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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Well, being reasonably well-versed in the English language, I know the meaning of the word "everyone". You, apparently, do not. There are many people who didn't get this "compensation" because they didn't log on for a minute. These are included in "everyone".


Following your logic. My wife did not get any compensation either even though she never played the game but she is "everyone" .



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Because of the Server Crash / Rollback I agreed with our caring community that it would be best to leave the game at rest in order to not make things potentially harder for Arenanet to Fix the server issues.


Now we all are missing out a compensation worth of €15,- !! Just because we agreed it was best for the game.


True, i for example, did not lose my 2Gold daily progress because I did not log in, and maybe sum woodies and ores, maybe a T6 venom sac or 2.

But i did miss out on a potential 2 Gold progress because i decided to be thougtful like most of our caring community.


I would lose 2 Gold everyday for a compensation of €15,-!!!


Where are your principles Arenanet?

The first Server maintenance in like 7,5 years???

How often do we get real problems thanks to Arenanet?

The answer: barely!

That alone is Kudos toward Anet really.


The whole caring community that is missing out on a crazy €15,- mount selection skin just because we care doesnt do any form of justice in my estimation!

I love this game, but I am very angry right now! >.<"


If being careless gives you €15 worth of content, how much is being careful, thougtful, respectful worth to you Arenanet?

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> @"Kaida.1478" said:

> > > > @"darksome.1697" said:

> it seems the OP and the others feeling cheated on a "reward" thinks Anet is rewarding people for logging in and playing after the rollback happened. And that is not the case.

> >

> I feel a bit cheated because people who logged in and lost nothing also get compensation, but I do not because I didn't log in during the very specific time frame they decided you have needed to. Someone who lost nothing, someone who lost 1g and someone who lost a legendary precursor all get the same compensation provided they logged in between x and y time (Granted the precursor will probably be returned after a wait of about a week or two for support to get to your ticket).

> So we're dealing with basically 4 groups -


> Lost nothing but logged in = gets mount

> Lost nothing of real value (nothing worth putting in a ticket about) = gets mount

> Lost a lot, probably will get it back from support but will have to wait = gets mount

> Didn't log in because knew about issues and thought it was the best thing to do to just wait and ticket after if anything was missing = gets only the bonfire


> I feel this sets a dangerous precedent for if anything like this happens again in the future. (I.e. People will log in just to make sure they are seen as "entitled" by the computer, which will result in even more players getting free things even though they actually weren't that affected.)




you have left one combination:

logged get some dupped gold or items(intentional or not) =gets mount

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Let's face it - Anet does not owe anything to us. As every player in any MMO has to sign an agreement, that such things can happen. So we should be happy with what we got.

Telling you, I'm not It's not about the ugly mounts nor the bonfire that's meh since 2014. It's about people who lost achievements which they waited a year to finish (SAB) or the punch against those players without PoF.

Far worse, imo, is - that Anet failed to take advantage of the momentum of a rising community. Alot of players came over from other games/MMOs cause of bad cutsomer treatment, bad decisions and so on - now they're going the same way.


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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> > @"Crimson Exarch.7231" said:


> > Im saying, I stayed offline and "lost progress" just as much as they did.


> No you did not lost anything. Tell me what was there before on your account which is not there now due to the server issue ?



You started with nothing and went back to nothing? so what did you lose? Exactly: nothing.

you wasted a bit of time in game by being logged in? So did others too by staying away.

You stood for 1 second in LA and now you feel entitled to be rewarded? You didn't lose anything. not even time.


I didn't check if I got any compensation. I actually don't give a flying f... about them. If Anet just gave 3 Transmutation Stones to any EU Player this whole discussion would've probably never started in the first place....

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Hi, as many other players in my situation I didn't receive the Free Curious Creature Mount Select License that is supposed to be given to make up for the rollback issues.

I didn't receive it yet because I didn't log in during the time affected by the roll back.

Fact is, like many other players, I didn't do it because I knew the issue was there and so I patiently waited for Anet to fix it.


I've been playing a lot lately and I played right until the reset previous to the rollback and logged back in as soon as the problem was fixed. I lost the last days of SAB because of the rollback along with the glitched chests I was daily farming and couldn't play the game as I'd wanted to because of the issue. I, like everybody else was concerned and frustrated about the possibility of loosing my latest achievements, rare random drops, purchases and overall progress.


So I'm as affected as every other player who did log in in the game during the rollback and would like to be treated as everyone else.

Honestly I find myself very angry and mistreated knowing the policy of this compensation and I hope Anet give the issue the much needed attention.


I know this is not a super important matter or a really serious problem like the ones real life is full of (and as many I have some in my life at the moment). But maybe is because of this that I'd like to not feel this angry, frustrated and mistreated when it comes to the game I play for relief and satisfaction.

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I've been playing a lot lately and I played right until the reset previous to the rollback and logged back in as soon as the problem was fixed. I lost the last days of SAB because of the rollback along with the glitched chests I was daily farming and couldn't play the game as I'd wanted to because of the issue. I, like everybody else was concerned and frustrated about the possibility of loosing my latest achievements, rare random drops, purchases and overall progress.


So I'm as affected as every other player who did log in in the game during the rollback and would like to be treated as everyone else.

Honestly I find myself very angry and mistreated knowing the policy of this compensation and I hope Anet give the issue the much needed attention.


I know this is not a super important matter or a really serious problem like the ones real life is full of (and as many I have some in my life at the moment). But maybe is because of this that I'd like to not feel this angry, frustrated and mistreated when it comes to the game I play for relief and satisfaction.

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> @"DemOniac.1926" said:

> I was online when the feedback happened (before and after the rollback), and I receive nothing either.

> They should just give everyone a compensation for the shut down itself and not the rollback.


I was too, I couldn't do my guild's raid because server were on mainteance so we did it the next day but we could'nt finish even the first wing because of the login issues

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So yep, all of the people who didn't want to potentially lose more progress and waste time, those people who thought about the devs working hard and didn't want to risk adding workload to them, all those people who couldn't do their raids/guild missions/dailies/SAB on monday because the servers were down after they finished working when they would've been able to log in. All those people who lost a full day of gaming won't get anything. It's quite messed up if you ask me.

I know gaming companies who give paid currency (like the gems) when their servers are down for 10 minutes, or even when there is a simple problem, and then there is Anet, who gives nothing to people who couldn't play for nearly a full day....

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> @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > @"slayerking.3581" said:

> > > @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > > I get that people are salty that only the people who logged in between the Rollback and the fix gets the Mount Licence. But lets think about it.

> > >

> > > While it was logical for some people to not login during that time (due to risk of losing more progress, I for one didn't touch the game at all, considering this), it was never explicitly stated anywhere by ArenaNet that you shouldn't. And those that DID login on Monday are the only ones who actually lost any major progress, so makes sense that they would get something extra as compensation.

> >

> > I was on when they went down and have got nothing. I was on every day before that too, I lost the previous 8 hours of ap grinding I was doing before they went down too.


> If you got NOTHING, that simply means that either you are not on EU or they simply haven't sent out your batch yet. Things like these are always sent out in batches.


Really? I'm on EU I was on when it went to crap. I also logged in after to check if it had fixed itself. It seems those of us actually affected are getting nothing while those that only tried to log in get given stuff. No one else I talk to in game that was on when the server bit the dust has got anything either, But those that weren't have.

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The important thing we all agree is that everyone affected by the rollback receive back their stuff so they didn't loose anything and everyone affected by the log outs yesterday also received compensation. Anything besides this would be unfair for the people really affected. They are doing an amazing job and should be encouraged!

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They did do a great job restoring lost progress and that's fair to say.

there was no compensation for yesterday's log outs, I did suffer from them myself and there was no compensation for it.


But although they did a great job restoring the progress their "welcome back gift" did generate a lot of frustration and anger in some of their user base because of the inability of the compensation's policy to address all the people actually affected by the problem and that is an issue they should address. frustrations and anger is not the thing you want from your playerbase when managing a game-as-a-service, and they know that the whole point of the compensation is to mitigate the ill feelings of the people affected.

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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > And i don't know what "other MMO's" you're talking about, but anything released after 2009 shouldn't have any down times for updates or maintenance.


> There are plenty. BDO, SWTOR, FFXIV those are the ones I've played but I'm sure there is more. On top of that in most of them you have to pay monthly subscription to play and you get no compensation for any downtime due to updates, maintenance or server bugs.



BDO does give out recompense to EVERYONE, especially when they have unexpected issues. I got rewards from last time this happened in BDO even though i wasn't even playing, i just logged in to collect the goodies and logged out, that was my play time in BDO for 3 months during that period.

Can't speak about the other ones though.

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> @"slayerking.3581" said:

> > @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > > @"slayerking.3581" said:

> > > > @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > > > I get that people are salty that only the people who logged in between the Rollback and the fix gets the Mount Licence. But lets think about it.

> > > >

> > > > While it was logical for some people to not login during that time (due to risk of losing more progress, I for one didn't touch the game at all, considering this), it was never explicitly stated anywhere by ArenaNet that you shouldn't. And those that DID login on Monday are the only ones who actually lost any major progress, so makes sense that they would get something extra as compensation.

> > >

> > > I was on when they went down and have got nothing. I was on every day before that too, I lost the previous 8 hours of ap grinding I was doing before they went down too.

> >

> > If you got NOTHING, that simply means that either you are not on EU or they simply haven't sent out your batch yet. Things like these are always sent out in batches.


> Really? I'm on EU I was on when it went to kitten. I also logged in after to check if it had fixed itself. It seems those of us actually affected are getting nothing while those that only tried to log in get given stuff. No one else I talk to in game that was on when the server bit the dust has got anything either, But those that weren't have.


It is sent out in batches, just like every other time they send things out like this.

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The important thing is that people who lost stuff in the rollback got everything back and people who suffered the log outs also received compensation. Any more than that is just unfair for people who really had some setbacks. Anet is doing and amazing and swift job dealing with problems and compensations. There is always a small number of players that will feel its unfair because they want rewards (even though they didn't loose anything) but we should really congratulate them and hope the game goes even better with the living story and expansion!

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> @"Xca.9721" said:

> I really should have logged in to check if my Vision that I crafted on Saturday was gone rather than doing it on GW2efficiency :/


If this doesn't highlight what isn't "quite right" about the method of compensation, I don't know what will.


The fact we got compensation is great. They didn't have to, but they did and I welcome that. It's positive! Very much so.

The fact it's linked to a somewhat arbitrary timestamp is less than great, especially if it unfortunately encourages people to actively force themselves into the game while it's being worked on in the future. Because "what if next time I miss out on a mount?!". That's not a healthy message to send a playerbase, I feel, so I hope they'll reconsider and carefully address things in the days to come.

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> @"Akari Kage.1403" said:

> The important thing is that people who lost stuff in the rollback got everything back and people who suffered the log outs also received compensation. Any more than that is just unfair for people who really had some setbacks. Anet is doing and amazing and swift job dealing with problems and compensations. There is always a small number of players that will feel its unfair because they want rewards (even though they didn't loose anything) but we should really congratulate them and hope the game goes even better with the living story and expansion!


I've lost precursor the legend. Dropped it couple around 3pm. The restore the data to 2:40pm so I didn't receive it back.

Issue has been reported to support and only replies I'm receiving is copy/paste.

4 times already. And they didn't even reply are they going to give it back to me or no

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> @"semtano.8035" said:

> > @"Akari Kage.1403" said:

> > The important thing is that people who lost stuff in the rollback got everything back and people who suffered the log outs also received compensation. Any more than that is just unfair for people who really had some setbacks. Anet is doing and amazing and swift job dealing with problems and compensations. There is always a small number of players that will feel its unfair because they want rewards (even though they didn't loose anything) but we should really congratulate them and hope the game goes even better with the living story and expansion!


> I've lost precursor the legend. Dropped it couple around 3pm. The restore the data to 2:40pm so I didn't receive it back.

> Issue has been reported to support and only replies I'm receiving is copy/paste.

> 4 times already. And they didn't even reply are they going to give it back to me or no


You ALWAYS get the automated response first. Stop spamming support. Wait until you get an actual response instead.

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> @"semtano.8035" said:

> > @"Akari Kage.1403" said:

> > The important thing is that people who lost stuff in the rollback got everything back and people who suffered the log outs also received compensation. Any more than that is just unfair for people who really had some setbacks. Anet is doing and amazing and swift job dealing with problems and compensations. There is always a small number of players that will feel its unfair because they want rewards (even though they didn't loose anything) but we should really congratulate them and hope the game goes even better with the living story and expansion!


> I've lost precursor the legend. Dropped it couple around 3pm. The restore the data to 2:40pm so I didn't receive it back.

> Issue has been reported to support and only replies I'm receiving is copy/paste.

> 4 times already. And they didn't even reply are they going to give it back to me or no


But they will eventually. Have some patient and they will solve your problem. Its a fantastic team that made a fantastic game. They just need a little time to address everyone (although only a handful now probably remain)!

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Automatic response 4 time within 2 days. Nice support. I had some issue in the past and they were always really helpful. But now they posted on a forum that I should contact support team for help and support not even willing to help. They just copy/paste forum news to me every time. And I just want my weapon what I've drop, and lost it because if server issue

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