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Non PoF Players royally kitten in this Halloween?

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Well, Core Player here, but i think that this happens also to free and maybe HoT players too (Since i dont know exactly what mobs do we find inside the LS3 maps).


Anyway, was doing (again) the ancient memoiers and going for the new mad memorial when the achiev "Ancient Grudge" blocked me from completing "Mad Memories". So, theres no place in Tyria besides PoF that you can kill palawa minions? The dev team didnt even consider a event inside the labyrinth where Palawa minions spawn?


Im fine with the "Anomalous Ocorrences", since its more a HoT achiev than anything, that just happens to "ooze" in rest of Tyria (and dont have a seasonal time limit), but Halloween festival achievs blocked by PoF expansion without any means for people invested in the festival to do it? Oh well...


Not expecting anything anymore, going to just be farming the lab and be done with halloween this year then, just some frustation that had to vent off in the hope to not happen even worse in others festivals in future.

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> @rsegames.3916 said:

> Well, Core Player here, but i think that this happens also to free and maybe HoT players too (Since i dont know exactly what mobs do we find inside the LS3 maps).


> Anyway, was doing (again) the ancient memoiers and going for the new mad memorial when the achiev "Ancient Grudge" blocked me from completing "Mad Memories". So, theres no place in Tyria besides PoF that you can kill palawa minions? The dev team didnt even consider a event inside the labyrinth where Palawa minions spawn?


> Im fine with the "Anomalous Ocorrences", since its more a HoT achiev than anything, that just happens to "ooze" in rest of Tyria (and dont have a seasonal time limit), but Halloween festival achievs blocked by PoF expansion without any means for people invested in the festival to do it? Oh well...


> Not expecting anything anymore, going to just be farming the lab and be done with halloween this year then, just some frustation that had to vent off in the hope to not happen even worse in others festivals in future.


> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> There are Awakened on the Mount Maelstrom map.


> @rsegames.3916 said:

> Im in love with you right now, where should i go to find them? If you dont mind to tell <3




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