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I think allowing mounts in the Lab was a mistake


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Mounts in the lab are fine imo. Tbh i dont have much sympathy with people who want access for everything in this game, but yet arent even willing to give Anet the few bucks the expansion costs.


Besides, they are just awesome. Carving the 1k pumpkins for the achievement is so much quicker. Also with the griffon, you can reach the doors just extremely quick from the waypoint for the 250 doors achie. I like it.

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Most lab instances are suffering for players when there's no daily attached to doors. A few of the instances I entreed early on in the event were already littered by turret engis, minion necros and rangers afking their way to the minion kill achievement. The race has no reward for coming in 1st 2nd or 3rd, just so long as you finish, which is quite doable on foot, since I've been dismounted more than once, I know this to be a fact, half the doors can be soloed and those that can't usually go on long enough for anyone to get there with or without a mount and still get a hit in.



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> @Jojo.6140 said:

> Mounts in the lab are fine imo. Tbh i dont have much sympathy with people who want access for everything in this game, but yet arent even willing to give Anet the few bucks the expansion costs.


In case you didn't read, the thread was started by me, who has both expansions and all mounts and still think they are a mistake because this is a core event that is available to all levels, including the new player who is trying to level his level 6 ranger. If this was a level 80 only event, I'd have zero problem with it. I'm not denying it's fun and that the catch up aspect of mounts is pretty amazing. I just don't think that because we can do something, we should do something (in this case, Anet allowing mounts).



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> @Shaaba.5672 said:

> In case you didn't read, the thread was started by me, who has both expansions and all mounts and still think they are a mistake because this is a core event that is available to all levels, including the new player who is trying to level his level 6 ranger.


But leveling your first char in the game via a monotonous zerg-farm event instead of playing the maps and story might not be the best choice to begin with. The mobs in the lab are also lvl 80. I know you get scaled up, but afaik its the same with fractals. And just because a low lvl gets scaled to 80 in fractals doesnt mean its a good idea for a low lvl to do fractals.

Also, if a new player who bought pof desires it so much, he could still use the 80 booster and quickly unlock his raptor in the first story step.


I mean, otherwise it means that anet could never at any point expand the core content, even if new things from expacs would be fun to see there, like updrafts or griffon races on core maps. The lab is also still well playable without mounts, and there are even no-mount squads as pointed out by others.

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My viewpoint is that festivals are different from basic open world content. It's a celebration and is accessible to everyone at every level, no matter what expansions you bought or even if it's F2P. Just because you can allow something, doesn't mean you should.


Your argument seems to be 'get on my level'. There are reasons why people can't or won't and those reasons are valid. Mounts/gliding/stats/etc are the privilege and edge we have over people that don't have them. And it is a rather large advantage. We have these advantages in every other aspect of the game and I don't believe we need it here. I'm wondering what having mounts in the maze adds to the game that outweighs the disadvantage others have. This event is seemingly cooperative, but in reality people are competing against each other for drops. I don't think it's an appropriate place to offer some players those slight advantages. Obviously mounts aren't OP in the maze, just annoying when used against you.


Yes, they are fun, yes, they are amazing for catching and keeping up. It wasn't really a big problem to begin with, but now it's just super convenient. The race is a fun little mini game, but I'd give it up if mounts weren't allowed in the maze to begin with. The problem is that now that it's been introduced, it obviously won't be taken away as that would anger even more people than if they just never allowed it to begin with. I'm just hoping that it won't be added to other festival type events where it's not needed just because they can.



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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Spook.5847 said:

> > I agree that mounts in the Lab was a terrible idea. It was already bad enough with the kids and their legendaries one-shotting all the mobs, but it is sheer hell now. Very poorly thought out. Oh - and it DOES NOT make me want a mount; it makes me not want to bother logging in.


> Legendaries are the exact same basic stats as Ascended, you can just change the stats to a different prefix on the fly.

> They aren't the strongest in the game, they just allow versatility without having to restat ascended in the mystic forge every time.

> Which means second in strength is exotic which can be bought on the market and so you are literally complaining falsely about gear.


Exactly, and they are not needed in the lab. The name of the game is to tag as much as you can as fast as you can. As long as the mob is eventually killed by someone in the squad everyone gets their share of the loot. I am not sure how the loot tables work but you could probably play with blue and green weapons.


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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @Spook.5847 said:

> > > I agree that mounts in the Lab was a terrible idea. It was already bad enough with the kids and their legendaries one-shotting all the mobs, but it is sheer hell now. Very poorly thought out. Oh - and it DOES NOT make me want a mount; it makes me not want to bother logging in.

> >

> > Legendaries are the exact same basic stats as Ascended, you can just change the stats to a different prefix on the fly.

> > They aren't the strongest in the game, they just allow versatility without having to restat ascended in the mystic forge every time.

> > Which means second in strength is exotic which can be bought on the market and so you are literally complaining falsely about gear.


> Exactly, and they are not needed in the lab. The name of the game is to tag as much as you can as fast as you can. As long as the mob is eventually killed by someone in the squad everyone gets their share of the loot. I am not sure how the loot tables work but you could probably play with blue and green weapons.



Not needed, maybe.

But in all content they are not NEEDED. Exotic is fine enough for all content.

Ascended and Legendary is like the V Energy Drink thing where it goes "A massive hit that improves you a bit".

They are the best because they put you at the highest potential you could possibly be, but it isn't that insanely different.

Overall you get skins from them and they are something you earned so they have the right to use them.


I mean, who is going to downgrade their gear just to make some people happy in a labyrinth because they aren't keeping up with the bulk of the group on foot.

The only problem is when people aren't one tapping things.

And the amount of people who are full damage or heavy condi specs in general will annihilate, especially if they keep hitting something rather than one tapping.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> I mean, who is going to downgrade their gear just to make some people happy in a labyrinth because they aren't keeping up with the bulk of the group on foot.

> The only problem is when people aren't one tapping things.

> And the amount of people who are full damage or heavy condi specs in general will annihilate, especially if they keep hitting something rather than one tapping.


I've been in several instances where we were asked to remove our trinkets to lower our damage and I've been happy to comply. That's an easy way to downgrade your gear in order to make the experience better for everyone. I'm sure not everyone does so when asked, but I've never seen backlash or ridicule for the request.


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On the other hand, I have the expansion, put a good deal of time into acquiring and leveling my mounts, and want to be able to use them as much as possible.


I don't think it would be fair to punish me by taking away character perks because another player decided to not buy the expansion.

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