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Idle Players in game recieving no action. I assume there must be a messaging/report bug in the game

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When a player is constantly grieving-idle/afk in pvp matches and recieves report after report after report ect....and they still can play in the game mode...it makes me think that perhaps the report system is not actively working.


I want to report the report feature as not working.


Please look into this and fix the report feature.


When someone gets hundreds of reports against their behavior and no action, one can only assume that the report feature has a bug.


Thank you.

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I believe it doesn’t matter if 200 people report at the same time, the reports would go into a queue and would have to wait for someone to get to that report and investigate. So depending how big the queue is it could take days/weeks to get to your report and the account in question would get investigated then. Not great since by that point a lot of pvp matches are lost affecting stats rewards etc but I’m sure that action will be taken. If they took action immediately on an automatic level then it could be exploited, for example you could get lots of alt accounts to report someone your playing against in order to win.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> When someone gets hundreds of reports against their behavior and no action, one can only assume that the report feature has a bug.

No, one can also assume that they checked and found nothing or they really don't care.


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...or it could be that they had a massive server crash, have to rush people from home into a physical location and deal with the real world issues involved in that, and while everyone in their employ is running around with their heads on fire in emergency mode they don't have the time to read and respond to a bazillion identical messages from people who take the inability to play as a mortal personal insult because they're trying to find the problem, fix the problem, and roll out the fix as fast as possible.


That takes an amount of time that is not zero.

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Anet doesnt care and probably never did.

All of the bot-spots/idle-spots that I know since the beginning of the game are still occupied with the same characters/accoutns.

Even after everyday reporting by 20-30ppl guild, I can see the same bots at the same spots after like 6 months.

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