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Yourself in Tyria, or your GW2 char irl?

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My oldest character is an Asura Necromancer from the Dynamics. I would make millions having the IQ of a genius, knowledgeable about life force manipulation, death magic, and advanced AI. I would be able to build hybrid golem matrix/computer and accelerate the replacement of factory workers by automatons, improve self driving cars, create new sources of energy not relying on wind, sun, nuclear, oil, or coal. I would make international traveling hubs with portals and national waypoint networks. With levitation engines, it would open space travel further. Imagine having a Earth-Mars portal !

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The thought of being an 8-ft tall cat with a pair of flaming swords at the ready pushing my way through the line at a Walmart is appealing, but then so is the idea of riding a raptor, a giant bunny and a dog made of flowing sand...to say nothing of flying a giant bird and/or dragonspawn.

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