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When will warrior finally see a buff?

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> @"skillze.7689" said:

> Funny to see all the warriors crying about no damage when the class was straight up busted to start with anyway, lost all damage on cc like thief did back when P.I was actually useable. How about you adapt to the class like all the thieves and mesmer's of this game had to!!!!!


unable to do so, I've gotten like 3 plat 2 in a roll since i came back to the game, playing thief. and also play war and rev

why thief can always be meta no matter how many nerfs and all you crying in the forum, is teleport and mobility.

right now you can say warrior does noodle damage and doesnt sustain much,


but with a single teleport added to a warrior, warrior will be sustaining 2x, because you don't need to walk into all the damage, just you blink and do damage directly to your target and start kitting right away. and you will be able to consistently landing your damage thanks to blink so noodle damage suddenly becomes decent damage.

same goes for power rev, power rev is solely depending on teleport burst to sustain and landing damage, their own sustain isnt greater then warrior nor damage is that much higher, but it can consistently land burst damage while being able to kit right away.


with high mobility, you can completely ignore a losing fight because your class is inferior and instantly get to another, and teleport burst to plus.

unable to do so on the warrior, the enemy will just follow the warrior, and unable to burst because there's this adrenaline system also huge telegraphed skill with no teleport to help land, easily avoidable.


that's why some classes can still be played or even be meta after unjust nerfs while others become completely irrelevant.

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Warriors were the kings of 3 in 1 skills before the patch (looking at you old bullcharge + F1 combo under quickness) with near every skills who did hudge damage + his base purpose. So logically it's the most impacted when they want to reduce the number of purpose on skills.


On a side note, I met a healing warrior SB recently in plat 2 just before season end.

Dunno how did he build this but he spread large amount of heal to his team and has good sustain and CC assist.

Mean the old "3 clics, you die" warrior is dead but it's probable some new things will appear like with offensive signet mes.

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