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The international branch of the forum (Международная ветка форума, Mezinárodní pobočka fóra и пр.)

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Unfortunately, I noticed that many players humiliate other nations by choosing a language in which they can easily communicate. This humiliation has been going on for a very long time. The first part of the game was localization in all languages. I understand that you will not localize for everyone now. You have taken this principled position. But I ask you to create at least a separate thread on the forum. For Russians, Belarusians, Czechs, Ukrainians and all all of them all!

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I have no issue with the right to speak any language you choose. The issue is simply that for you to communicate in the language, Anet and the mods need to be able to read (not google translate) and communicate in the same language. This is not something Anet or their mods have the capability of, so the choice is limited. This also helps them keep discussion less segregated as well by keeping to a smaller pool of supported languages.


So whilst I fully support your cause and right, this is a private forum and Anet can't do what you want for the above reasons no matter how many petitions are started.


If you just want to speak in your language and not worry about such rules or whether Anet can read feedback, does Reddit not allow for this? Or a private forum or discord?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I have no issue with the right to speak any language you choose. The issue is simply that for you to communicate in the language, Anet and the mods need to be able to read (not google translate) and communicate in the same language. This is not something Anet or their mods have the capability of, so the choice is limited. This also helps them keep discussion less segregated as well by keeping to a smaller pool of supported languages.


> So whilst I fully support your cause and right, this is a private forum and Anet can't do what you want for the above reasons no matter how many petitions are started.


> If you just want to speak in your language and not worry about such rules or whether Anet can read feedback, does Reddit not allow for this? Or a private forum or discord?



if I supported discord, would I write this appeal in English? of course not. My suggestion is quite commonplace.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I have no issue with the right to speak any language you choose. The issue is simply that for you to communicate in the language, Anet and the mods need to be able to read (not google translate) and communicate in the same language. This is not something Anet or their mods have the capability of, so the choice is limited. This also helps them keep discussion less segregated as well by keeping to a smaller pool of supported languages.


> So whilst I fully support your cause and right, this is a private forum and Anet can't do what you want for the above reasons no matter how many petitions are started.


> If you just want to speak in your language and not worry about such rules or whether Anet can read feedback, does Reddit not allow for this? Or a private forum or discord?


Дело в том, что я заметила, что существует недопонимание в выборе различных оборотов речи. Из-за этого сообщение имеет место быть искаженным.

The fact is that I noticed that there is a misunderstanding in the choice of different turns of speech. Because of this, the message takes place to be distorted.

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So, you think that you can "humiliate other nations" by "choosing a language in which they can easily communicate". Yet, at the same time you think it's perfectly okay to choose a language in which others _cannot_ easily communicate?


I'm not sure i follow that trail of logic.


I am however quite sure, that acting the way you did (starting several threads in russian, and only adding english translation after the first threads got moderated away), you are _not_ going to persuade Anet that russian subforum (or cyrillic support ingame) are a good idea. In fact, if anything, you're more likely to achieve the exact opposite effect.

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I don't know, I personally find it rude to come to international place and communicate in my language that is not widely understood (I'm Czech), thus excluding everyone not speaking it from the conversation. Also, there'd have to be extra mods for each of the languages. In 2020 one would kind of expect people are able to use English on an international forum. If there's any need to have a national one, why not make it separately?

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Giving own space for each language is a bad idea. Anet is not a mega-corporation that could realistically manage having dozens sections for every language out there, since grand majority of them would need their own moderators due the language barrier thing. Also in general its just good manners to not speak in language majority of your company does not speak. Expecting good manners from you is not humiliation. You probably would not like it either if I kept butting into your threads to only speak in finnish.


Finnish is my native language, but I do not expect everyone give me service in my native language where ever I go, because the world does not revolve around me. You cannot expect this either. You can try to find spaces that do cater your needs, or you can create these spaces for these specific needs, or you can learn english (there are plenty of apps and online courses for this), or you just need to suck it up, and keep using google translator.

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The best route - is create a guild, generate your own forum for your language - where you're going to get lots of convo. in your own language or people wanting to learn your language. There are already a number of guilds out there focus on one region of the world/country.

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