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What are the down side of rally and res mechanics in PvP

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usually it involves taking a long cooldown utility slot or ult slot that's also interuptable. I think resurrects are underrated because people don't expect them, but really good players interrupting res sig into cleave > not being able to use rampage now = disadvantage.

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The usual thing people mention is that they tend to favour the side that has more/tankier people. If one of 3 guys gets downed, then he is going to get resd back up twice as fast as if it was one of two. And of course that downstates arent at all even. But honestly? Yeah I kinda prefer it this way, Downstate is cool, and finishers are satisfying.

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> @"duster.7013" said:

> usually it involves taking a long cooldown utility slot or ult slot that's also interuptable. I think resurrects are underrated because people don't expect them, but really good players interrupting res sig into cleave > not being able to use rampage now = disadvantage.


Tbh I think a big chunk of the issue with rez skills is how visually irrelevant they are compared to their gameplay impact. The ele rez skill, probably one of the if not the best rez skill out there, has absolutely zero visual effects, and no way of knowing if it's coming aside from looking at the ele performing the subtle and generic ritual animation.

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