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Game Freezing and Auto Hard Restarting Laptop

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I started playing ago about 4 weeks ago. When I had just the core game everything was working flawlessly with no issues. After a week and half I purchased the ultimate edition. Since the upgrade to the account my computer will randomly completely freeze and auto restart. My laptop is not overheating, nothing is wrong with my hardware, and it is only happening with this game.


I have tried running with all the -asset command lines, also repaired and did a clean install of the game. My latest was to reinstall windows and the problem still persist.


I have been in an ongoing ticket for a couple weeks now telling me to do this do that and nothing has worked.


I run on a dedicated 8gb GTX 1070 and i7 Processor with 48gb Ram. Game is installed on a solid state drive apart from the main drive with windows files.


I want to repeat that I did not start having this issue until I upgraded to the ultimate edition.


Anyone else ever experience this before or currently? Thanks!

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May, or may not be related, I started having hard crashes this morning, playing WvW or PvE maps, they occur roughly after 10 minutes of game time, without anything in particular happening that I can definitely point out as a cause. My rig supports the game running in max settings.

My game would freeze with the "grave error occured" window opening, but impossibility to interract with it, and after a few seconds, both the game and the error would window close. I've had 3 so far within the span of an hour.

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I doubt having upgraded account have anything to do with it, the game runs on a single version of client, the difference is inside the game where the instance portal blocks you from accessing certain areas.


Check your Windows's Event Viewer to see what it reports, you can also try using https://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed to try to find out.

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