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Biggest flaws in the Revenant profession, how you would fix them


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I am a n00b revenant, but it seems like most others nailed it here. They need to remove energy costs on weapon abilities. Too often it's either Upkeep + AA; or use weapon abilities. Ideally you'd be able to use both.


I think what could have been cool was that the legendary affects your character's stats, so we could be better at the "jack of all, master of none" archetype. So if I switch to Mallyx, some of my power is converted to condi damage ... this would make more build diversity and cooler options and it would make the first every successful "hybrid class"... Ideally this would be a trait so you didn't HAVE to do that but I think it would have been neat and unique to be able to bounce from power to condi in one single build.

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I don't really have much experience with revenant as a whole, I was here for the HoT beta and experienced every new aspect they brought out as it came out. It did seem very set in stone and none of the legends seemed to have enough options to fulfill a proper role as seen with most professions. Being able to switch between two completely different legends to pseudo-fill a role, and do it half assedly doesn't seem very appropriate.


A lot of people offer great suggestions but mine would be ideally: Leave weapon swap as is, I feel for as long as the legend swapping remains, there always needs to be a secondary weapon set. Some of the weapon skills could use a bit of rework in terms of what the skills do. Remove the energy cost, increase the CD of the weapon skills. Decrease the rate at which energy recovers and make it strictly used for utilites. While adding a few more utilities per legend would be more than ideal and give a bit more variety in playstyle, I do understand the workload of this would be out of their way, but almost imperative to improving this profession. This would give revenant a more warrior-like feel, but still keep its identity intact.


There's a lot more drawn out issues regarding Herald and core specializations needing to be touched on. Herald from the little time that I spent using it feels more well-rounded for all of the game modes. Being the only thing that kept revenant in PvE at all before PoF by offering reliable buffs (which at this point are covered by other professions leaving rev in a redundant spot) at the cost of personal DPS, and in PvP as a great half support, half tank, with even a bit of damage and CC added for flavor. It's one of the only legends that make the profession feel more capable and rewarding, whereas the other legends don't even properly do the role they were designed for, Herald just has it all.


I became interested in revenant since Renegade came out, the main reason being the bow and effective condi damage. I then learned that the "meta build" for a condi renegade build is to stay stationary and only use one weapon set (mace/axe) and that disappointed me a lot, and until bow becomes viable seeing as how interesting it is of all bow skill sets in my opinion, I probably won't invest much time nor money into my revenant. That's how I came to the conclusion that if there wasn't an energy cost, and the abilities were given a higher cooldown it would offer more chance to have more of a rotation and less of a spammy, gimmick build and be able to reliably stay in one legend without being at a complete disadvantage.

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All the stun break skills should have ZERO energy cost, as you can't use them 75% of the time due to their high cost. Also there should be more access to condi cleanse beyond trained legend swaps for one condi every 10 sec and the tablet. Also I strongly support some nasty on death effects for killing kalla summons as a deterrent in pvp and a reliable and useable effect for it's inevitable swift demise in WvW.

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I would argue that with Revenant, Arenanet did not have the time/patience? to develop a core identity for this class and now we are overly dependent on elite specializations to solidify our role both in a combat and in a party.


Personaly I feel that the most radical,but efficient solution for Revenant is for us to either get 2 weapon sets per legend or 2 legends per trait, because as it stands now, Arenanet is developing Elite Specializations which provide drastic performance increase of a class within a certain role and the core features of Revenant are nieche stances which can not stand on their own due to their specialized nature.


In HoT, Herald basicaly kept all variations of Revenant stiched toghether, while in PoF, Renegade just complements Ventari/Support Revenant and Condi Revenant but barely interacts with Power Revenant (Sudden Reversal+Righteous Rebel being the only traits notable for Power Renegade).


A simpler solution would be to replace the hammer with a main hand ranged axe and off hand mace for Legendary Dwarf Stance so we can have more weapon skills to mix and match with the current weapon skills. We need to be able to poke at range/harass enemies that are retreating.


Also we could you use a custom stat to determine how much energy we get per tick,the same way other profesions have their own personal stat.

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