area. Foes you hit are tethered for a few seconds. The tether pulses every second dealing damage and applying torment, slow and cripple.

- Janthir's Gaze: You summon the Eye of Janthir in the targeted area for a few seconds to reveal foes and expose their weaknesses. Similar to a well, each pulse applies reveal and vulnerability, and removes specific boons (protection, resistance and aegis). (Light Field)

- Ether Seal: You place a seal in the targeted area to damage and weaken foes. Same as above, each pulse deals damage and applies weakness. Also, while they remain in the area, enemies take damage each time they gain a boon. (Ethereal Field)



This is the upkeep skill of this legend, and as long as it's active, you are stealthed. You can use it for a maximum of 4 seconds, at which point it automatically detoggles. It also detoggles when you get revealed, or make an attack. In the last case, when you make an attack while stealthed, enemies you hit with that attack are tethered with Spectral Agony.



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I think this game needs less stealth, not more.

I think your F2 and F3 would be one button, similar to Necromancers' minions' and Elementalists' summons' active abilities.

Praise the sun you didn't choose a Greatsword for your idea! I'd let it dual-wield sceptres though, core Revenant has no offhand to complement a main hand sceptre.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> I think this game needs less stealth, not more.

> I think your F2 and F3 would be one button, similar to Necromancers' minions' and Elementalists' summons' active abilities.

> Praise the sun you didn't choose a Greatsword for your idea! I'd let it dual-wield sceptres though, core Revenant has no offhand to complement a main hand sceptre.


stealth is ok. Permastealth isnt.


The game needs an better reveal mechanic and reworked stealth mechanic

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> **Theme**

> Invoker adds a more traditionally magical flavour to the Revenant, and a race of mistwalking spellcasters seems like the perfect fit. Also, it's another villain we get to channel (please Anet, not a third hero elite spec in a row). Fitting for a channeler of the Unseen Ones, the spec also grants access to stealth.


> **Legend**

> As to who the Mursaat legend would be specifically, I'm not sure yet. Lazarus, of course, is the obvious choice, but the fact that you could theoretically channel Lazarus when fighting against Lazarus himself could be a dealbreaker. The other option is [Optimus Caliph](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Optimus_Caliph), who seems to have been an authority figure among the Mursaat.


> **Profession Mechanic**

> F2 Jade Construct: You summon a jade construct depending on your current weapon; a melee Jade Armor when you have a ranged weapon, or a ranged Jade Bow when you have a melee weapon.

> F3 Only becomes active when you have an active jade construct. You command your construct to deliver an attack:

> * Jade Armor: Deals damage and knocks back foes in an area around the construct.

> * Jade Bow: Shoot a barrage of arrows in a targeted area, applying bleeding and cripple.


> **Weapon**

> Main-hand scepter as a ranged weapon with an emphasis on zone control.

> Skill 1: A standard projectile, but when it hits a foe, it creates a rift at their location. The rift explodes after a short delay, dealing area damage.

> Skill 2: Summon a fireblast from the mists that strikes a targeted area dealing damage and applying burning and blind. (Blast Finisher). Stores 2 charges.

> Skill 3: Create a circle for a few seconds that deals damage every second. Foes that cross the perimeter are inflicted with torment. (Dark Field)


> **Skills**

> Healing.

> Similar to Engineer's AED. Lazarus could revive by storing his essence into vessels, so Invoker borrows that same trick to cheat death.


> Utilities. The utilities are ground-targeted abilities based on the weapons and tools utilised by the Mursaat.

> - Spectral Agony: After a short delay, you deliver an attack in the targeted area. Foes you hit are tethered for a few seconds. The tether pulses every second dealing damage and applying torment, slow and cripple.

> - Janthir's Gaze: You summon the Eye of Janthir in the targeted area for a few seconds to reveal foes and expose their weaknesses. Similar to a well, each pulse applies reveal and vulnerability, and removes specific boons (protection, resistance and aegis). (Light Field)

> - Ether Seal: You place a seal in the targeted area to damage and weaken foes. Same as above, each pulse deals damage and applies weakness. Also, while they remain in the area, enemies take damage each time they gain a boon. (Ethereal Field)


> Elite.

> This is the upkeep skill of this legend, and as long as it's active, you are stealthed. You can use it for a maximum of 4 seconds, at which point it automatically detoggles. It also detoggles when you get revealed, or make an attack. In the last case, when you make an attack while stealthed, enemies you hit with that attack are tethered with Spectral Agony.




though since renegade im not a fan of only having AoEs and things to place, im still into it. maybe its the ranged weapon...

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> I think this game needs less stealth, not more.

> I think your F2 and F3 would be one button, similar to Necromancers' minions' and Elementalists' summons' active abilities.


Actually I forgot to mention in the post, F2 flips to an "Attack my Target" button, similar to the ones rangers have.


As for stealth, besides the strong thematic ties with this profession, I think rev is in the best position to have balanced access to stealth given their design. Not only are revs constraint by energy, but they cannot freely slot a stealth skill like other classes can, it would exist only on a specific legend, and as an upkeep skill, you can't even swap legends without breaking stealth.


Case in point here, this elite spec offers you no mobility, so you can't freely disengage like thief and mesmer can, neither do you get abilities that lend themselves to big burst combos.

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