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Lost my mats at trading post

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Hey, so yesterday right after the crash (didnt realize there was a rollback at first), i've put up most of my mats for sale at the tp and sold almost everything (around 200 gold worth in total).


Now they've fixed the bug, i've recovered the entirety of those mats and put them up for sale once again. But when i came back 30 mins later, i've noticed most of my Items are gone. Nothing in my transactions, nothing in my mat storage, Bank, inventory, nothing. I only manager to sell 500 jute scraps.


Strange thing is, there are still 2 mat in my transaction that show they've been put up for sale yesterday, while i should have recovered them after today's fix.


Long story short, i just lost around 200 golds. Is any of you having the same issue ?

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I took it yesterday before the whole server was down for maintenance. I had like 500 gold on my account after the sales.


After the fix, my wallet shrunk to 350gold and the materials were returned to my storage. So I put them up for sale again thinking the problem was addressed. So yeah I lost around 200golds on the end, and im not the only one apparently.

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> @"YoYoMoBB.8354" said:

> Somewhat same problem. I canceled buy orders and placed new buy orders. The buy orders are gone and so is the gold (pretty much my lifesavings in GW2).


That is exactly what happened to me too. (also all my lifesavings involved)

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This is what happens when instead of closing servers ASAP and rolling back the entire game, you decide to roll back components to not upset NA players.

This "hacky" way of solving the problem by trying to merge the EU timeline (rolled back) with the NA timeline (not rolled back) is unacceptable from a MMO this size and causes serious problems (item dups, lost items, lost gold).

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> @"LeeeX.2485" said:

> This is what happens when instead of closing servers ASAP and rolling back the entire game, you decide to roll back components to not upset NA players.

> This "hacky" way of solving the problem by trying to merge the EU timeline (rolled back) with the NA timeline (not rolled back) is unacceptable from a MMO this size and causes serious problems (item dups, lost items, lost gold).


An problem concerning a restricted number of players shouldn't penalize whole. shutting down NA servers would have been excessive. However, I concede that to avoid this kind of problem temporarily locking trading post was possible.

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> @"AzryelVikingar.5136" said:

> > @"LeeeX.2485" said:

> > This is what happens when instead of closing servers ASAP and rolling back the entire game, you decide to roll back components to not upset NA players.

> > This "hacky" way of solving the problem by trying to merge the EU timeline (rolled back) with the NA timeline (not rolled back) is unacceptable from a MMO this size and causes serious problems (item dups, lost items, lost gold).


> An problem concerning a restricted number of players shouldn't penalize whole. shutting down NA servers would have been excessive. However, I concede that to avoid this kind of problem temporarily locking trading post was possible.


Closing any link between EU and NA was a most for preventing this type of desynchronization between servers.

It's not fair to lose 24 hours of progress, but neither it is to risk ruining the market with duplicates or losing months of progress in the form of lost items or gold.


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I've had similar issues as well as more than a dozen guildees i've spoken to. We all had several items in TP that sold during the maintenance period, and are in our SOLD TRANSACTION lists in TP, but we have not been credited the gold for these items.


Naively I only recently learnt that NA and EU both share the same TP, so I don't know why Anet didn't lock TP the very instant they took EU down for maintenance (not sure if they could have done this, only other alternative was to simultaneously close NA servers [ikr drastic option] )...


... BIG problem is now since they didn't lock TP or shut NA down the resulting tech issues over TP failed transactions are massive. Just logging into the game after restart in 1 of my 5 guilds at least 12+ players all saying they had stuff listed, its sold (is in their TP listing as SOLD), but they have not received the gold due to the roll-back. This is going to be a major clean-up headache for the support team. I think Anet maybe underestimate just how many EU players this has affected: I think its going to be in the 10,000s+ of tickets generated sadly, unless they can sort some kinda of magic TP fix for all this ?

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> @"RainyRiver.4513" said:

> > @"Greg.7086" said:

> > they had stuff listed, its sold (is in their TP listing as SOLD), but they have not received the gold due to the roll-back

> Same here. Didn't lose much, but still it's frustrating. I imagine how those who have lost hundreds of gold feel.




All I advise, as per I have done as follows ( really feel for support at the moment: they must be totally swamped: Keep drinking the coffee guys n girls!):


1) Open ticket

2) Put as much detail as possible in your ticket: Specifics of gold or items mislaid, lost, not received, ~ time of transactions if you have any clue?

3) Screen shots, if appropriate, of your TP transaction history: Sale list ( attach to ticket)

4) Be polite in ticket ( I've had a positive response from support, they;re obviously being innundated with ticket after ticket, they're only human so be patient)

5) Let support investigate it: give them time, they're only human!

6) Be patient

7) Monitor all your current TP transactions and add any further errors or screen shots as appropriate to your ticket

8) Support are aware of the issue between TP and EU Servers: They are investigating the scope of this, and how they are going to address it: Ordinarily (like if you accidentally sell or buy something from TP Support cannot influence or change this as its player-to-player transactions; but obviously this is not ordinary circumstances and Support themselves will have to figure out a process to compensate players of the mislaid gold/items)

9) Wait patiently as you can: this could well likely take some days/weeks (worse case scenario), but I'm confident if its a genuine loss due to technical fault this will be rectified.

10) Good luck to all, hope you get things sorted.

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