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[Feedback Thread] Halloween Mount Skins and future development


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First things first, these are the first mount skins we got and I'm sure there'll be more. Some people say that these are mere reskins of the original mounts. Although I can't argue with the fact that they do have a point, I still think these skins are quite fitting for halloween. I don't see everyone on the street, walking with perfectly detailed and original costumes on the streets during halloween. Sometimes a cheesy skeleton can be quite fun. And these skins feels somewhat authentic. Also the first glider skins we got weren't super creative either, but we eventually got some really original designs (Geomancer Glider, Abaddon's Glider etc.). I think people would complain less if the skeletons didn't have that pink/redish texture around them. Some dye combinations looks awful because of that. I don't think it is intentional and I hope Anet fixes it eventually.


I think the pricing is quite alright, considering you're getting skins for every mount you have. But I believe, not having them on sale individually is a grand mistake. I think, It would've been better if Anet released the bundle for 1600 gems and charged 500 gems for each skin if a player wanted to buy them separately. Of course it might look expensive if a player sees the gemstore price and think of it as 20$/€ right away. I believe they forget that paying actual money on gems is upto the players themselves. And if they are complaining about making 420ish golds is too hard for them, well, it's kinda their own problem really.


I would like to see skins that change the look of the mount completely like most other people (I'm not talking about changing the animal itself, I'm talking about stuff like branded, molten, toxic mounts etc.). But having an option which you can customize, while it is quite close to the original thing, is also good. Those auras look really neat by the way. However, I personally am not a huge fan of the idea of changing the mount itself completely. Riding a wyvern sounds cool, sure. But re-skinning the mounts completely ruins the fun of having new mounts in future for me. Then again, this is my personal opinion and even if they release absolutely different animals as mount skins, I can always be happy with not buying them. You know, instead of going onto the forums to complain about it and attack others' opinions ferociously.


I also saw some people calling one another unoriginal for having same and/or similar dyes on every single channel. Let people have their fun. If you don't like it, don't do it. Personally, I love using similar dyes on my raptor since I like the idea of recently released Black Lion Raptor Hatchling Minis. My raptor dyes are Deep Glacial Sky Dye for the bones, Dapple for the body and the aura, Imperial Red for the eyes in case you want to check it out for yourself.

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I think the skins are a little bit low quality and would have preferred actual bone animals. The 4 slot dye channels make them worth buying though.

I think the price is very reasonable and I would even pay more for slightly higher quality skins.

I do think in the future skins should be separated and not bundled.


I want to see more variety to skins and less, 'reskin of existing mount' so for example, make the rapter a full moa skin or the dog a fern hound, rather than just changing the color scheme.

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> @Cobrakon.3108 said:

> i felt like i bought them just for the extra dye channels. Why didn't they have more dye channels for the default skins?


> Was this a money grab by only9 having 2 dye channels?


> I am all for buying content, but...this felt a little cheap to me.


> I love them though.


Yeah they could have at least given the regular mounts 2 dye chanels.

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I just got these tonight. Gave in to the temptation of moar colorization! Somehow, though, I managed to not notice the thick smoke or mist or miasma or whatever it is, that these skins produce, and that, as far as I can tell, can't be turned off. Ugh. I think it makes the mounts look more stinky than spooky. If I'd noticed it, I'd not be out 20 bucks for something I won't ever use. Alas! It's nobody's fault but mine. Look before you leap, and all that.

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