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Game keeps Freezing and Black Screening on Character Select

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I have been having an issues with Guild Wars 2 over the past week since I have returned.


I will randomly freeze in a mission and the game will lock up I still hear audio but everything else locks up, I then have to open a new desktop to open task manager to end the task.

Once I reload the game I am greeted to a black character select screen that then also crashes every time.


Restating my compute do resolve this until it crashes again. I have ran the Repair Shortcut Method, Uninstall and Reinstall


My specs are a 9900K, 2080ti (Driver version 445.87), 16GB DDR4 3000mhz, Running from an SSD and Windows 10 64bit




I am just don't know what to do since this is like the 5th time in 2 days :(


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Yeah mine were too. I open it up pull the card out clean the card fan looking thing all the inside fans. Use q-tips for the outer fan and it stopped the freezing. When I over heated i replace the thermal glue so that was diff. I am not a computer guy at all just telling you what worked for me after weeks of desperation. Had the same freeze sometime audio w black screen or just a steady annoying audio stuttering sound and any time i freeze 2 times I just reclean it all again to fix. Maybe some tech savy guy help you soon. gl

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> I will randomly freeze in a mission and the game will lock up I still hear audio but everything else locks up

That's a stability issue in your system like too much overclock on your GPU or CPU.


A faulty RAM module or Power supply or VRM issue would likely cause a bluescreen or a complete reboot.


The Windows Event Viewer should help you localizing your problem.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > I will randomly freeze in a mission and the game will lock up I still hear audio but everything else locks up

> That's a stability issue in your system like too much overclock on your GPU or CPU.


> A faulty RAM module or Power supply or VRM issue would likely cause a bluescreen or a complete reboot.


> The Windows Event Viewer should help you localizing your problem.




My GPU is factory overclocked since I bought the Asus 2080ti OC, My CPU is undervolted.


I have checked event viewer and not seen any Driver Crash logs or CPU power error.


I am currently testing if it was NVIDIA Control Panel since I set an FPS cap of 143 and set it to Max Performance set, Since I also had Vsync enable in game so there may have been a conflict.

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