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Bug preventing Progress in new story past Snapping Steel.

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I was running the new story with my Girlfriend and we got to Snapping Steel, we went through the whole instance but she was unable to receive credit. Now she sees the step to go into the hidden base, but has no instance start Star or ability. We tried to piggy back off a nice passer-by to see if we could get progress to count with them but that also did not work. She says she does not see the normal "claim credit" screen you normally get when you complete these as a group.


Others in Map chat were talking about this being an issue that was preventing progress with them too.


This is preventing story progression as you cannot reset the story for yourself until you have completed it, but cannot complete it because of the bug.


I do not know if there is a way to replicate, i would try to have someone complete it in a party and see if the non-Host gets credit.

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Same i cannot progress.... we went through the whole instance as well with my boyfriend and now nothing works, i cannot complete it. I tried restarting the story, changing maps, relogging, everything. I'm truly stuck. I wonder if i have to play story on another character or wait until it fixes.

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Same issue with a guildmate. I was doing the story and got the pop up but he never got one. We relogged and repartied to see if that would reset it so we could redo but he does not see the star to start that part of the story. It just tell him to go to the entrance to enter the base but no star to do it on.

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Same issue, ran with party. Everyone else got to continue I'm stuck at this point with no entrance to the cave. Restarted a couple of times, even stopped story and went to another with no luck when I returned. Patch this evening did not fix the issue.. Going to try piggy backing off a friend who will try the story for the first time tonight.

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My husband is having the same issue, we did the story step in a party, I progressed and he did not. He has no option to enter the instance again (no instance entrance, same as the posted screenshot above) and is now stuck on this step and frustrated. Any ETA on a fix??

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> @"Ellie.2840" said:

> My husband is having the same issue, we did the story step in a party, I progressed and he did not. He has no option to enter the instance again (no instance entrance, same as the posted screenshot above) and is now stuck on this step and frustrated. Any ETA on a fix??


The same case we have with my wife. My wife done, but I'm stuck T___T

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I also have the same issue, I was in a party with my girlfriend and she got the star to progress but I'm stuck on the same step as the screenshot that Dlaxer.1428 attached, no star to start the instance, tried swapping maps, relogging, closing and restarting, restarting the story step, nothing worked.

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Also bugged for me. Finished up the Shoulder to Shoulder step (it says "Completed!" under the green story status area) but there is no next step - no marker, no instructions, and going to the basin doesn't trigger anything either.


Honestly seems like they rushed this ep out when they should have just started an in-game event like the Champ Blitz or extended SAB or something. So many bugs and incomplete content, it's a really unpolished/bad look.

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> @"will.7182" said:

> Same issue, ran with party. Everyone else got to continue I'm stuck at this point with no entrance to the cave. Restarted a couple of times, even stopped story and went to another with no luck when I returned. Patch this evening did not fix the issue.. Going to try piggy backing off a friend who will try the story for the first time tonight.


RESOLVED: Not sure if it was a recent patch or restarting the prologue, but was able to push through after doing another episode and resuming the new story.

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Not resolved for me...I am still stuck and have gotten no response from my ticket I sent 6 days ago. I've even tried quitting the episode and replaying a past one but when I come back to it it only gives me the option to continue the episode from where I left off...with no way to continue. I really hope they plan on fixing this, I'm not interested in playing this on another character, I'd prefer to finish on my main.

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I was able to reset it by swapping to Whisper in the Dark then swapping back to No Quarter and I was able to complete it, it did reset my progress on Shoulder to Shoulder though and I had to redo that but once I did the episode progressed normally and I was able to finish it.

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