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4 of your Turd Teammates AFK

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> Or.. improve matchmaking/promote sPvP as a mode so it's fun to play again?

Are you like... excusing awful behaviors based on the fact that the mode itself isn't great to begin with?


Afkers/bots/win trade is the top reason why Pvp is not fun to me. Far. Far ahead of balancing issues, unfair matchmaking and so on.

Granted, I'm one of these G3/P1 players who enjoy it better when a game is close, when players share strats, lead, and say a proper GG at the end. PVP is meant to be a team game where strategy and cooperation is as important as personal skill. It's impossible when filled with parasites and unwarranted toxicity.


PVP can be fun if players have the right mindset. PVP can be bad if people with a limitless ego are ruining it for everyone.


So yes, make an example of the few infamous players who are quite obviously, shamelessly abusing pvp, and by doing so, their teammates time and fun.

Dishonor, ban, account rollback. Don't care.

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> Anet needs to take a hard stance on this behavior. Start at the top and start banning people like Naru and Nos who blatantly AFK and rage if they lose the first team fight.


> Set an example of what toxic behavior leads to.


Not going to happen. ANet caters to this crowd, this crowd of tryhard "elite" streamer types. If they get the hammer, they'll rage on social media that they've been unfairly persecuted by mean old ANet! This BS happens with all kinds of games these days.

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it can depend from many factors ..

team lose 120-420 should we pressure and try do something? ofc no

280 - 490 can we win ?

5-270 ?

ofc u can run around and make vision, but if this spvp not first time u understand is any reason pressure , or not //

so, what to do, try do and test some skill combo, find someone to duel, be chill, or try do some "top stats" for dayli, is personal choose.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> it can depend from many factors ..

> team lose 120-420 should we pressure and try do something? ofc no

> 280 - 490 can we win ?

> 5-270 ?

> ofc u can run around and make vision, but if this spvp not first time u understand is any reason pressure , or not //

> so, what to do, try do and test some skill combo, find someone to duel, be chill, or try do some "top stats" for dayli, is personal choose.


Good question actually. If your team is losing 300:100 and your teammates show no sign of any improvement (like keep runing of far and die there - there are a lot of guardian-decappers nowdays for some reason), why would you support this any further? Just go afk and let it end the natural way.

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> @"fumcheg.1936" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > it can depend from many factors ..

> > team lose 120-420 should we pressure and try do something? ofc no

> > 280 - 490 can we win ?

> > 5-270 ?

> > ofc u can run around and make vision, but if this spvp not first time u understand is any reason pressure , or not //

> > so, what to do, try do and test some skill combo, find someone to duel, be chill, or try do some "top stats" for dayli, is personal choose.


> Good question actually. If your team is losing 300:100 and your teammates show no sign of any improvement (like keep runing of far and die there - there are a lot of guardian-decappers nowdays for some reason), why would you support this any further? Just go afk and let it end the natural way.


And _this_ is the attitude I'm against. Yeah, game's lost...but you still play through! It's not seen on the surface, but when you go afk you implicitly communicate to everyone else that this is ok to do. Well....it's not! Before you know it, people left and right start to go afk and throw games just because they've seen others do it. (Monkey see, monkey do) It's a lack of _courtesy_. This community has gotten uglier and uglier overtime in their basic immaturity level and behavior over the years.

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I have to admit sometimes i feel the urge to afk then you have 4 team members constantly feeding in middle or when you see kids jumping and emoting on downeds instead finishing them off like this is PvE.


I don't do it because i have seen too many good comebacks but sometimes i think the matchmaking system is matching me with unranked..

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> @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> 1 pip is literally nothing. Pip-wise it's more profitable to afk the match so you can get on the next one faster than to try harder to get tha one extra pip.

How I understand the reason why people fight not on point - is not lost time for lose, but get that pip. You never see that??



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> > 1 pip is literally nothing. Pip-wise it's more profitable to afk the match so you can get on the next one faster than to try harder to get tha one extra pip.

> How I understand the reason why people fight not on point - is not lost time for lose, but get that pip. You never see that??




I'm not trying to pull a grammar nazi move here, but I literally cannot understand what you're saying. You're asking me why people fight off point?

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > @"fumcheg.1936" said:

> > > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > it can depend from many factors ..

> > > team lose 120-420 should we pressure and try do something? ofc no

> > > 280 - 490 can we win ?

> > > 5-270 ?

> > > ofc u can run around and make vision, but if this spvp not first time u understand is any reason pressure , or not //

> > > so, what to do, try do and test some skill combo, find someone to duel, be chill, or try do some "top stats" for dayli, is personal choose.

> >

> > Good question actually. If your team is losing 300:100 and your teammates show no sign of any improvement (like keep runing of far and die there - there are a lot of guardian-decappers nowdays for some reason), why would you support this any further? Just go afk and let it end the natural way.


> And _this_ is the attitude I'm against. Yeah, game's lost...but you still play through! It's not seen on the surface, but when you go afk you implicitly communicate to everyone else that this is ok to do. Well....it's not! Before you know it, people left and right start to go afk and throw games just because they've seen others do it. (Monkey see, monkey do) It's a lack of _courtesy_. This community has gotten uglier and uglier overtime in their basic immaturity level and behavior over the years.


I normally agree with keeping playing, even if you complain while you do it. In years past, we were talking keeping playing in a 450 to 350 situation or maybe 450 to 250 at the worst, where a single clutch triple cap may turn a game around.


But nowadays man... sometimes it's just crystal clear that you aren't going to win the match. Situations like 450 to 100 or less, where you are experiencing either bots, poor match making, or some kind of match manipulation. I mean, can you really blame people for AFKing during that stuff to go make sandwich or something?

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> @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> I'm not trying to pull a grammar kitten move here, but I literally cannot understand what you're saying. You're asking me why people fight off point?

no, not ask.

I say that I understand why people fight not on point. Do do top stat, but not increase "time left to lose."



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