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trades successful, no money at all back for me

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wondering if anyone sold items in a row at trading post, realising no money are returned at all ?! :((((


I have opened a ticket, but with these waiting times ... i cannot play cause i have no space in my invetories/ bank etc, i need to sell the loot


Any idea how to report this on their support ? as not a normal ticket, so they read it ASAP, cause it is blocking me completely from playing ?

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well the rollback is over, they ignore my ticket completely … ( they read another one related to server crash... ) I am still stuck unable to play cause I have tried yesterday, when everyone else was fine, of course my issue had nothing to do with any rollback … so it is a trading post issue and I really have no idea how to report this, to have them at least notice it :((

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> well the rollback is over, they ignore my ticket completely … ( they read another one related to server crash... ) I am still stuck unable to play cause I have tried yesterday, when everyone else was fine, of course my issue had nothing to do with any rollback … so it is a trading post issue and I really have no idea how to report this, to have them at least notice it :((


I would suggest writing a ticket anyway, using the new rollback category there. I have/had a similar problem to you, I've submitted a ticket and will stay away from the Trade Post for now, it seems quite unreliable at the moment.

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> i cannot play cause i have no space in my invetories/ bank etc, i need to sell the loot


Normal loot? Salvage ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage ) it. I do will almost all loot even most Exotic. Your material part of the bank fits probably more, and in mean it is as least as profitable (but much more comfort) than selling any single piece of loot.

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I have opened that ticket and another one letting them know I am completely stuck from playing, because this old one it seems that they consider it fixed somehow ! :(( with their rollback fixing :(( but they completely ignored my added comment: that my issue is still not solved!

Even the new one was not read at all and I will stop opening more, since they ignore me completely … and I am stuck like this and I cannot play since last Monday.

It is a full week with not even an acknowledgment of the issue and the fact I am fully stuck at least ! :((((

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"SunCat.7839" said:

> > i cannot play cause i have no space in my invetories/ bank etc, i need to sell the loot


> Normal loot? Salvage ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage ) it. I do will almost all loot even most Exotic. Your material part of the bank fits probably more, and in mean it is as least as profitable (but much more comfort) than selling any single piece of loot.


well since my inventory is full, salvaging produces materials, they need space or be sold too, I don t have space at all ( 2 free slots in bank, 4 free slots in characters inventory or less, just cause I kept filling bags waiting for their issue fix) and if I try to sell it is same mats or items I get no money from them back ! … so this option is also not an option

that 's why I have said I am fully stuck


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