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New Tengu idle animation..... and clues?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I wouldn't read to much into this. Skritt has an idle animation.

> >

> > [skritt idle animation](https://gfycat.com/cornyweirdfirefly)

> >

> > I would love to play a Skritt! I could see myself creating a Tengu and Koda too.


> Everything has an idle animation. OP thinks there were _new_ idle animations.


> But they could be from HoT when they updated a bunch of tengu animations for the Quetzal foes.


I have never seen the Quatzel move like that before. At least not the veteran. I havet seen the champ long enough to see if he has different moves untill he has set after me.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> We will finally enter the Tengu cities within their walls. I think!


I'd like that too.


Anyway, the tengu guy in EotN is very very chicken-ish. Yesterday, I spent about five minutes just standing there watching him because it was so amusing.

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