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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > I don't mind talking to wrong people. Dear Yoni, even if you didn't log in you were rollbacked anyway. The decision such as mine ( to log in even though I knew there is a problem ) was based a some experience with databases and software in general (since I work in IT). I knew it probably won't make matters worse if I just log in and log out. But I couldn't be sure. Many things could had been happening, it could had been some hacker attack, or virus in the system, or some hardware issue. So I totally understand the people who were standing before the same decision as me but decided NOT to log in at all (not even to check their stuff is gone). So please yoni, stop being a.... you know what


> Now the insults come again. This is your way to behave with other people? That’s low.




Can you please point out, where you feeling hurt by his response to you?

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.

> >

> > Also:

> >

> > 1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.

> > 2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.

> > 3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm

> > 5. You will live. It's just a skin.

> >

> > This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.


> This.


> The people that say they were acting "responsibly" show a fundamental misunderstanding of how servers work. And because they don't understand how servers work, all they were trying to do was to protect their accounts by not logging in, not reduce Anet's workload.


> In case you are wondering, no, neither of those things are true, rollbacks don't affect accounts on an individual basis, whether you logged in or not made no difference to whether your account would be rolled back and you weren't helping anybody by not logging in. And no, anet never told anyone not to log in.


Wrong, by not playing, you avoid the potential submission of a ticket to get your lost stuff back. If everyone would have logged in, and done stuff as usual, Anet would have had a lot more tickets to manage, to recover important items.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Lysica.1027" said:

> > Did they refuse or you have no answer yet?


> The former, or I wouldn't be complaining.


You're lucky, they told me that my legal representative should contact theirs.

Because this is how disputes are solved: let's bring lawyers in for some missing items and gold :)

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> @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> i didn't say what because I gave you a bit of space for self-reflection, I would never call you names, i don't do that. So if you think I insulted you, it is probably you self-reflected that you deserve it

Sure, whatever. If this is how you explain yourself your behavior.



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> @"Suowik.4507" said:

> Well, I feel pretty bad right now, because I got the skin, but forced my fiancee not to login, so her account won't be messed up, and now she doesn't have same "gift" :disappointed: I need to hide it from her, or she will be VERY disappointed! :anguished:


Just buy and send her this skin as a gift and she will forget about your bad advice and will consider you as a hero, who fights injustice. Profit :)

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> The Bonfire is the compensation for the downtime. Everyone who was affected by it got it.


If it was indeed for the downtime, why is it explicitly stated that you get it for having logged in anywhere in the last 30 days?


While we are at the topic; It is now well over day later and a friend of mine who has been doing every SAB daily since the 14th, minus may 11th, has neither received a bonfire or a mount skin. So either that "compensation" is taking ages, or its not working properly.

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> @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.

> > >

> > > Also:

> > >

> > > 1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.

> > > 2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.

> > > 3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm

> > > 5. You will live. It's just a skin.

> > >

> > > This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > The people that say they were acting "responsibly" show a fundamental misunderstanding of how servers work. And because they don't understand how servers work, all they were trying to do was to protect their accounts by not logging in, not reduce Anet's workload.

> >

> > In case you are wondering, no, neither of those things are true, rollbacks don't affect accounts on an individual basis, whether you logged in or not made no difference to whether your account would be rolled back and you weren't helping anybody by not logging in. And no, anet never told anyone not to log in.


> Wrong, by not playing, you avoid the potential submission of a ticket to get your lost stuff back. If everyone would have logged in, and done stuff as usual, Anet would have had a lot more tickets to manage, to recover important items.


Funny how that person is assuming how people felt..that they didn't want to help mitigate the impact for ArenaNet. That is so ignorant. Of course there were people who didn't care, but what I saw (and I was one of them) there was many people calming down the situation and trying to vacate the server so nothing even worse can happen. Yes, I work in IT too, and I know what a rollback is, but how can you for sure know what was the root cause of the issue? You simply can't, therefore don't push your ideas when they are flawed in their core

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I like the idea, but I'm not sure it would be possible to do. As far as the game itself was concerned it fixed the problem almost immediately - the game crashed, then came back online, restored from a safe backup. The problem is that backup was from 3 days earlier but it's only humans (both players and developers) who understood that was a problem. It then took human intervention to both make sure the crash wouldn't happen again and to restore a more recent backup.


If there had been an automatic warning system it would probably have just said something like "EU servers crashed at [time] and have been restarted". No mention of the missing 3 days or the resulting problem of a 'duplicate' where people who logged on after that (who might not even have known the crash happened) were going to lose anything they did that day when the missing time was restored. That last part wouldn't have been known until staff at Anet took a look at what happened and decided what they needed to do to fix it.


It probably is possible to create a program to identify this specific problem if it happens again and warn players about it. But not for all the other things which might go wrong, because if Anet knew it might happen and what would be required to fix it they could just spend that time preventing it from happening in the first place instead of building a warning to tell us it went wrong.


It's like saying why can't a computer warn you when you send an email to the wrong person, or when you're on a fake website and about to give your card details to a scammer - it can't because the computer can't tell anything is wrong, as far as it's concerned all the processes are running as they're supposed to and it's not able to interpret the end result in the same way a human can. Maybe one day, but I think we're still a long way off that yet.

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> @"MonkyTales.2098" said:

> I would lose 2 Gold everyday for a compensation of €15,-!!!


I would rather see the Gold ANet is withholding from me and other players returned to us than I do care about a couple of hours of game time lost and a free mount skin for compensation...

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> relax, it is small sum, I also lost 30-50g. Don't feel any panic.


113 Gold is not a small sum, neither are the **2,250** someone I know lost when their legendary sold on Monday during the shutdown.


This needs to be set right. A mount license is _no_ compensation for Gold that ended up in limbo, especially when those players couldn't care less for those skins.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> 113 Gold is not a small sum

if you hard play gw2 it is also small. If not hard play - don't worry too, because you not hard play.


>neither are the **2,250** someone I know lost when their legendary sold on Monday during the shutdown.

2250 is normal sum. Yes, some sad, but don't see any reason to panic. I am absolutely sure that this is not biggest lose in word :))))



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I've not really seen it mentioned anywhere but there is another group - those who got the skin as compensation, but dont actually own POF and don't have mounts unlocked, so its useless.

Shame there wasn't an alternative for non POF owners, like an outfit choosey box or some keys maybe. Maybe giving a mount skin was a descion made on purpose by ANET to get people to buy POF?

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> @"Lascax.2163" said:

> Lesson learned: next time major issues happen, login ASAP hoping to get major compensation.


> I'll try to not be again so conscious to stop myself and friends from logging in to avoid ANet's any issues. I'll clog the servers like the others will.


^ This.

I honestly don't get how devs having a solely digital product are so scared of giving away a digital gift. Who t _ srsly thought it's a good idea to separate the playerbase like this? Why don't just give everyone a small gift, a small treat, a small thank you for being part of our community. It's not that Anet would lose any money of it, ppl not spending money wouldn't do it now because of the new license. Ppl who occasionally spend money on gw2 would still do.

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Is it just me or is all this kind of obvious? I've been playing daily for the past months. Maybe I skipped a day now and then, but that was rare. One person in my friend group tells the rest that there's has been a rollback. It's during the day, so most of us are working, we keep track of any piece of comment on Anet side.


Anyway, several of us with on IT and have some notions on DB and architecture, so we assume that either everything we do until they fix it would be lost or it would make it more problematic or time consuming for them to check; so we tell everybody to stay logged out.


At that moment of time, we are already impacted. We have not been playing GW2 because there has been a rollback.


We are also aware of people trying to exploit the situation, and set up things trying to dup stuff. But we are nice people, so yeah, we do not touch anything.


I am fine no getting any compensation at all. Two downtimes in I do not know how many years is not a big deal. It's worth praising, tbh.


In the end, I agree with the initial idea of the post: giving a reward to the people logging after the rollback occurred is just a poor decision. Being nice sucks from time to time!


For the spoon!!!

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