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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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Everyone lost progress in a way – where is the difference between a rolled back (SAB) daily and one that was not completed because Anet took the servers down before the player could log in? Why are people that only ever logged in for a minute during that time frame more affected than players that planned to clear raids this evening? What about people that lost hundreds or thousand of gold on the trading post? What about people that tried to do the right thing and not log in to help prevent any damage to their account and help Anet get this sorted faster?


This really is incredibly unfair and everyone deserves the same compensation. Until Anet makes this right and gives every affected player - and everyone that was prevented from playing/progressing on Monday is affected - the same compensation I will not spend another cent on this game (or any future Anet products) and I’m not even sure I’ll continue playing this game.

I don’t really care about the item(s) - in my opinion no compensation at all would have been a far better solution than what they’ve come up with - but this arbitrary division between affected players is not right.

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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > No, there's just no delete function on the forum; it's common practice to snip the contents of your post on forums that disallow deletion, especially if one hadn't been quoted yet. I wasn't really *wrong*, I just changed my opinion based on an understanding. I realized this within a few minutes of posting, so it's plenty fine.


> Of course you where wrong and you know it, there's no changing mind when it comes to simple facts. But you justifying this in every possible way only makes me feel that you are never "really wrong".




?? I don't even remember what either person said

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So today we get free bonfire in gem shop... That makes this "compensation" look even worse. Seriously - they should have extended SAB for a week and it would look much better, than giving bonfire...

Btw I play mobile game - Azur Lane. Every time there is server maintaince issue (and it happens quite often), they give out free premium currency as apology. Seriously there is something wrong, when mobile game compensations are much better than one you'd get from PC game....

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> @"foku.3804" said:

> If these are the compensation rewards chosen by Anet, they should have been reversed - everyone who was affected should have gotten the mount and then on top of that those who for whatever reason were online during the disconnects also get the bonfire. I find that far more reasonable and logical.


This makes far more sense yes!

Or just everyone gets a bonfire, hairstyle makeover or mount adoption license, like 300 to 400 gems and those on monday get another.

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I know people that got the license just cuz of having logged in 5min at monday, and those who didnt logged in ,but still lost progress, only got a bonfire in the mail.

And some players even get their compensation twice.


This is a stupid joke. I dont wanna be a part of the community that gets fooled by a stupid problem that was related to bad development. We have enough of those jokes.

You(the devs) are making everything worse than the actual rollback would have done.

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Still no response from ArenaNet. As always just staying out of touch with their community.

And here i thought there were signs it's getting better.

Splitting the community and enrageing a lot of the toughful and communicative members, that stay in touch with others in this MMO. While favoring those with disabled chat, that didn't or didn't want to realize that they lose progress.

Lection for the next time: Send your items to other accounts, make screenshot of every progress you did and demand in thousends of tickets to get it back. That's what ANet is supporting here.

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> @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > @"fth.3192" said:

> > I was online before and after the roll back and haven't had a bonfire or mount come through. So im not happy about any of it haha

> >


> Yeah I've logged in-game this evening and got nothing, guess it's going to take them a few days to get it all sorted.


Logged in-game this evening (Friday) and still nothing in the mail. Seems like some get double of the License and the Bonfire, some get one or both and others just get nothing at all! :'( I did get the freebie Communal Boost Bonfire that all players can get from the BLTC, just nothing in the mail. :'(


Frankly this is really starting to feel like a major screw-up by ANet, it's like they sat down and worked out "What's the worst thing we can give as compensation?" and they figured "Hey, we're giving everyone a free Communal Boost Bonfire on Friday 15th May, why not just give all EU players another one as well?".

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This decision feels just as shitty as the decision to say "thank you" to HoT buyers by giving them a choice of skins to unlock, and if you already unlocked them by spending gems then you got nothing. Can't say I'm surprised at the "unfairness" yet again. Seems those in charge of the rewards don't even look at everyone's point of view, concider all possibilities, or care about how they're perceived.


And no, I don't even want the stupid Select License, as I've already spent gems buying ALL of the skins and it would, yet again, be a completely useless item to me. Maybe instead of giving out items that allow you to select from a limited pool of items that we might have already unlocked, give us gems so we can choose ourselves?? Or something that can be redeemed for something unique.


I should just stop spending gems at this game it seems, cuz it does nothing but lessen any "reward" or "compensation" you're given..

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This is really weird.

I got skin & bf on one account I logged in earlier this week during the rollback(mostly afk in LA). Today I receive another bf (from anet, ingame mail) but no mount skin. Then there is other people who received two mount skins.

This account was created on the Thursday before the rollback....so imagine how much progress I lost....


On my other accounts (more than 5 years old) I only get 1 bf(or 2 or 3 by now) because I did not login (because of rollback happening while being on first account and people saying they lost stuff.)

People who logged in 15 days ago then went on holidays and came back yesterday also got the bf.


Now there is a free bf on the tp....


So this is Anets idea of compensation or are they just trying get people even more upset about how they managed this whole situation?


Make me really consider if I will continue playing. Sure as hell will not spent money any more on it.




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I agree with Aechidna.3084. I did log in and try to log in and I only received a communa bonfire. It is super unfair that people who did log in during the time or did not to help the servers get punished while they got asked not to log in. SO arenanet punishes people for obeying them. It makes the game extremely unfair to give some people 1200 gems and others not. What annoys me on top of that is that arenanet doesnt reply to support tickets, I only get automatical emails that state: these are the requirements ofr a bonfire and these are the requirements for a mount license. That does nt solve ANYTHING. From a customer support system I expect a person to answer my questions, I am not an idiot I could read on the website that those were the requirements. I find that very very poor support. I am so done with this game and the unfairness of it. This actually makes me want to sell or delete my GW2 account. It makes me hate myself for being treated unequally. Like arenanet telling me i deserve to be punisch and i deserve to to be treated unequal.

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> @"Najten.2418" said:

> This decision feels just as kitten as the decision to say "thank you" to HoT buyers by giving them a choice of skins to unlock, and if you already unlocked them by spending gems then you got nothing. Can't say I'm surprised at the "unfairness" yet again. Seems those in charge of the rewards don't even look at everyone's point of view, concider all possibilities, or care about how they're perceived.


> And no, I don't even want the stupid Select License, as I've already spent gems buying ALL of the skins and it would, yet again, be a completely useless item to me. Maybe instead of giving out items that allow you to select from a limited pool of items that we might have already unlocked, give us gems so we can choose ourselves?? Or something that can be redeemed for something unique.


> I should just stop spending gems at this game it seems, cuz it does nothing but lessen any "reward" or "compensation" you're given..


Have you tried to contact CS and get that Licence (which you have from bought before this happened) replaced with something else or Gems? It could be worth a try at least. It would be the proper way to keep players that buy things for real money to keep paying for items (Gems) and still feel safe that if something happens and there is a compensation like this that it also will be of use for those who already have that item from before.


I understand that ANet have a bit more to deal with during COVID-19 and all that it messes up with how things normally are running for a company, but they have to adopt a better strategy for when things like this happens and give options for player to pick what they can get in compensation. Anyway it is up to ANet to fix this mess.

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> @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > > @"fth.3192" said:

> > > I was online before and after the roll back and haven't had a bonfire or mount come through. So im not happy about any of it haha

> > >

> >

> > Yeah I've logged in-game this evening and got nothing, guess it's going to take them a few days to get it all sorted.


> Logged in-game this evening (Friday) and still nothing in the mail. Seems like some get double of the License and the Bonfire, some get one or both and others just get nothing at all! :'( I did get the freebie Communal Boost Bonfire that all players can get from the BLTC, just nothing in the mail. :'(


> Frankly this is really starting to feel like a major screw-up by ANet, it's like they sat down and worked out "What's the worst thing we can give as compensation?" and they figured "Hey, we're giving everyone a free Communal Boost Bonfire on Friday 15th May, why not just give all EU players another one as well?".


Finally got the Communal Boost Bonfire in my mail this evening (Saturday 16th May). No mount license or anything else, just a single Communal Boost Bonfire which I just dropped into my bank on top of the other three we've been given recently! Feeling very, very disappointed with ANet right now and if this is how they treat the players who have helped keep them in business then it's going to be a really, really long time until I make any sort of real world currency purchases from ANet again. We were unable to log-in to our accounts for 24+ hours and all we get is a Communal Boost Bonfire, something that ANet have given away to everyone three times so far this year! That really does not feel like an apology for any inconvenience, let alone actual compensation for the downtime! Feels more like ANet are giving all EU players a massive middle finger and showing they really do not care about the players! :/


EDIT: No real compensation for downtime = no real world purchases!

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Hello this is my first post in all these years. I played the weekend before the "rollback problem". Due to real life matters i logged in on Monday late at night when the EU servers were down. Because of this problems that werent depend from me i "loose" some days from GW2. I am an old GW player and fun and i play GW since GW1. I have no idea if i lost anything with the rollback problem but I think that everyone in the EU servers that were down must get the "Welcome back - Mount skin" . It is a matter of recognise our support and say thank you and we are sorry about that. Thank you for your comprehension.

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> @"Iyvathae.3482" said:

> Everyone lost progress in a way – where is the difference between a rolled back (SAB) daily and one that was not completed because Anet took the servers down before the player could log in?


Easy, one of them required a person to play the game actually.


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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:


> Easy, one of them required a person to play the game actually.


You are aware that people could not play because Anet prevented that, yes?


Someone that did their SAB daily during the time that was rolled back even gets the drops restored, they just lost the daily chest, some baubles and a bit of time.


Someone that could not log in because the servers were down lost everything the person that was able to play lost plus the drops and they did not get the same compensation because they “didn’t lose any progression”.


Same with people that lost hundreds or thousands of gold on the trading post, they experienced no loss as well, right? It’s really nothing compared to some guy that lost three levels to the rollback.

A bonfire that no one cares about is a great compensation for the lost gold, no need to restore it, close the support tickets and people will surely forget about it.



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"For the players who were not able to log in during our downtime the Communal Boost Bonfire is something we hope everyone can share with each other."


The bonbon is not compensation for lost stuff, gold or anything like that. For those you should get in touch with support and hope they can resolve it.

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Can you please show me the statement where Anet mentions that players that lost gold on the trading post should contact support to get it back and receive a compensation?


Do you really think that people that did lose gold did not think to open a support ticket?

Do you know what support does?

They do nothing and then they close your ticket.

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The compensation for everyone who didn't directly lose anything because of the rollback felt like a slap in the face, if I'm honest.


It really did feel like those of us who chose not to log in (to preserve our accounts, or lessen the strain on the servers, or for whatever reason) were punished for our actions.


That said, I probably could've taken it on the chin if the servers went back to normal - but this morning, we were struck with login issues. I'm erring on the side of nobody getting any compensation for this, but it's sad that my first thought was, "I should probably try to log in so I don't miss out on any rewards."

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> I'm sure everyone who was gonna get one got one by now. If you got the bonfire then that's it but maybe if you EU and got nothing so far they aren't done but it's been a week. You seem to post a bit hoping but no matter how many you make here isn't going to get you the mount or 2 or 3 if you didn't log in during that window


Im just making sure that the favoring of a part of the community doesnt expire. Maybe theyll do it right and many players, including friends and guildies, wont stop playing cuz of that.


They made it even worse than the rollback could have done.

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Honestly, I wouldn't mind people receiving the mount if it was given to those who actually lost significant progress OR gold from tp, which could not be restored. Like 200+g, difficult achievements, etc. This would have been a real compensation.


However, these deserving people come from 2 groups which have been compensated differently: those who logged on Monday, and those who did not.


On the other hand, you have non-deserving players, who didn't lose any progress, or very minor one.


Once again, those people come from the same 2 groups, and have been compensated differently.


Now, if Anet cannot make the difference between those who lost something, and those who didn't, they cannot offer a different compensation. So they had to either give everyone both rewards, or everyone nothing. In the latter case, they have to restore lost things to players.


Now for the actual solution, since some people not deserving it received the mount anyway, and you obviously cannot take it away from them now, just go for the 1st option, and give both items to all players affected by rollback, so those who logged in between Friday and Monday.

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