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Storytelling in Guild Wars 2’s open world

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> @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > The thing we can do is trust and accept. The DEV's most likely have much more experience in game design, storytelling and narrative elements than we do. They have requirements in their job duties as well as the stipulations within an MMO's framework. They must delicately construct a narrative that is diverse and logical but one that can be compelling enough to subvert maybe some expectations. They are also probably "biased" towards stories/styles/plots that have mass appeal to audiences which is the best option in business. Too niche of a story and it won't resonate as well and too cliche won't resonate enough. It's a tricky business!

> >

> >


> What people want is a better buildup to these stories. When you kill zhaitan you see the whole world being corrupted and you slowly defeat his armies and his servants step by step. Now its just, this new guy bad-> 5 min later dead -> repeat. I dont know. Have some NPC dialogues that are interesting and make you engaged in the story without them being shoved into your face but that you can discover on your own. Like have some stolen jewelry found in Cannachs house that some NPC in X map was missing. Add hidden easter eggs and stuff. Sadly anet never listens to their comunity except when it comes to the gemstore, which is the most difficult content in the game atm.


I sense a bit of mismanagement and disorganization. After the layoffs I'm sure they were in a bit of a tailspin trying to figure out their new normal. I always had my reservations about them having different content teams and how inconsistent the quality sometimes is. Whoever did the content for Grothamar IMO should do ALL map and LW content. There was the perfect amount of story, replayability etc etc. We even got this magazine release just before it and those 3 stories before dragonfall.


if its an MMO treart it like an MMO and constantly give us more. Where IS Canach and why did Laranthir go on a hiatus. Is the pale Tree officially recovered by now (after Knight of Thorns side story). That brings me to Side Stories- we NEED more of those instead of just quick AP. I rarely see people do those Kralk portal events anymore. It was fun for a time...but like....give us ANOTHER one or a different one, something.


This also might just be that weird interim between trying to shell out some content while they work on the expansion. I have NO doubt that the expansion will make or break this game. We BETTER be getting new elites is all I'm saying ;).

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