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Stop lying in Fractal LFG when you pug !

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> @"Armen.1483" said:

> > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > There is an obvious and simple solution to this. Don't join a lfg. Make the lfg.


> That solution doesn't always work. Because besides the lying lfgs there are also their "victims" that enter your pug and leave without saying anything after doing 1 fractal. Today is the day when it will happen a lot: nightmare is daily.


Then do that fractal last. Or advertise what fractals you are doing, and exclude that one.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > @"Armen.1483" said:

> > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > > There is an obvious and simple solution to this. Don't join a lfg. Make the lfg.

> >

> > That solution doesn't always work. Because besides the lying lfgs there are also their "victims" that enter your pug and leave without saying anything after doing 1 fractal. Today is the day when it will happen a lot: nightmare is daily.


> Then do that fractal last. Or advertise what fractals you are doing, and exclude that one.


Nah, it's far better to start with 99 and put it in the description like: "T4 dailies - no cm - 99 - xx - xx". You can also add "in this order" or anything similar.


Overall it's kinda funny how thin-skinned all you guys in this thread are or have become. Back in the days of 2018/19 and before things like leavers happened regularly. Not always but often. We just didn't care, put the lfg up again and waited for the next player (or already started the next fractal).

Non-adjusted lfgs were a thing as well but in this case most often this was due to pure laziness. Someone leaves and people just reinstate the lfg without caring. Annoying for the new player but not a big deal since you always find guys for a single fractal afterwards. It's mindblowing how unflexible this community has become and publicly admitting it.

And seriously, "blocking" for that. Holy moly...what happened to the game/the player base?

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> Overall it's kinda funny how thin-skinned all you guys in this thread are or have become. Back in the days of 2018/19 and before things like leavers happened regularly. Not always but often. We just didn't care, put the lfg up again and waited for the next player (or already started the next fractal).

Yes exactly and by pure coincidence you just forget to mention that the X fractal is done so you wait 1 min instead of 15 min.

> Non-adjusted lfgs were a thing as well but in this case most often this was due to pure laziness. Someone leaves and people just reinstate the lfg without caring. Annoying for the new player but not a big deal since you always find guys for a single fractal afterwards. It's mindblowing how unflexible this community has become and publicly admitting it.

You don't always find pugs easily. Sadly the playerbase is not that big nowdays, in fractals you sometimes need a specific role/class with a specific skill requirement that can make you wait for a very long time.

> And seriously, "blocking" for that. Holy moly...what happened to the game/the player base?

You have any other solution ? I personally think it is the best option advised by far. Blocking the leavers and lyers so they end up playing with each other.


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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Overall it's kinda funny how thin-skinned all you guys in this thread are or have become.


> Most of us are giving suggestions and arguing against blocks. But you be you I suppose.


Haven't read any post at all against blocking. Suggestions - for sure but not arguing against blocks. Either way it's a personal decision. I can also accept that you block people if they are leaving during a fractal while having lied but I think it's totally fine to leave in between while the groups is (back) in the lobby before starting the next one.


> @"Armen.1483" said:

> You don't always find pugs easily. Sadly the playerbase is not that big nowdays, in fractals you sometimes need a specific role/class with a specific skill requirement that can make you wait for a very long time.


For T4s you don't need a specific role/class to be fast and good on spot. Sadly, a lot of players think that they need those roles and rather accept wasting overall time instead of taking someone who is able to perform decently in T4s. And I'm not talking about some 5k dps player or a healer without healing. There are enough semi-good players in the T4 spectrum still.

For CMs it's a different thing I agree totally and that's why I always ran CMs, then T4s and afterwards Recs - in that order. It guaranteed to have the most competent players during the hardest content at start and accepting that some of those people don't want to deal with T4s and/or Recs.

I mean ok, if you have that 250 KP group with "CM - T4 - Recs" you could expect to get that skritt done all together but why getting mad once you finished the harder stuff and people leaving **after** a fractal. You only limit yourself by blocking those due to the fact that the pool of players won't increase. On the opposite it's shrinking and therefore will make it even harder to find appropriate people.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> For T4s you don't need a specific role/class to be fast and good on spot. Sadly, a lot of players think that they need those roles and rather accept wasting overall time instead of taking someone who is able to perform decently in T4s. And I'm not talking about some 5k dps player or a healer without healing. There are enough semi-good players in the T4 spectrum still.

Imagine you have done your cms (I do the same as you normally), then you enter a random pug that advertises T4s+recs and asks for your role. You enter it and after doing 1 fractal everyone says "thank you bye". Now what are you going to do ? Right, you either gonna do the same thing, lie in lfg and get your group fast (yeah I am okay with running a 4 dps+healer comp too), or wait 15 min to find those random players who randomly had the same problem as you. Even if you don't ask for a specific role you will end up wasting your time in lfg and get an insufficient group. Everything would be fine, again I have no problem with that until I remember that all of this happened because someone "forgot" to clarify his ad in lfg. So this is what happens: some random person lies in lfg, gets a good group does the fractal he needs, ditches you out, and you while having done nothing wrong gonna suffer LONG waiting times in lfg (missing out 1 dps is ok, but missing 4 can take you up to 20 min, and even more at some hours especially if you do fractals on reset) and end up having an insufficient group. How is that fair ? That is my argument for blocking. Not because I am thin skinned, but because I don't wanna penalise myself for others' faults.

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