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"Portable Waystation" mastery for old masteries

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they could balance such things by creating eg Lesser chancel of echoes, since the power would conceivably diminish outside of the original location (eg shrines, HoT maps that favor giga-plants, oakheart druid magic, blabla). these reductions could take the form of shorter duration, longer setup time (like planting and growing a speed mushroom), be destructible, less function, limited uses (e.g. 5 charges) etc.


the cost should probably be just doing the source meta (as an additional reward), just as waystation does require DWC currency


implementation-wise, an additional hot-key (no default key set) that temporarily changes ur skill bar to ur utilities bar, and u can set up to 9 such utilities, and the 10th key to close the utility bar. or a drop bundle option. or, given the pattern so far, it might be the case that they can only change the weapon slots 1-5, so up to 5 utilities


option for other players to visually hide such upgrades

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